So the terrorist is apparently a Tunisian. I held off on commenting on this when normally I would jump right in, I had my doubts on the Pakistan angle because frankly, the Berlin police etc and German government are incompetent and did not trust any of their investigative competence which has been politically compromised and PC.
But I definitely thought this has to be Islamic terrorism and I think Merkel will pay the piper for this.
Most religions, organized or otherwise, have their extremists and, yes, terrorists. I am a Hindu, there are Hindus who mix politics with religion among which - for example in Sri Lanka - commit terrorism. Also in Sri Lanka one can find a tiny, tiny group of terrorists among Buddhists. I cannot recall any Jain terrorists, but who knows. Among Christians in parts of the South, there is a very small extremist sect called the KKK which is anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, anti-Black that is Protestant and among these a tiny element engage in terrorism. We have Irish Catholics commiting terrorism, I can find other examples though the Irish Catholic example is much more political than religious.
But I really do not think, among all the "other religions" that are non-Islamic, where religion is concerned, can the numbers even compare with the number of Radical Islamic terror attacks and extremist Islamic terrorism. Their numbers are - well, too many. And that is an understatement.
Of course - even one terrorist even from the smallest of sects - can really ruin your day and kill many. I am not sure it will ever stop.