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Transgender opinions


Staff member
Premium Member
It is not possible to be "born in the wrong body". We ARE our bodies.
"There is perhaps no better place to begin a discussion about being a trans woman than the quote that has become practically synonymous with that experience in the public's mind: that we feel like "women trapped in men's bodies." This saying has become so popular and widespread that it's safe to say that these days it's far more often parodied by cissexuals than used by transsexuals to describe their own experiences. In fact, the regularity with which cissexuals use this saying to mock trans women has always struck me as rather odd, since it was so clearly coined not to encapsulate all the intricacies and nuances of the trans female experience, but rather as a way of dumbing down our experiences into a sound bite that cissexuals might be better able to comprehend."

-Julia Serano, Whipping Girl, Chapter 10.

Figured I'd pull the actual book out since you brought her up. It's a good read, I hope that maybe reflecting on this might persuade you to take a few steps back and reevaluate your understanding of the trans experience. The book is a manifesto against the scapegoating of trans women in attacks on the transgender community, and addresses most of the arguments you made in your post in a historically grounded analysis.


Well-Known Member
How did this happen if there were so few Trans teens they wouldn't be passing laws like this.


How did this happen if there were so few Trans teens they wouldn't be passing laws like this.
Because the goal is to spread fear and hatred about trans people.

consider that there was no gay porn in school libraries but that didn't stop outrage and the banning of books in state after state.

THe idea is to create outrage and hatred and use those to attack trans people making sure they are afraid.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Because the goal is to spread fear and hatred about trans people.

consider that there was no gay porn in school libraries but that didn't stop outrage and the banning of books in state after state.

THe idea is to create outrage and hatred and use those to attack trans people making sure they are afraid.
No doubt that some people are bigoted.

But there is a growing concern throughout Western countries that the current healthcare approach (GAC), for helping kids with gender dysphoria is dangerous and not effective. This concern is neither hate filled nor bigoted.

@Riders - interesting OP


No doubt that some people are bigoted.

But there is a growing concern throughout Western countries that the current healthcare approach (GAC), for helping kids with gender dysphoria is dangerous and not effective. This concern is neither hate filled nor bigoted.

@Riders - interesting OP
It becomes hate based when it uses politicized research and junk science or when that concern is based on false claims.
Because the goal is to spread fear and hatred about trans people.

consider that there was no gay porn in school libraries but that didn't stop outrage and the banning of books in state after state.

THe idea is to create outrage and hatred and use those to attack trans people making sure they are afraid.
Conservatives are very good at this. Trans people existing really doesn't affect anyone. Does a transgender person using the bathroom to their gender that they identify with affect me in any way? No.

Does a transgender person having the same rights as any non trans person impact me in any way at all? Absolutely not. But the fact that Trans people are treated with such disgust, and outright hate, just for simply existing, and living their life how they wish to is something I cannot fathom. It has absolutely no bearing on my life in any kind of negative way at all.

I don't care if you disagree with it, I don't agree with bigotry or discrimination in any form.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
But the fact that Trans people are treated with such disgust, and outright hate, just for simply existing, and living their life how they wish to is something I cannot fathom
Neither can I. I'm a trans man and I've never experienced this avalanche of hatred for it that is apparently ruining all of our lives. The most I've gotten is the odd rude comment over the years. 99% of people don't give a damn about someone being trans, and tend to be curious about it more than anything else. People are too dramatic.
Yeah, you do you. I'm happy you are comfortable with who you are and can take pride in it.
This is part of the reason why I am a Secular Humanist. I believe that human rights should always be at the forefront of everything. Not religion, not politics, or other cultural habits. Furthermore, to me, it's immoral the notion that we even have to ask the questions, "should Transgender people allowed to do this? To that?" In regards to BASIC fundamental rights that non-transgender people have.

I also take certain things personally when people of the LGBTQ community are descrinimated against, since I identify as bisexual/pansexual.


Well-Known Member
This topic is a misdirect and actually has more to do with human population control. The Liberals have been paranoid about world overpopulation, since I can remember. As a young Liberal back in the Hippy days this was already a concern. This is why things like birth control and abortion are so important to the Left. These control population growth The LGBTQ community also unknowingly helps population control since male-male or female-female cannot make babies. While Transgender is being led down a path to choose self sterilization. Once you change sex, we not have to worry about you having children.

The population control fanatics have wanted a mass sterilization option, but that cannot get traction in Courts. However, they did find a clever way to indoctrinated children and their Liberal parents to achieve that end; transgender. The success of this population control utopia, now requires mass immigration, to make up for the lack younger generation, to carry the water for the older generation.

For example, there have been about 63.5 Million abortions since 1973 when Roe v Way began. This lack of American citizen bodies is the social security shortfall. The number of illegal aliens the Left has to let in, is trying to neutralize that loss. But in typical Libera fashion they make two new problems each time they try to solve one.
As usual, you have your right winger throwing out conspiracy theories. Your entire post has no merit, and is nothing but a bunch of mindless dribble from your typical Theist/Christian evangelical conservative.

The left don't care about population control. We care about equality. Something the right does not embrace. Well, I shouldn't say that. They embrace it when it's beneficial to them, or in regards to straight, white Christians. Furthermore, even if your "theory," of population control was true or in any way accurate, you seem to be unfamiliar with the concept that just doesn't because someone is transgender, does not mean that biologically they are always in a relationship with someone who is the same as them. You could be a trans woman, aka biologically still a male, but in a relationship with a biological female. And just because someone takes HRT hormones, does not automatically make them sterile.

So, your assertion is dumbfounded and incorrect.

Just say it; you hate trans people and don't believe they should exist or have rights equal to yours. That would be easier.

Furthermore, people like you, whenever you use "Liberal," in the sense that you were implying, this comes to mind:



Staff member
Premium Member
These control population growth The LGBTQ community also unknowingly helps population control since male-male or female-female cannot make babies.
Conspiracy theory aside, do you support the right of LGBTQ people to adopt and raise children that need homes?
How about surrogacy/ivf?

LGBTQ people often want to raise children - but evangelicals organize and express outrage against such.


This topic is a misdirect and actually has more to do with human population control. The Liberals have been paranoid about world overpopulation, since I can remember. As a young Liberal back in the Hippy days this was already a concern. This is why things like birth control and abortion are so important to the Left. These control population growth The LGBTQ community also unknowingly helps population control since male-male or female-female cannot make babies.

According to the US census 30% of same sex couples have children more than double the number from 2010 and the number is expected to continue to rise.
While Transgender is being led down a path to choose self sterilization. Once you change sex, we not have to worry about you having children.
ummm no
The population control fanatics have wanted a mass sterilization option, but that cannot get traction in Courts.
However, they did find a clever way to indoctrinated children and their Liberal parents to achieve that end; transgender. The success of this population control utopia, now requires mass immigration, to make up for the lack younger generation, to carry the water for the older generation.
On what planet?
For example, there have been about 63.5 Million abortions since 1973 when Roe v Way began. This lack of American citizen bodies is the social security shortfall.
or in reality it has to do with the very large number of baby boomers retiring

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Personally it's up to the people involved, parents included. I don't have the wisdom to know what is ideal for everyone. I do know that setting ourselves up as morality police like the Taliban do is not the way to go. Personal matters should be left to the people involved.
When children are being harmed it is appropriate for the government to step in. Do you agree?

Do you agree that a school district should then tell the parents if a child is changing gender at school?


When children are being harmed it is appropriate for the government to step in. Do you agree?
Does the state dictating to doctors and individuals what is best in the way of support and treatment cause harm.
Do you agree that a school district should then tell the parents if a child is changing gender at school?
suppose you are a teacher and one of your students privately comes out to you. The state requires that the child's parents be notified. You know the parents and know them to be homophobes who advocate LGBT individuals be imprisoned and/or killed. You have every reason to beleive that if the child's parents found out that child would be abused and possibly harmed by them. DO you tell the parents?

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Does the state dictating to doctors and individuals what is best in the way of support and treatment cause harm.
suppose you are a teacher and one of your students privately comes out to you. The state requires that the child's parents be notified. You know the parents and know them to be homophobes who advocate LGBT individuals be imprisoned and/or killed. You have every reason to beleive that if the child's parents found out that child would be abused and possibly harmed by them. DO you tell the parents?
Maybe not in this case but what if the parents just disagree with the child's decision and are not the monsters you described here. My comment was in response to a comment about the government needs to stay out of medical decisions for minors. It is between parents and doctors. If so, parents need to know to be able to make the best decision even if they decide not to give them the kind of care you think it appropriate. Or is is government stays out unless I disagree with the parents decision.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I am conflicted on this issue. I've read about Trans folks who regret getting the surgery because of all the complications they've had.

Y also read stories about folks
Who got their change under 18 because their parents decided for them.i think they should be allowed to reach their 18th bday first
So on the one hand I feel negative about this operation.On the other hand

I think if you want to identify yourself as male or female and it makes you happy why not but biologically you have no choice,if you have a dick you can’t be a chick or swim in the 200 meters womens freestyle.

For people who physically transition and will mostly suffer through the process physically emotionally and psychologically still comes down to biology imo.


Well-Known Member
This thread started out after my original post the posted telling me there are very few Trans cases in teens. Why did I read about laws in TX to make it illegal for underage because of all the tr and kids. There would not be any need for those laws if we had almost no Trans under agers.