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Trump makes conflicting comments, both of them ominous and disturbing


Veteran Member
No… it says it is, and I quote, “ but it's not a fully-formed heart” - not that there is no heart.

Are you heartless in this issue?
"Cardiac tissue" is not a heart.
It's not a heartbeat you're hearing at 6 weeks.
You need a heart to hear a heartbeat. What's that you were saying about common sense? ;)


Veteran Member
Irrelevant because of your philosophy.
No, it's irrelevant to the context of our discussion.

It’s science! You need to review the list.
It's a list of things that are irrelevant to our conversation. Especially if we're talking about the 6 week marker. There isn't a developed brain at 6 weeks. Or a heart.

Did you break your brain on the common sense put before you? Why no actual response?

I think we're done here. I can't have a discussion with a person who refuses to accept reality and claims that there is a heartbeat when there is no heart present. Sorry but it's just inane.


Well-Known Member
You guys are really flailing around with these attacks on Harris & Walz. Trump too.
Keep it up, it really seems to be working for you guys. ;) :D
You need to present the facts to counter the opinions and lies; mudslinging. The Left confuses those three things, so I am doing them a service as a fellow human. All that lecturing about science and the scientific method has stuck, so I am treating this election as applied science, gathering the fact and drawing the best curve.

I even applied the Schrödinger's Cat paradox from Physics, to the Hide the Kamala campaign approach via fake news. She is being placed in a black box; isolated, so we do not know if she is liberal or moderate. Like Schrödinger's Cat, for all practical purposes she is both Liberal and Moderate, at †he same time, until the box is opened. That is being delayed.

The giggle and laugh tour is there to help shift sentiment to the New and Improved side of the paradox, since logic still does not yet apply for deduction and inference, due to the black box still closed. The minions on the Left are easy to fool that way; sentiment. They falls of it every time. I am trying to sober them up, since they look ridiculous and I feel embarrassed for them being so easily duped, and then lecturing on science and the experimental method. Applied science is more real, than theoretical science; walk the walk verse talk the talk.


Veteran Member
You need to present the facts to counter the opinions and lies; mudslinging. The Left confuses those three things, so I am doing them a service as a fellow human. All that lecturing about science and the scientific method has stuck, so I am treating this election as applied science, gathering the fact and drawing the best curve.

I even applied the Schrödinger's Cat paradox from Physics, to the Hide the Kamala campaign approach via fake news. She is being placed in a black box; isolated, so we do not know if she is liberal or moderate. Like Schrödinger's Cat, for all practical purposes she is both Liberal and Moderate, at †he same time, until the box is opened. That is being delayed.

The giggle and laugh tour is there to help shift sentiment to the New and Improved side of the paradox, since logic still does not yet apply for deduction and inference, due to the black box still closed. The minions on the Left are easy to fool that way; sentiment. They falls of it every time. I am trying to sober them up, since they look ridiculous and I feel embarrassed for them being so easily duped, and then lecturing on science and the experimental method. Applied science is more real, than theoretical science; walk the walk verse talk the talk.
Keep it up.
You guys seem to be freaking out over her, which tells me the Dems have done something right (for once).
Perhaps it's because she's overtaking Trump in the polls, which also tells us that the Democrat voters aren't as incensed about her as the Republicans seem to be. ;)

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
I'm not sure how the thread topic of the Insurrectionist admitting nothing short of his willingness to once again commit treason (for which our laws state that he should have been hanged till dead, the first time) has devolved into a discussion of fetal development (presumably in regards to abortion laws). :rolleyes:

Just so y'all know, as with death, life really isn't a matter of the heart, but rather of the brain. The fetus is a separate organism than the mother, but is utterly parasitic; being unable to exist without the uterus to supply it with all it's needs. (like malaria).
The fetal heart is formed and moving blood around by 7 or 8 weeks, but the organism would never be recognized as "alive" by all medical standards, since there is no brain activity.

Without Synaptogenesis (green bar - starting at 17 to 18 weeks), then no nerve cells are even able to communicate with their neighboring nerve cells. :shrug: No sense of pain. No sense of light or dark. No thoughts.

Now all of you can go form a different thread, and argue about that to your hearts' contents.

Also, since it came up. "Coma" and "Brain Death" are often erroneously equated with each other. :facepalm: They are not the same thing. In a coma, the brain is still there and functioning, although as if deeply unconscious.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
You need to present the facts to counter the opinions and lies; mudslinging. The Left confuses those three things, so I am doing them a service as a fellow human. All that lecturing about science and the scientific method has stuck, so I am treating this election as applied science, gathering the fact and drawing the best curve.
Irony overload. :facepalm:
I even applied the Schrödinger's Cat paradox from Physics, to the Hide the Kamala campaign approach via fake news. She is being placed in a black box; isolated, so we do not know if she is liberal or moderate. Like Schrödinger's Cat, for all practical purposes she is both Liberal and Moderate, at †he same time, until the box is opened. That is being delayed.
The Schrodinger's Cat paradox is philosophy, not science.
I would remind you that both candidates; Vice President Ms. Harris, as well as the Insurrectionist, have both not officially presented their policies yet, and are to both release them this week. In fact, I see that Ms. Harris is releasing some today.
The giggle and laugh tour is there to help shift sentiment to the New and Improved side of the paradox, since logic still does not yet apply for deduction and inference, due to the black box still closed. The minions on the Left are easy to fool that way; sentiment. They falls of it every time. I am trying to sober them up, since they look ridiculous and I feel embarrassed for them being so easily duped, and then lecturing on science and the experimental method. Applied science is more real, than theoretical science; walk the walk verse talk the talk.
Under Biden/Harris, the economy is undeniably better than under tRump. So is the border situation, even with the massive influx of immigrant applications. International relations are better.
To deny reality is the hallmark of the MAGA Trumpettes (MAGATs). "Alternative facts" :D:rolleyes::rolleyes: "stolen election" / "COVID isn't dangerous" / "tariffs won't drive up inflation" / "I'll make a wall. And Mexico will pay for it" / "I don't know Stormy Daniels" / "Biden destroyed the economy" / "Climate change is a concept created by the Chinese" / etc... / etc.... / etc.... :facepalm:
So, No, the burnt pot does not get to call the clean napkins black.

The centrists (and most of the left) are the only adults in the room, trying to wrangle the screaming/over-emotional toddlers back to reality. :shrug: This has been true since the Reagan era.

Time to wake up, kiddos!


Industrial Strength Linguist
Politicized language over how to describe embryos and fetuses is particularly hot in those states where ballot measures have been proposed in an effort to remove or restore reproductive freedoms. For example, in Alabama:

Warnings of the impact of fertility treatments in Alabama rush in after frozen embryo ruling

The idea of the Alabama Supreme Court was to confer civil rights on embryos by calling them 'children'. That is calculated to have a devastating impact not only on abortion rights, but on in vitro fertilization (IVF) for couples who have difficulty conceiving children naturally.

Just recently, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that a tax-supported "information pamphlet" sent to voters can call fetuses "unborn human beings"--wording designed to support anti-abortion propaganda for a ballot measure that would allow abortions up to the stage at which the fetus becomes viable outside of the womb.

Ruling: Fetus can be referred to as ‘unborn human being’ in Arizona abortion measure voter pamphlet

I'm not sure how much impact these rhetorical tactics really have on voters, most of whom seem to have made up their minds already about whether state governments should be able to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term. Strong majorities even in Republican areas have favored preserving the rights of women that existed before Roe v Wade was struck down by the Republican majority on the Supreme Court. Republicans have trouble even convincing their own base to support restrictions on abortion rights.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I feel I need to repeat something that I posted a while back: Why does God perform abortions if the fetus is thought to be a baby? If God ultimately made us all, then He must be responsible for killing a "fetus" through a "miscarriage" or "stillbirth" or whatever one calls it?

Also, I simply am unwilling to tell a woman what she must supposedly do with that which is inside her.


In today's address by Trump in New Jersey he has told some serious WHOPPERS! Truly unbelievable. He's still speaking live, with active Fact Check. It's almost entertaining if it wasn't so sad. There's applause off camera every now and again, but I think it's for something else happening -- not timed right for his speaking, though he has said "thank you" to it more than once.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
In today's address by Trump in New Jersey he has told some serious WHOPPERS! Truly unbelievable. He's still speaking live, with active Fact Check. It's almost entertaining if it wasn't so sad. There's applause off camera every now and again, but I think it's for something else happening -- not timed right for his speaking, though he has said "thank you" to it more than once.

And yet so many on the right, including many supposed Christians, seem to be all fine & dandy with his constant lies and making fun of others. He's cheated on all three of his wives and used a prostitute and yet they still blindly follow and cheer for him.


And yet so many on the right, including many supposed Christians, seem to be all fine & dandy with his constant lies and making fun of others. He's cheated on all three of his wives and used a prostitute and yet they still blindly follow and cheer for him.
That's why it "almost" entertaining. He went into this long tale of how because of Harris you can rob a store in California up to $9hundred and some dollars without being held accountable. He said people are going into these stores with calculators to make sure that can rob them without going over the limit. And Harris was going to do this to the whole country.

That's just one of his fantasy tales he hawking today.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
"Cardiac tissue" is not a heart.
It's not a heartbeat you're hearing at 6 weeks.
You need a heart to hear a heartbeat. What's that you were saying about common sense? ;)
And, as it says, they hear it. After all, I did quote them. :)


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
No, it's irrelevant to the context of our discussion.

I disagree. It is very pertinent IMV.
It's a list of things that are irrelevant to our conversation. Especially if we're talking about the 6 week marker. There isn't a developed brain at 6 weeks. Or a heart.

I disagree… It is very relevant.
Did you break your brain on the common sense put before you? Why no actual response?

Oh.. it was a great response, but as you showed, you didn’t like it so you labelled it “Irrelevant”. But it is still science no matter how “irrelevant” you want to paint it.
I think we're done here. I can't have a discussion with a person who refuses to accept reality and claims that there is a heartbeat when there is no heart present. Sorry but it's just inane.

I’m not refuting science… you are. ;) But your statement is commonly used when one lacks a good response. Just blame it on the other person and bow out.

I accept your surrender. :) Now, don’t do a backstroke and start responding again.


I though I would add this since you don’t believe in science

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I feel I need to repeat something that I posted a while back: Why does God perform abortions if the fetus is thought to be a baby? If God ultimately made us all, then He must be responsible for killing a "fetus" through a "miscarriage" or "stillbirth" or whatever one calls it?

Also, I simply am unwilling to tell a woman what she must supposedly do with that which is inside her.
I would say it’s one thing for God, the Creator and giver of life, to determine when to take life or call someone into eternity. It’s His right and perogative. Human beings are commanded not to murder.


I watched the video by Rachel Maddow/MSNBC contained in this link, and found it thought provoking. Trump says, "get out to vote just this time. You won't have to do it anymore ... In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it so fixed that you won't have to vote." The implications of that comment are obvious and disturbing. He intends to end voting in America, although I can't visualize how that could happen. Sham elections, yes, but no voting?

Next, she changes tracks. Beginning at 1:43, she discusses what he said the days before that comment, namely, that his supporters don't need to vote for him this time - the contradiction. At 2:22, she shows several clips of Trump saying that he doesn't need votes - his earlier message. Why would he say that even once?

For the rest of the video, she discusses this apparent contradiction and what it might mean. She suggests that Trump expects to take the White House however the votes fall, which suggests that the comment quoted above was some kind of pivot or damage control following saying that he doesn't need votes. And she suggests that this will be due to Republican controlled state legislatures refusing to certify outcomes that they don't like in their states.

Is there another way of understanding Trump's comments?

And even if she is correct about what Trump is thinking, does he have good reason to think such things? Has he been told something by his handlers? If so, could those words be just words to assuage him, or does he have inside information? Would they even tell Trump such a thing were the case? Are these just the confused thoughts of a man in cognitive decline losing touch with reality, or is there more to it?

I don't think we can answer that now.

And can anything be done if there are states getting ready to gridlock the election process? If they did, how would that put Trump in the White House? Things might get pretty interesting if a few states refuse to certify their results. They would be states with a Republican state government that Harris carried, which would lower her electoral vote count. Trump might have more as a result, but it wouldn't be the 270 electoral votes needed to win.

Anyway, it gave me a lot to think about, and I thought that some here at RF would be intrigued by this video and issue as well.

I wonder if there will even be an election this year.


Well trump and his accolytes are hoping for an annointing, but I think we will get through another real human event though some will be disappointed.
I suppose we’ll see one way or another. Things just seem so chaotic in the country and one never knows what new crisis might arise from one day to another