Well in those days if someone claimed Zeus (for example) was their father then that would be a claim to divine nature. Like Hercules for example. He was (supposedly) fathered by Zeus and eventually he is even accepted into Olympus as a "god". So I can see why the Jews would have thought that Jesus' claim to be the Son of God would be making himself "divine" and therefore "equal with God" in a sense.
Because there is a difference between the Jewish belief that God is their Father (because he made them) than Jesus claim; that God is his Father because he's begotten by the holy Spirit in the womb of a virgin and he doesn't even have an actual human father.
As far as I know enone of the newer Bible versions that i know of take out "making himself equal with God". For what it's worth; not even the Jehovah's Witnesses translation NWT takes it out.
This is why the Jews began seeking all the more to kill him, because not only was he breaking the Sabbath but he was also calling God his own Father, making himself equal to God. (John 5:18)
I would not measure truth of scriptures by what Jehovah witnesses say. They say that Jesus was an Angel before coming as man…. Which flies in the face of : ‘To which of the angels did God ever say: “You are my Son, this day I have begotten you!”’
And Hercules did not become EQUAL to Zeus…
But we are speaking of the Jewish belief. A man birthed by a God is not a part of Jewish belief nor even entertained as such.
And, ‘Son of God’ has nothing to do with being birthed by the Holy Spirit OF GOD in that exact way. Jesus used ‘Son of’ meaning that he was ‘Doing the works of the Father’. Adam was also (prior to Jesus) given life by means of the Spirit of God. Luke 3:38 shows him as ‘Son of God’. Anyone BORN OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD is holy, sinless, and righteous… but still has free-Will to sin… Adam sinned: Jesus didn’t!
‘Son of God’ : Adam completely followed the spirit of God up until the day he sinned. Jesus (read of the Angel and Mary the Virgin) was born sinless, holy and righteous and all his life FOLLOWED THE SPIRIT OF HIS FATHER GOD. Read the scriptures: ‘All who are led by the spirit of God are children of God’ - and a child of God does the works of God.
This is clear from when Jesus remonstrated with the Jews when they accused him of blasphemy. Jesus told them that he deserved the title BECAUSE HE WAS INDEED DOING THE WORKS OF THE FATHER. There was no other explanation given by Jesus as to why he said: ‘God is my Father’.
Of course, the Jews TOOK THE WRONG MEANING and claimed Jesus blasphemed BECAUSE they were expecting a WARRIOR MESSIAH. Jesus, in contrast, was meek and mild, which would not inspire them as someone who would rid them of their Roman overlords.
Do you not read that they asked him: ‘Tell is plainly: are you the messiah?’
Many of these Jews were scholars of the Torah, etc. they knew the then scriptures inside out… their whole adult life was devoted to seeking the coming messiah and they knew the stars, the times, and the tides were showing it to be now (Many say it still hasn’t come but that’s on another path!)
These were the times of rebels like Barabbas (I hear his name was
Jesus Barabbas!! … the name Jesus is really Joshua!) who was more like what the Jews desired but even they could see that the likes of Barabbas were ineffective.
Jesus [the] Christ pointed out that the miracles he was performing were indeed WORKS OF THE FATHER and that he was FREEING them from the law…. He showed them that healing could be performed on the sabbath… that a man CAN forgive his neighbour… that people are not harmed by sin by itself and could be healed by the power of FAITH.
He told them that baking bread on the sabbath for the hungry was not a sin since even their ancestral king, David, ate bread sacrificed in the temple because he and his troop were starving.
HE WAS INDEED FREEING THEM… that it was THE LAW (not the Romans) that was their real adversary - it was they themselves that were holding themselves in bondage and God had SENT HIM to free them…..
But they failed to understand.