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Transgender opinions


Most of the time when I hear about a "trans child" the implication is that this child is suffering from gender dysphoria. But you're saying that's often not the case. So I don't think it's at all clear what you mean when you talk about a trans child who's not suffering from GD. I'm sincerely interested in understanding what you mean by that?


There are some who use gender dysphoria incorrectly to mean transgendered some do so unintentionally some do so intentionally usually to foster a disease model of transgenderism.

Transgender refers to a person whose sex assigned at birth does not align their gender identity

Gender dysphoria is an anxiety disorder marked by extreme distress and impairment when a person's gender identity differs from their assigned sex at birth.


But the parents do. If a kid is having issues with this issue then the parents need to be told so the can decide what the right course of action is. Not the teachers.
The issues is the potential for abuse by the parents.
LGBT kids who have been outed are 800 times more likely to be physically absurd by their parents. Half of all homeless children in the country are LGBT, many are thrown out of their homes and many leave to escape violence, some leave because their parents tried to kill them


The problem when you let the teacher or administrator make this call is the will of the parents on how to treat the kid is thwarted. I have a 13 year old son. Let's say he is in a public school and tells a teacher or counselor he thinks he is a girl and says don't tell my parents and they go with his new pronouns he wants and never tells us. (This has happened to other parents). If my wife and I are told we can get the right care for him to address the feelings or mental issues. We would love and support him and get him the help we feel is right not what the school thinks is right. Why does a teacher or administrator get to make that call instead of me and my wife?
First you need to consider why your hypothetical trans child does not want you to know. Your child might get that you don't seem to understand what trans means. Or that you view being trans as a illness. Or maybe they are afraid of what you are calling "the right care"

You talk about love and support but no where are you indicating acceptance or even the willingness to listen.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Clizby, can you point me to those stories of regret? I am not finding them. Seriously, I will listen, I promise. I am genuinely trying to learn. Remember what I said -- I'm a cis-man (just happen to be gay), and I cannot intuit the feelings that a trans person has.
Here you go.

Do you know Detrans Awareness Day is march 12th?

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
What about respecting then youth's very real fear of rejection or retribution if their parents found out?
Either way the parents should know. If there is indication of possible abuse the state can get involved toprotec the children but the parents still should know what is happening to their child.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
There are some who use gender dysphoria incorrectly to mean transgendered some do so unintentionally some do so intentionally usually to foster a disease model of transgenderism.

Transgender refers to a person whose sex assigned at birth does not align their gender identity

Gender dysphoria is an anxiety disorder marked by extreme distress and impairment when a person's gender identity differs from their assigned sex at birth.
I appreciate you taking the time to explain where you're coming from on these topics.

I disagree with much of what you just said, but we'll just have to leave it at that.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Here you go.

Do you know Detrans Awareness Day is march 12th?
Do you know about 1% of people regret and detransition, and regret isn't the only reason people detransition?
Routine knee surgeries have a regret rate of over 30% (with plenty of evidence showing the most routine, an arthroscope to shave off damaged material, doesn't really do much good).


I appreciate you taking the time to explain where you're coming from on these topics.

I disagree with much of what you just said, but we'll just have to leave it at that.

i just put out the basic medical and psychological definitions of transgenderism and gender dysphoria. It's not me you are disagreeing with.
Most people who have undergone HRT and some kind of surgery are much happier to be true to themselves. I have not heard of any cases personally with someone regretting what path they have chosen.

This, even if the remote possibility exists, is quite rare. Maybe Caitlyn Jenner? Lol

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Do you know about 1% of people regret and detransition, and regret isn't the only reason people detransition?
Routine knee surgeries have a regret rate of over 30% (with plenty of evidence showing the most routine, an arthroscope to shave off damaged material, doesn't really do much good).
What study are you getting that number from?


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Do you know about 1% of people regret and detransition, and regret isn't the only reason people detransition?
Routine knee surgeries have a regret rate of over 30% (with plenty of evidence showing the most routine, an arthroscope to shave off damaged material, doesn't really do much good).
The stats you're using a extremely flawed, on many counts.


Pro-reality, nature is primary
I had some parts of my toe nails removed and part of the root killed off to avoid ingrown toenails, which it turned out I was horribly prone to so I figured why not and had the rest of these perfectly healthy body parts cut and ripped out and a drop of acid to kill them off?
What damage was done? Damage? No. In grown toenails are not fun and having that "healthy body part" killed off has prevented some damage and pain.

Not really comparable to a toenail removal.
