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Transgender opinions


Well-Known Member
I am conflicted on this issue. I've read about Trans folks who regret getting the surgery because of all the complications they've had.

Y also read stories about folks
Who got their change under 18 because their parents decided for them.i think they should be allowed to reach their 18th bday first
So on the one hand I feel negative about this operation.On the other hand


Well-Known Member
There Are dangerous drug dealers and Dr's trying to get folks hooked on drugs
  1. We have mass shootings at schools rape incest list goes on.

I have too many scary things that harming our community to feel angry about then to waste negative energy on transforms.

When they have complications due to surgery they only hurt tthemselve.they arent any harm to the community.


I am conflicted on this issue. I've read about Trans folks who regret getting the surgery because of all the complications they've had.

Y also read stories about folks
Who got their change under 18 because their parents decided for them.i think they should be allowed to reach their 18th bday first
So on the one hand I feel negative about this operation.On the other hand
Realize that the rate of regret for those who have had gender affirming surgery is incredibly low, less than 1%
Regret after Gender-affirmation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prevalence by Valeria P. Bustos, at al published in 2021

The average rate of regret for all elective surgeries is over 14%

The idea that children are having sex change operation is pretty much an urban legend. it really isn't happening. THe 2023 study Temporal Trends in Gender Affirmation Surgery Among Transgender and Non-Binary Minors found that from 2016 to 2022 only 2 minors underwent any sort of gender affirming surgery, both had breast reduction (not fasciectomies) both were 17 and both were emancipated.

There is the rather infamous case of Chole Cole who clams to have had a double mastectomy at the age if 15 because of "pressure" and badgering of medical professionals and therapists. However she refuses to allow any release of her medical records and has refused to answer questions about her age.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The idea that children are having sex change operation is pretty much an urban legend
Tell that to Kim Petras, who had genital SRS when she was 16. Some surgeons are doing FTM chest surgeries on 13 and 14 year olds. We're past the point of being able to act like it's not happening. Just Google it.



Staff member
Premium Member
Tell that to Kim Petras, who had genital SRS when she was 16.
I didn't know about that, but I think that the main example is a German woman from a decade and a half ago still demonstrates that it is an extreme outlier and not the norm. A review in Alberta failed to find a single instance of bottom surgery in Canada performed on a minor, as we follow the WPATH standards. I understand WPATH is the dominant standard in the US where the care is not being restricted by the government.


Well-Known Member
Tell that to Kim Petras, who had genital SRS when she was 16. Some surgeons are doing FTM chest surgeries on 13 and 14 year olds. We're past the point of being able to act like it's not happening. Just Google it.

Well when I went to UU I knew a family who had a 14 year old who had the operation.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I am conflicted on this issue. I've read about Trans folks who regret getting the surgery because of all the complications they've had.

Y also read stories about folks
Who got their change under 18 because their parents decided for them.i think they should be allowed to reach their 18th bday first
So on the one hand I feel negative about this operation.On the other hand
I'm of the opinion that people really do make their own beds and monsters in their lives.

You live by your actions and reap any consequences that become of them.

I personally don't recommend anything that isn't conducive to the preservation of life and limb for a minor, but if such advice is willfully disregarded, then life goes on regardless of the outcomes that may or may not manifest.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
and is that legal there?
The minimum age is 18 but there was a huge media frenzy over it and she ended up being approved at 16 for it. She's basically the German Jazz Jennings, and was just as famous internationally. Now she's a pop star.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's more instances of it that haven't been publicized so widely. We know they're doing a lot of FTM chest surgeries on younger teens.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Well when I went to UU I knew a family who had a 14 year old who had the operation.
One of my nieces had her breasts removed as minor because of her gender issues and while I don't personally approve, I still see her as being part of the family and will treat her as such.

But she will need to live with her decisions. Life lessons for better or worse.


Pro-reality, nature is primary
Men with a sexual fetish of humiliation, who get off on the thought of themselves as women and likely heavily influenced by pornography, created the notion of a "transgender child" so that they could present themselves to society as "transgender" rather than as men with sexual fetishes, what we used to call "transsexuals", "transvestites", and "cross dressers", and so that people would validate their fetish (i.e. pretend they are women). There is no such thing as a trans child. This has all been extensively documented by women fighting the most homophobic, misogynistic movement of our generation, the biggest medical scandal in recent history.

It is not possible to be "born in the wrong body". We ARE our bodies. All human bodies are male or female (and leave the tiny number of people with DSDs out of it). Anyone affirming a child's delusions about "gender" or that they are somehow the "wrong sex" are basically child abusers. You wouldn't affirm an anorexic child's delusions, right? You wouldn't give an anorexic child diet drugs, or take them to get liposuction surgery, right? So don't affirm a young person's delusions about their sex.

When we make irreversible decisions, we tend to rationalize those decisions to our death, because to admit we were wrong is devastating to our psyches. Socially transitioning children sets them on a path to puberty blockers, which drops their IQ, impacts their bone, brain, eyesight and genital development. 99% of children on puberty blockers go on to wrong sex hormones. Some % of those people go on to genital mutilation surgeries, which destroys their bodies forever and ties them to the medical industry for life. To admit that you were wrong about all of this is psychologically devastating. Even more so for parents who, if they admit they were wrong, would have to live with the fact that they supported mutilating their own child because of a fantasy.

The entire concept was created by male sexologists and supported by male psychiatrists, including John Money, Harry Benjamin, John Oliven, Volkmar Sigusch, Paul Walker, Robert Hogge - and continues today by men with horrifically disturbing sexual fetishes, who see women as equal to being humiliated and objectified, and who get off on that, men like Andew "Andrea" Long Chu (who said that "Getting ****ed makes you female because ****ed is what a female is) and Julia Serano (""While I never really believed the cliché about women being good for only one thing, that sentiment kept creeping into my fantasies. It’s called forced feminization... transforming the loss of male privilege into the best **** ever.").

There are several groups set up to help parents navigate when their child comes home from being indoctrinated in school to believe in gender ideology. There are multiple books out there for same. Happy to point you to those. Most parents would do absolutely anything to protect their child from irreversible harm done to their healthy bodies. Be one of those parents.

Some day we will look back on this scandal like we now look back on lobotomies. Unfortunately, in the meantime children are being sterilized and mutilated because of men's sexual fetish. Be strong for young people. They need our help.
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Men with a sexual fetish of humiliation, who get off on the thought of themselves as women

You have two unrelated sets of men both sets would be vanishingly small and would be unlikely to have many in both groups. Neither of which has anything to do with being transgender.

and likely heavily influenced by pornography,
and what of all the transgendered who have never had access to pornography?
created the notion of a "transgender child" so that they could present themselves to society as "transgender" rather than as men with sexual fetishes, what we used to call "transsexuals", "transvestites", and "cross dressers", and so that people would validate their fetish (i.e. pretend they are women). There is no such thing as a trans child.
Yes, yes there is such a thing. Denying he existence of minorities is one of the most bigoted things someone can do. Almost as bad as reducing members of a minority as a sexual fetish.
This has all been extensively documented by women fighting the most homophobic, misogynistic movement of our generation, the biggest medical scandal in recent history.
your rant here is one of the most homophobic I've seen in these forms.
It is not possible to be "born in the wrong body". We ARE our bodies.
I'm not my body. I reside in my body but it does not encompass me.

Do you consider amputees to be less of a person because part of their body is missing?
All human bodies are male or female (and leave the tiny number of people with DSDs out of it). Anyone affirming a child's delusions about "gender" or that they are somehow the "wrong sex" are basically child abusers. You wouldn't affirm an anorexic child's delusions, right? You wouldn't give an anorexic child diet drugs, or take them to get liposuction surgery, right? So don't affirm a young person's delusions about their sex.
Do recommend calling them trans youth sick or diseased? That is abuse
Do you recommend telling a trans child they are a sexual fetishist? That is abuse
Tell them that they don't exist? That is abuse
How about following the tactics of so called conversion therapy which entails holding such children prisoner in the home. Engaging in physical violence and deny them adequate food and water?

When we make irreversible decisions, we tend to rationalize those decisions to our death, because to admit we were wrong is devastating to our psyches. Socially transitioning children sets them on a path to puberty blockers, which drops their IQ,
well that is just so much bull. It's based on an unpublished "study" of 25 children on puberty blockers and recorded a 7 point drop in IQ. That 7 points is within the margin of error of repeated IQ testing. The "study" was done by Dr Sallie Baxendale an anti trans activist.
impacts their bone, brain, eyesight and genital development.
no they pause genital development
i can't find any legitimate research about any impact on eyesight.
It is important to note that the slight drop in bone density of children on puberty blockers can easily be reverse and prevented by taking a simple calcium supplement.

99% of children on puberty blockers go on to wrong sex hormones.
More bull as 92% of children prescribed puberty blockers are on such medication because of precocious puberty puberty beginning as early as age 5.
Some % of those people go on to genital mutilation surgeries, which destroys their bodies forever and ties them to the medical industry for life. To admit that you were wrong about all of this is psychologically devastating. Even more so for parents who, if they admit they were wrong, would have to live with the fact that they supported mutilating their own child because of a fantasy.
what you just posted is entirely a fantasy
The entire concept was created by male sexologists and supported by male psychiatrists, including John Money, Harry Benjamin, John Oliven, Volkmar Sigusch, Paul Walker, Robert Hogge -

Tell me, have you ever read anything by any of these people or did you just cut and past a list of names?
and continues today by men with horrifically disturbing sexual fetishes, who see women as equal to being humiliated and objectified, and who get off on that, men like Andew "Andrea" Long Chu (who said that "Getting ****ed makes you female because ****ed is what a female is)
Cite the actual quote
and Julia Serano (""While I never really believed the cliché about women being good for only one thing, that sentiment kept creeping into my fantasies. It’s called forced feminization... transforming the loss of male privilege into the best **** ever.").
There are several groups set up to help parents navigate when their child comes home from being indoctrinated in school to believe in gender ideology. There are multiple books out there for same. Happy to point you to those. Most parents would do absolutely anything to protect their child from irreversible harm done to their healthy bodies. Be one of those parents.
please tell us about these groups
Some day we will look back on this scandal like we now look back on lobotomies. Unfortunately, in the meantime children are being sterilized and mutilated because of men's sexual fetish. Be strong for young people. They need our help.
they need protection from people like you
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Staff member
Premium Member
While I never really believed the cliché about women being good for only one thing, that sentiment kept creeping into my fantasies. It’s called forced feminization... transforming the loss of male privilege into the best f*k ever.
An out of context quote from a book you didn't read doesn't support your argument.