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Transgender opinions

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
A systematic review of patient regret after surgery- A common phenomenon in many specialties but rare within gender-affirmation surgery
Sarah M. Thornton, Armin Edalatpour, Katherine M. Gast 2024 American Journal of Surgery.
One note to point out in this study:

It is important to note that reported regret after any surgery is likely underestimated due to patients not seeking additional care, loss to follow up, patients not sharing their satisfaction with their decision-making with their surgeons or going elsewhere for additional care. Within the transgender and gender non-conforming patient community, there is reluctance to disclose regret in care due to fear of further stigmatizing gender affirming care and limiting access for other patients. In fact, one survey noted that only 24 % of participants informed their clinician they had detransitioned.52 Rates of de-transition after GAS are one way to assess regret, but this measure does not account for patients who regret undergoing GAS and do not choose surgery to alleviate this regret.

Research on regret after gender-affirming surgery poses unique challenges, as patients may fear that their regret could be weaponized against the transgender community. Those who seek to limit access to GAS often use regret as a key element in their arguments and in proposed legislation. Further, there is not currently a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) to assess outcomes after gender-affirming surgery in all patient populations (transgender and non-binary), and the complex social, surgical, and politico legal aspects of surgical transition. Introduction and validation of a GAS PROM will improve our ability to evaluate patients’ preoperative goals and understand factors that impact post-operative regret.

How should the amount of regret affect policy? If it was 5%, 10% or 50%? What percentage of regret would change your mind on children transitioning?


One note to point out in this study:

It is important to note that reported regret after any surgery is likely underestimated due to patients not seeking additional care, loss to follow up, patients not sharing their satisfaction with their decision-making with their surgeons or going elsewhere for additional care. Within the transgender and gender non-conforming patient community, there is reluctance to disclose regret in care due to fear of further stigmatizing gender affirming care and limiting access for other patients. In fact, one survey noted that only 24 % of participants informed their clinician they had detransitioned.52 Rates of de-transition after GAS are one way to assess regret, but this measure does not account for patients who regret undergoing GAS and do not choose surgery to alleviate this regret.

Research on regret after gender-affirming surgery poses unique challenges, as patients may fear that their regret could be weaponized against the transgender community. Those who seek to limit access to GAS often use regret as a key element in their arguments and in proposed legislation. Further, there is not currently a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) to assess outcomes after gender-affirming surgery in all patient populations (transgender and non-binary), and the complex social, surgical, and politico legal aspects of surgical transition. Introduction and validation of a GAS PROM will improve our ability to evaluate patients’ preoperative goals and understand factors that impact post-operative regret.

How should the amount of regret affect policy? If it was 5%, 10% or 50%? What percentage of regret would change your mind on children transitioning?
where did this come from because it's no where to be found in you link.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Rates of de-transition after GAS are one way to assess regret, but this measure does not account for patients who regret undergoing GAS and do not choose surgery to alleviate this regret.
No, its not. Some people detransition because of the prejudice they face. Some have life issues.
Detransitioning is not a way to properly access regret because lots of them don't.


Staff member
Premium Member
No, its not. Some people detransition because of the prejudice they face. Some have life issues.
Detransitioning is not a way to properly access regret because lots of them don't.
Yes, this precisely.
Many many surveys have reported the largest reasons for detransitioning was stigmatization and social backlash rather than medical regret.


Pro-reality, nature is primary
Do you know about 1% of people regret and detransition, and regret isn't the only reason people detransition?
Routine knee surgeries have a regret rate of over 30% (with plenty of evidence showing the most routine, an arthroscope to shave off damaged material, doesn't really do much good).
70% or more of children grow out of being uncomfortable with their sexed bodies. (Recent study: Gender identity disorders among young people in Germany: prevalence and trends, 2013–2022. An analysis of nationwide routine insurance data (31.05.2024)).

If you put those children on a path with the pretense of social "transition", puberty blockers and wrong sex hormones, it cements that discomfort, and it's very difficult for children to get off that path. Letting them grow up and go through puberty resolves those issues for most children.

Regret is a difficult thing to quantify. If you have taken irreversible steps and damaged your body with drugs and surgery, of course you will find a way to try to make peace with that decision, even if you regret it.

95% of women on testosterone have urinary incontinence and some percent of those also have fecal incontinence. No one talks about it; I've seen multiple detransitioners talk about how no one told them this fact. Once you have incontinence, and it's shameful to talk about, how do you express regret? It's extraordinarily difficult for people to admit they made a massive mistake that is irreversible, both to themselves and others.


This is talking about gender dysphoria not transgenderism. They outgrew or worked through the dysphoria to deal with being transgender
If you put those children on a path with the pretense of social "transition", puberty blockers and wrong sex hormones, it cements that discomfort, and it's very difficult for children to get off that path. Letting them grow up and go through puberty resolves those issues for most children.

Regret is a difficult thing to quantify. If you have taken irreversible steps and damaged your body with drugs and surgery, of course you will find a way to try to make peace with that decision, even if you regret it.

95% of women on testosterone have urinary incontinence and some percent of those also have fecal incontinence. No one talks about it; I've seen multiple detransitioners talk about how no one told them this fact. Once you have incontinence, and it's shameful to talk about, how do you express regret? It's extraordinarily difficult for people to admit they made a massive mistake that is irreversible, both to themselves and others.
no 95% of transgender men taking testosterone developed pelvic floor dysfunction, which if left untreated can result in urge and stress incontinence

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Most adults who present with gender dysphoria won't be transitioning. Stuff like this is known. You are stating the obvious and telling those of us actually in the know that water is wet.
This is why a medical transition takes time and by policy can't be rushed.
No one talks about it;
Yeah, actually people do talk about the various side effects of medications. It's just Conservatives, Christians amd other RWers who just learned about all this stuff who think it's not.
And I'm calling bull on your claim amd especially the number.
Side Effects of Taking Testosterone: What Every Woman Should Know
Women taking too high of a dosage of testosterone may experience the following symptoms: Hair growth on the upper lip, face, chest, nipples, and lower abdomen Thinning of scalp hair acne/oily skin Shrinking breast size or irregular clitoris size as a result of increased muscle mass and redistributed body fat Irregular menstrual cycles, if menstruating Anger, aggression, or hostility, which may lead to depression Hoarseness or deepening of voice Testosterone may increase a woman's risk for breast cancer, heart disease, and blood clotting. Further research is needed to fully understand how testosterone may be linked to these conditions.
According to a 2019 position statementTrusted Source from the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, testosterone therapy in females can sometimes lead to masculinizing symptoms and abnormal bleeding in the uterus. There are also concerns about breast cancer and cardiovascular risks.

Possible side effects of high testosterone in females may include:

  • acne and oily skin
  • increased facial and body hair growth
  • deepening of the voice
  • changes in body odor
  • menstrual changes, including stopping periods
  • clitoral enlargement
  • breast atrophy (shrinking of breast tissue)
  • breast sensitivity changes
  • increased muscle mass and strength
  • redistribution of body fat
  • headaches
  • nausea or vomiting
  • changes in skin color or texture, such as darkening or thickening
  • mood changes, including increased aggression or irritability
Serious side effects of high testosterone in females may include:

  • cardiovascular issues, such as heart attack and stroke
  • liver problems, including liver damage or disease
  • increased risk of blood clots
  • infertility due to suppressed ovulation

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Letting them grow up and go through puberty resolves those issues for most children.
Amd yet it causes misery for those who are trains. This is why medical professionals amd researchers guide treatments, not laymen such as yourself.
Regret is a difficult thing to quantify. If you have taken irreversible steps and damaged your body with drugs and surgery, of course you will find a way to try to make peace with that decision, even if you regret it.
That's just not what research and studies are showing. It shows largely anf mostly transgender people improve after transitioning.


How about because Levine is supporting a homophobic agenda?

well that was 18 minutes of my life wasted. Some idiot talking about how the pride flag is really an attack against gay people but he never says just how it is. He does say several times "well i could easily explain it in just five minutes" but he doesn't explain at all.

And...i'm not surprised... nothing about Levine.

So apparently the reason for the petition is that there are people who want Levine removed form office just because she is a minority.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
well that was 18 minutes of my life wasted. Some idiot talking about how the pride flag is really an attack against gay people but he never says just how it is. He does say several times "well i could easily explain it in just five minutes" but he doesn't explain at all.

And...i'm not surprised... nothing about Levine.

So apparently the reason for the petition is that there are people who want Levine removed form office just because she is a minority.
That "idiot" has written several best selling books, including a book on free speech.

And to be clear, that link wasn't actually provided for you.


Veteran Member
Men with a sexual fetish of humiliation, who get off on the thought of themselves as women and likely heavily influenced by pornography, created the notion of a "transgender child" so that they could present themselves to society as "transgender" rather than as men with sexual fetishes, what we used to call "transsexuals", "transvestites", and "cross dressers", and so that people would validate their fetish (i.e. pretend they are women). There is no such thing as a trans child. This has all been extensively documented by women fighting the most homophobic, misogynistic movement of our generation, the biggest medical scandal in recent history.

It is not possible to be "born in the wrong body". We ARE our bodies. All human bodies are male or female (and leave the tiny number of people with DSDs out of it). Anyone affirming a child's delusions about "gender" or that they are somehow the "wrong sex" are basically child abusers. You wouldn't affirm an anorexic child's delusions, right? You wouldn't give an anorexic child diet drugs, or take them to get liposuction surgery, right? So don't affirm a young person's delusions about their sex.

When we make irreversible decisions, we tend to rationalize those decisions to our death, because to admit we were wrong is devastating to our psyches. Socially transitioning children sets them on a path to puberty blockers, which drops their IQ, impacts their bone, brain, eyesight and genital development. 99% of children on puberty blockers go on to wrong sex hormones. Some % of those people go on to genital mutilation surgeries, which destroys their bodies forever and ties them to the medical industry for life. To admit that you were wrong about all of this is psychologically devastating. Even more so for parents who, if they admit they were wrong, would have to live with the fact that they supported mutilating their own child because of a fantasy.

The entire concept was created by male sexologists and supported by male psychiatrists, including John Money, Harry Benjamin, John Oliven, Volkmar Sigusch, Paul Walker, Robert Hogge - and continues today by men with horrifically disturbing sexual fetishes, who see women as equal to being humiliated and objectified, and who get off on that, men like Andew "Andrea" Long Chu (who said that "Getting ****ed makes you female because ****ed is what a female is) and Julia Serano (""While I never really believed the cliché about women being good for only one thing, that sentiment kept creeping into my fantasies. It’s called forced feminization... transforming the loss of male privilege into the best **** ever.").

There are several groups set up to help parents navigate when their child comes home from being indoctrinated in school to believe in gender ideology. There are multiple books out there for same. Happy to point you to those. Most parents would do absolutely anything to protect their child from irreversible harm done to their healthy bodies. Be one of those parents.

Some day we will look back on this scandal like we now look back on lobotomies. Unfortunately, in the meantime children are being sterilized and mutilated because of men's sexual fetish. Be strong for young people. They need our help.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
95% of women on testosterone have urinary incontinence and some percent of those also have fecal incontinence. No one talks about it; I've seen multiple detransitioners talk about how no one told them this fact. Once you have incontinence, and it's shameful to talk about, how do you express regret? It's extraordinarily difficult for people to admit they made a massive mistake that is irreversible, both to themselves and others.
I read an article about that the other day and that sounds like bs or an exaggeration. I've been on testosterone for a decade, have been in "the community" for over 15 years, know more than a lot of professionals do about the subject and have never seen this brought up. Just so you know, trans people do talk to each other about side effects. Most of our "community" revolves around discussing hormones, surgery and so on. Even if it's embarrassing, people will talk about it. Like the pelvic pain issue, that's been known for years among trans men and we talk about it online a lot, and that's now getting attention from researchers.No, 95% of trans men are not incontinent and having to wear diapers. That's just stupid and fear mongering garbage.

However, genital surgery and hysterectomies can cause pelvic floor problems and urinary issues, especially if something goes wrong.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Here you go.

Do you know Detrans Awareness Day is march 12th?
Just been doing some random searching:

The Conversation, Canada

Evidence suggests that less than 1% of transgender people who undergo gender-affirming surgery report regret. That proportion is even more striking when compared to the fact that 14.4% of the broader population reports regret after similar surgeries.​
For example, studies have found that between 5% and 14% of all women who receive mastectomies to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer say they regretted doing so. However, less than 1% of transgender men who receive the same procedure report regret.​

Oxford Academic: Oxford University Press

Survey included the question “Have you ever de-transitioned? In other words, have you ever gone back to living as your sex assigned at birth, at least for a while?” The survey found that 8% of respondents had detransitioned temporarily or permanently at some point and that the majority did so only temporarily.​

Cleveland Clinic

Research consistently shows that people who choose gender affirmation surgery experience redu9ed gender incongruence and improved quality of life. Depending on the procedure, 94% to 100% of people report satisfaction with their surgery results.​