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Trump is losing the debate acting like a raving lunatic

We Never Know

No Slack
Ah... so you're only okay with rapists as long as they don't rape in front of witnesses AND avoid leaving conclusive physical evidence. Glad we cleared that up. :rolleyes:
As I said, sometimes your comments are off the rocker.

But maybe you are a rapist and just haven't been caught because you never have a witness and never leave behind evidence so you are seeking to see if I'm ok with that. You seem pretty vested in it.
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Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Not all.

(And "scum" wouldn't be my preferred term. Even the most treasonous, racist, misogynistic ******* on the planet is still a human being)

I know a few people who went full PPC (the Canadian equivalent of MAGA, roughly) after a brain injury. I don't fault people for their mental health symptoms, even if one of those symptoms is supporting horrible political causes.

And it seems like a lot of Trump supporters are just ignorant. I think it's harder for this ignorance to continue the longer we go, but still: there are a lot of people who support Trump without fully appreciating what they're doing.

But if you knowingly support what Trump does - all the anti-democratic bull****, all the xenophobia and racism, all the deliberate hurting of women, and on and on - how could you think this wouldn't reflect negatively on your character?
That was F1fan's term. I can say the same about Harris supporters.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
True, if you do not vote then you have taken away your right to complain. In a two party system, where only one or the other has a chance to win and the odds of a third are almost zero one needs a good excuse for doing so.

I feel very comfortable with my choice.
I don't know why this page is acting this way and I don't have the fortitude to figure it out.


Well-Known Member
Just out of academic curiosity, what is it exactly in the Democratic Party platform that you loath so much?

A Republic is a government formed by the people, and those who the people elect as their representatives.

The electoral college is a relic from the days of slavery, and effectively lets chunks of land (the two senators from each state) to get additional votes above and beyond the selection by the people.
So basically when Republicans spout that line that you have, they are saying that they don’t want the people to represent all of us in government, but instead they want the elitist politicians to have more power than the normal people. :confused:

Sorry, but that is in fact how the electoral college works, and what it does for (to) us. :shrug:
Should we do the same thing to the United Nations, and only allow countries with most population decide for all? Right now, the UN has a sort of an international electoral college, where even the smallest nation has a vote. Should the first most populous countries, China, Indian, US, Indonesia and Pakistan always lead? Vatican City is the least populated country in the world; 764 people.

The political Left is upset, about the electoral college, since they cannot flood the entire zone with their dead beat vote, since most of the deadbeats are in large populated Democrats states; California and NY. How about we change voting to just tax payers but not dependents. The DNC may never win again under those rules.

The world, via the UN, likes their version of the electoral college, so all countries large and small can have a say.

We Never Know

No Slack
The electoral college is a relic from the days of slavery, and effectively lets chunks of land (the two senators from each state) to get additional votes above and beyond the selection by the people.
The EC is the only way states like Wyoming, N & S Dakota, etc have a voice.
Many cities alone could/would cancel out the whole state of Wyoming.
They are minority states when it comes to population.
Don't youns always go on about how minorities should have a voice and be heard?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Should we do the same thing to the United Nations, and only allow countries with most population decide for all? Right now, the UN has a sort of an international electoral college, where even the smallest nation has a vote. Should the first most populous countries, China, Indian, US, Indonesia and Pakistan always lead?

Do you think the UN plays the same role as a federal government?

Vatican City is the least populated country in the world; 764 people.

Vatican City isn't a real country and isn't a member of the UN.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
There is no Republican platform. And you never specify what you dislike about the platform of Democrats. Who will tell you exactly what they find problematic with the Republican party. Even lifelong Republicans will tell you why the current state of the party is in trouble. Ones with top secret information. And who are now compelled to the point of supporting Kamala Harris in the upcoming election.
Like I have said over and over again, this is not the place for me to say what I dislike about the Democrats.

And there is definitely a Republican party platform by the way.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
The EC is the only way states like Wyoming, N & S Dakota, etc have a voice.
They are minority states when it comes to population.
Don't youns always go on about how minorities should have a voice and be heard?
They each have 2 senators and 2 representatives. Nobody's looking to change that.

And they'd still get a vote for president, just not one that gets 5 times (IIRC) the weight of someone living in one of the more populous states.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
In any time before 2016 you could present an argument. In 2024 there is no rational argument to support republicans. Their platforms are immoral and have aims that are not plausible unless they change certain laws. So the republicans will likely do whatever they want and fall back on right wing courts, especially the SCOTUS, to cover their acts. For example deporting millions of migrants, including those here legally, will require a suspension of current immigration laws. That didn’t stop Trump in 2019 when they put migrants in facilities that were not sanitary nor safe for those held beyond the 24 hour maximum. They broke domestic and international laws. They didn’t care.

It will be worse. And I will bet that you and many other conservatives will regret wanting him to be president again.
I don't want Trump to be President again, and me voting for anyone else doesn't matter anyway because I will be in a minority around here regardless. Never the less, I am fine with my vote, probably for a third party.


Veteran Member
Yes. Read more of that article. Four were Trump supporters and a fifth died the next day but a medical exam said that he died of strokes. Of the four who died, one was shot and the other three died of causes not related to the insurrection.
Yes. People died because of that day.
I read the entire article. I'm not sure you did.

You know a person can sustain injuries that can cause a stroke not long afterward, right? Like, if the guy wasn't at the Capitol and wasn't attacked by the armed mob, he'd still be alive today.

Four officers died by suicide, committed in the days and months after January 6th. They definitely appear to be linked to that day.

"Four suicides: Four other police officers committed suicide in the days and months after the riot.

The first was U.S. Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood, 51, who had been guarding the Capitol for 15 years and was on duty at the Capitol on Jan. 6. He took his own life three days after the riots.

The following day, Trump ordered flags at the White House be lowered to half-staff in honor of both Sicknick and Liebengood.

Several days later, D.C. Police Officer Jeffrey Smith, 35, who was injured in the riots on Jan. 6, also committed suicide.

Smith’s wife, Erin, told the Washington Post her husband related to her the fear and panic he experienced the day of the assault on the Capitol, and that he was afraid he might die.

In defending the Capitol, Smith was struck on the helmet by a metal pole thrown by rioters. Later that night, his wife said he went to the police medical clinic, where he was prescribed pain medication and put on sick leave.

Smith’s wife said he “wasn’t the same” in the days after the riot and seemed to be in constant pain. After visiting a police clinic on Jan. 14 and being ordered back to work, Smith shot himself on the way to work, the Post reported.

The families of Liebengood and Smith both sought to have them recognized as “line of duty” deaths, which would afford their families enhanced benefits.

In a letter sent to Rep. Jennifer Wexton of Virginia, Liebengood’s widow wrote, “After assisting riot control at the Capitol on January 6th, USCP scheduled Howie to work lengthy shifts in the immediate days following. He was home for very few hours over the course of four days. Although he was severely sleep-deprived, he remained on duty- as he was directed- practically around the clock from January 6th through the 9th. On the evening of the 9th, he took his life at our home.”

In the letter, reported by CNN, Serena Liebengood concluded, “The Liebengood family wants Howie’s death to not have been in vain. Recognition of the cause of his death, much like the critical examination of the riot itself, will remain central to how we make right those tragedies and help avoid their repetition.”

The Liebengood family later provided a statement to CNN, “Howie dedicated 15 years of his life to protecting these elected officials, as well as millions of visitors at the U.S. Capitol each year. Officials on both sides of the aisle witnessed firsthand the catastrophic events of January 6. We are certain they recognize that this tragedy led to Howie’s death.”

Plus there are the 140 other police officers that were also injured on January 6th.

We Never Know

No Slack
I don't want Trump to be President again, and me voting for anyone else doesn't matter anyway because I will be in a minority around here regardless. Never the less, I am fine with my vote, probably for a third party.
You keep saying you don't want Trump to win
You keep saying you will vote third party.

In short..
-You see it as not voting for Trump(which is correct)
-They see it as you aren't voting to keep Trump out because you're not voting against him and voting for their party.


Veteran Member
Projecting much?

While Kamala did not receive the exact question the moderators asked, she allegedly received sample questions so she’d know generally what to expect.

Is there any piece of fake news that you don't latch onto?

Trump performed extremely poorly during the debate and that's on him. He should have prepared better and not made delusional claims out loud. Time to face facts and quit whining like little babies and blaming everybody else every time Trump monumentally fails at something.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
You keep saying you don't want Trump to win
You keep saying you will vote third party.

In short..
-You see it as not voting for Trump(which is correct)
-They see it as you aren't voting to keep Trump out because you're not voting against him and voting for their party.
I don't know or care what anyone thinks of my one solitary vote.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Sure youns are if you are wanting to do away with the EC and their 3 EC votes.

No, a Wyomingite would just have the same voice as any other citizen.

... as opposed to today, where both sides realize that Wyoming is a Republican lock, so neither presidential candidate has to think about Wyoming at all.