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Trump is losing the debate acting like a raving lunatic


Veteran Member
You keep saying you don't want Trump to win
You keep saying you will vote third party.

In short..
-You see it as not voting for Trump(which is correct)
-They see it as you aren't voting to keep Trump out because you're not voting against him and voting for their party.
But in her defense the EC system means her vote won't matter. My vote in a red state won't matter either. Our votes don't add to the total of the popular vote for president te EC system appoints electors by state, and in an imbalanced way. Right now the election for president comes down to a few counties in pennsylvania. A few other swing states are on the bubble too. The rest of the USA doesn't matter. The EC is already decided and the only motivation to vote is local elections. It is disappointing to feel powerless to this archaic system.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Without the EC, the 10+/- most populace states would/could control the presidency.
I don't see that as right either.
How could they do that? States never vote 100% for one candidate. You are doing an odd mix of the two systems. Yes, if we based electoral votes only on population that could happen, but no one is proposing that. What is being proposed is that everyone's vote counts. No EC, each state would just contribute their votes to the grand total.


Veteran Member
Exactly! Their only voice is their EC votes.

For example Philadelphia could cancel out the whole state of voters.
You keep referring to a state and a large city as if they are just one entity each. No. States don't vote. Cities don't vote. Citizens vote. And every citizen should have the right for their vote for president to count equally as any other citizen anywhere else in the USA. The president represents all citizens, and with the EC system some citizens have a bigger voice than others. And what does this bigger voice get them in practical terms? Wyoming citizens get to vote for their choice for president, and if most vote for Trump and that doesn't win him the popular vote, their votes still contributed equally to any other citizen anywere else in the USA.


Veteran Member
There is no rational argument for why anyone would support Trump and vote for him..
They're not really voting for him .. they are voting for what he stands for.
i.e. Republican

What is bad about Harris that makes her on par with the criminal candidate?
..but that's the thing ..

In the 21st century, the term (big lie) has been applied to attempts to overturn the result of the 2020 U.S. presidential election by Donald Trump and his allies, specifically the false claim that the election was stolen through massive voter and electoral fraud. The scale of the claims resulted in Trump supporters attacking the United States Capitol. Later reports indicate that Trump knew he had genuinely lost the election while promoting the narrative.

Scholars say that constant repetition across many different forms of media is necessary for the success of the big lie technique, as is a psychological motivation for the public to believe the extreme assertions.

Big_lie - Wikipedia

It appears that people ignore his lies, as they prefer Republican policy, as it makes them more

She's a stable person, she is well accomplished as a lawyer and prosecutor, she's not a criminal, she doesn't exhibit any mental problems, she actually cares about others, she aims to implement policies that will actually move the economy forward and help the average citizen..
Ah, but she's not a Republican .. so she is the problem .. she will destroy the US .. strip it
of its privileges.

Hey! Maybe not so many immigrants will actually want (or need) to go there, as other countries might
have "a share of the pie" . :)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
You keep referring to a state and a large city as if they are just one entity each. No. States don't vote. Cities don't vote. Citizens vote. And every citizen should have the right for their vote for president to count equally as any other citizen anywhere else in the USA. The president represents all citizens, and with the EC system some citizens have a bigger voice than others. And what does this bigger voice get them in practical terms? Wyoming citizens get to vote for their choice for president, and if most vote for Trump and that doesn't win him the popular vote, their votes still contributed equally to any other citizen anywere else in the USA.

A lot of people have been clamoring to do away with the Electoral College, but to no avail. It's too much of a sacred cow in many people's eyes, so it doesn't look like it's going away any time soon. But there could be ways of modifying it, such as having it at the district level instead of a "winner take all" situation like it is in most states.

There might also be a way of addressing the root concerns, at least in the sense that the original reason for the EC was that the smaller, sparsely populated rural states don't get rolled over and dominated by the larger, more densely populated states. I'm not sure that's as much a concern today as it was in the early days of the U.S. Power is more centralized in the Federal government than it once was. The Federal government is expected to enforce and safeguard everyone's rights, regardless of whether they live in Wyoming or California.

The issue of representation may also be valid. Even if apportioned equally, 1 representative per 700,000 people seems insufficient. Back in 1790, the ratio was 1 representative per 35,000 people. There's an area where reform is needed.


Veteran Member
Is it just a tactic because cities tend to vote Democrat, or do you really disagree with the principle of equal representation?
Fair point..
I do think that 'the weight' a state's vote carries should be proportional to its population.
It is entirely reasonable, imo, for some states to carry more weight than others.
Naturally, Republicans will not agree. :rolleyes:

Nothing really wrong with the 'first-past the post' system in general though.
There will always be winners and losers.
..and govt. needs leadership .. just not one that is greedy for power.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
There might also be a way of addressing the root concerns, at least in the sense that the original reason for the EC was that the smaller, sparsely populated rural states don't get rolled over and dominated by the larger, more densely populated states.
No, it was for two reasons:

- to allow for a process with actual deliberation by delegates.
- to ensure a balance between slave states and abolitionist states.

Both of these reasons are now obsolete. Slavery isn't a thing, and EC members are generally no longer free to delegate and negotiate on behalf of their states.

And remember: when the EC was enacted, EC delegates were sent by state legislatures without a vote of the people, so it was never a matter of choosing the system that the US has ended up with. Nobody ever chose "popular vote filtered through a state-by-state winner-take-all system" vs. "direct national popular vote."

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
There is no rational argument for why anyone would support Trump and vote for him knowing what is available about him. The man is disturbed, has obvious mental decline, lies about the most stupid things that can be confirmed as untrue, is a convicted felon, faces more criminal charges, has vowed to get revenge against anyone who has opposed him, and will allow the impiemntation of Agenda 47 and project 2025, which have horrible and in some cases illegal aims.

What is bad about Harris that makes her on par with the criminal candidate?

She's a stable person, she is well accomplished as a lawyer and prosecutor, she's not a criminal, she doesn't exhibit any mental problems, she actually cares about others, she aims to implement policies that will actually move the economy forward and help the average citizen. Some of her ideas are ambitious, but at least they don't target categories of human beings with intent to harm them, like what Trump intends to do to migrants, even those here legally.

In what way are Harris supporters scum for a candidate that has such excellent virture? I've explained my argument for why Trump supporters are deliberately flawed as "thinkers" and how their support reflects badly on their character, so where is your explanation? Nothing? That just reinforces how flawed your thinking process is. You definately have these beliefs, but you can't ariculate why you have them, and why you say you "can say the same thing about Harris supporters". You could say it, but I guess you are aware you have no argument to actually say it.
yeah Yeah. I explained it in post 947.


Veteran Member
There might also be a way of addressing the root concerns, at least in the sense that the original reason for the EC was that the smaller, sparsely populated rural states don't get rolled over and dominated by the larger, more densely populated states.
..but they would not .. everybody has a say .. and many people in the cities would prefer to live in
a less dense environment, but cannot due to poverty, that is exacerbated by Republican policy.

I am fully aware that poverty exists in rural areas too .. but why?

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member

"Former President Donald Trump said immigrants coming to the U.S. are “poisoning the blood of our country,” a remark on Saturday that quickly drew a rebuke from his chief Democratic rival as President Joe Biden’s campaign likened the words to those of Adolf Hitler.

“They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

Somebody is definitely being dishonest about Trump, It's not Harris supporters. It's his own supporters.
Whatever. I have responded to all of these mostly misrepresentations, outright lies and reading into them what you want before. It won't change your mind if I do it again. I will vote for Trump, you vote for Harris and when Trump wins you can thank me for being better off in 4 years.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
No, you didn't.

You explained how you think it's unfair how people think badly of you for voting for Trump, but you didn't say anything about what you disagree with about voting for Harris.
That is not what you asked. You asked why I thought voting for Harris looked bad on someone's character. That is what I answered.


Veteran Member
I will vote for Trump, you vote for Harris and when Trump wins you can thank me for being better off in 4 years.
Better off?
Are you all better off, just because you become even more wealthy as a nation than you already are?
(ie. the wealthiest nation in the world)

I don't see that as "better off" .. being responsible for other nations poverty, and becoming a target
for immigration, terror and hate. :neutral:

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Better off?
Are you all better off, just because you become even more wealthy as a nation than you already are?
(ie. the wealthiest nation in the world)

I don't see that as "better off" .. being responsible for other nations poverty, and becoming a target
for immigration, terror and hate. :neutral:
You just created a straw man argument.

We Never Know

No Slack
But in her defense the EC system means her vote won't matter. My vote in a red state won't matter either. Our votes don't add to the total of the popular vote for president te EC system appoints electors by state, and in an imbalanced way. Right now the election for president comes down to a few counties in pennsylvania. A few other swing states are on the bubble too. The rest of the USA doesn't matter. The EC is already decided and the only motivation to vote is local elections. It is disappointing to feel powerless to this archaic system.
Since her vote doesnt matter people need to get off her *** on how she votes! That was my point.


Be your own guru
(ie. the wealthiest nation in the world)
US national debt: USD 35,381,344,000,000 when I checked. 35,381, 348,000,000 by the time I wrote this post.
India's national debt: USD 2,087,691.6 as of March 2024 :)
USD 2 billion. Just during the week we placed an order for some 90 predator drones for USD 4 billion.
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Veteran Member
Whatever. I have responded to all of these mostly misrepresentations, outright lies and reading into them what you want before. It won't change your mind if I do it again. I will vote for Trump, you vote for Harris and when Trump wins you can thank me for being better off in 4 years.
Nonsense, attempted cop out, and projection.

Keep your head in the sand, then.
Your choice.
Though why you'd choose to do so is beyond me.
Everything you claimed others have said about Trump is verifiable. You don't seem all that well informed and you don't seem interested in becoming informed.
Oh well.
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