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Trump makes conflicting comments, both of them ominous and disturbing


Well-Known Member
Straight out of 1984 -- Ministry of Truth. Your new "agency" would decide what "thought, information, idea and opinions" are "true" or "poison or dangerous to national mental health," and then sic the thought-police on them.
Which somehow made me thing of Arnold J. Rimmer.

Second Technician Arnold J Rimmer (the J stands for Judas), left home to become an Officer and a Gentleman like his brothers John,Frank and Howard but instead became a Second Technician on the mining ship Red Dwarf cleaning out blocked nozzles in the chicken soup machines.
Arnold beleives he is a failure in his mothers eyes, his fathers eyes and anyone WITH eyes.

During childhood, his father bought a rack, and every morning he would measure his sons to see if they had grown during the night. If they hadnt, then they would go on the rack to be stretched.
Rimmers father also tested them on Astro-Navigation and Engineering Theory before they were allowed to eat. If they gave incorrect answers there was no food. During this time Rimmer nearly died of malnutrition.
Rimmer was the cause of Red Dwarfs accident by failing to properly secure a maintenance panel, resulting in radiation flooding the entire ship and killing all the crew.
He was brought back as a hologram to keep Lister company, and to keep
Listers sanity. This wouldnt be too bad if Rimmers main interests hadnt been 20th century telegraph poles, morris dancing and hammond organ music (preferbly by Reggie Wilson).
Rimmer is a back stabbing ,weasly ,coward (not to mention a smeghead) with the morals of a pubic louse, who would sell his own mother to get himself out of trouble.
He has failed the engineers exam on no fewer than 13 occasions, including one time when he wrote the words I am a fish all over the exam paper
Arnolds alter-ego is Ace Rimmer (what a guy).
Ive come to regard you as .. people I met


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Which of the thousands of evangelical denominations was Jesus part of? And which Jesus? Most Jesuses are RCC (being probably Latin Americans).

It really isn’t so complicated:

1 Cor 12:12 For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ

Just one body, one Jesus Christ.

Unless you are blind and first you touch a tail and then a trunk and think they aren’t connected to the elephant


Veteran Member
It really isn’t so complicated:

1 Cor 12:12 For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ

Just one body, one Jesus Christ.

Unless you are blind and first you touch a tail and then a trunk and think they aren’t connected to the elephant
Even in your analogy, the body has many parts. And US evangelicals are distinct from other body parts, and also distinct from each other. To keep with your analogy, the US evangelicals are the intestines of the body, with the NIFB being the rectum.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Even in your analogy, the body has many parts. And US evangelicals are distinct from other body parts, and also distinct from each other. To keep with your analogy, the US evangelicals are the intestines of the body, with the NIFB being the rectum.
It is quite possible, as it is written, "23 And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty,” - You just never know.
I agree that “it’s my religion” is not a qualifier for a law.

But it has been proven through history that “objective” is quite “subjective”.
Within reason. Wanton murder is generally frowned upon. We have a couple of laws that remain pretty universal. We move in from there.
What “Christian” world view is he promoting?
You tell me. Given the point of the comments he made was directed at Christians and the context allegedly makes it better. He claims he doesn't have anything to do with project 2025 but he hasn't said exactly what he's gonna do either. But historically policies touted as Christian policies are unkind to certain demographics. The long term damage done to people in country by court appointments alone is tremendous.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Within reason. Wanton murder is generally frowned upon. We have a couple of laws that remain pretty universal. We move in from there.

I’m not saying there aren’t definite ones - but yesterdays “objective” decisions is today’s subjective viewpoint.
You tell me. Given the point of the comments he made was directed at Christians and the context allegedly makes it better. He claims he doesn't have anything to do with project 2025 but he hasn't said exactly what he's gonna do either. But historically policies touted as Christian policies are unkind to certain demographics. The long term damage done to people in country by court appointments alone is tremendous.
I’m sorry - but you laid the claim! I assume you don’t have a point but are simply saying that because they mentioned Christians it must mean a Theocratic dictatorship or shoving faith down someone’s throat? You will have to tell me.

That being said - I pointed out what we want is to go back to the intent of the constitution.

How about Congress approving a budget for a change which is their madate?
I’m not saying there aren’t definite ones - but yesterdays “objective” decisions is today’s subjective viewpoint.
I’m sorry - but you laid the claim! I assume you don’t have a point but are simply saying that because they mentioned Christians it must mean a Theocratic dictatorship or shoving faith down someone’s throat? You will have to tell me.

That being said - I pointed out what we want is to go back to the intent of the constitution.

How about Congress approving a budget for a change which is their madate?
I laid the claim? Trump laid the claim. Everyone is trying to figure out what the appropriate reaction to it is. Without context seems pretty bad. At face value it sounded like he wanted to end voting. With the context that you implied seemed that he wished to talk specifically to the Christian base that he will achieve all of their goals and won't need to vote in 4 years.

Knowing the historical context religious political movements I don't have to imagine negative consequences. Even if it isn't theocracy. We already see it from his first term. I live in Florida where we already have significant issues with rights in peril. Women's rights are in even more peril actively in several states thanks to Trump's Supreme court.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member

I laid the claim? Trump laid the claim. Everyone is trying to figure out what the appropriate reaction to it is. Without context seems pretty bad. At face value it sounded like he wanted to end voting. With the context that you implied seemed that he wished to talk specifically to the Christian base that he will achieve all of their goals and won't need to vote in 4 years.

Then, without the understanding, I wouldn't let my imagination run wild.

In Christian circles we know that the silent majority don't visit the voter's box to which he referenced by saying "I don't know why they don't vote" . Plain and simple he was saying - "get out and vote this time and then feel free to crawl back into your hole". After all, he can only run for one more term

Knowing the historical context religious political movements I don't have to imagine negative consequences. Even if it isn't theocracy. We already see it from his first term. I live in Florida where we already have significant issues with rights in peril. Women's rights are in even more peril actively in several states thanks to Trump's Supreme court.

Ok... a lot of "fear" statements without much info or specifics. Trump didn't stop women's rights. Projection?

This sounds more like "selling fear" that any substance to me.
Then, without the understanding, I wouldn't let my imagination run wild.

In Christian circles we know that the silent majority don't visit the voter's box to which he referenced by saying "I don't know why they don't vote" . Plain and simple he was saying - "get out and vote this time and then feel free to crawl back into your hole". After all, he can only run for one more term

Ok... a lot of "fear" statements without much info or specifics. Trump didn't stop women's rights. Projection?

This sounds more like "selling fear" that any substance to me.
Trump specifically put people onto the supreme court that ended women's right to bodily autonomy and now we have the ****show of states scrambling to make their own various laws on the subject. Many of them heinous. This is not projection. This is direct causation. There are women currently being forced to come to term right now because of Trump and his actions. Do I need to dredge up the hate crime statistics of before and after his election?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Trump specifically put people onto the supreme court that ended women's right to bodily autonomy and now we have the ****show of states scrambling to make their own various laws on the subject. Many of them heinous. This is not projection. This is direct causation. There are women currently being forced to come to term right now because of Trump and his actions. Do I need to dredge up the hate crime statistics of before and after his election?

That isn’t exactly how it works.

1) He may choose potential Supreme Court Justices but it is the Senate that approves it.
2) Basically what you are saying is that if they select the ones that you like, then it is OK. If it isn’t , they it’s the sitting presidents fault.
3) Can I assume that you are ok with a Democratic President and Senate add more Justices that favor your cause?
4) It was sent to the States because, according to the Constitution, it wasn’t in the Federal jurisdiction. They didn’t deny abortion, they simply said the previous court had no right to let the Federal Government rule on it.

So it seems more like a personal viewpoint on your part and it has nothing to do with “Christian faith” but rather case law. People can still get abortions in any state.


Veteran Member
Trump specifically put people onto the supreme court that ended women's right to bodily autonomy and now we have the ****show of states scrambling to make their own various laws on the subject. Many of them heinous. This is not projection. This is direct causation. There are women currently being forced to come to term right now because of Trump and his actions. Do I need to dredge up the hate crime statistics of before and after his election?
That isn’t exactly how it works.

1) He may choose potential Supreme Court Justices but it is the Senate that approves it.
2) Basically what you are saying is that if they select the ones that you like, then it is OK. If it isn’t , they it’s the sitting presidents fault.
3) Can I assume that you are ok with a Democratic President and Senate add more Justices that favor your cause?
4) It was sent to the States because, according to the Constitution, it wasn’t in the Federal jurisdiction. They didn’t deny abortion, they simply said the previous court had no right to let the Federal Government rule on it.

So it seems more like a personal viewpoint on your part and it has nothing to do with “Christian faith” but rather case law. People can still get abortions in any state.

Trump should have chosen potential Supreme Court Justices, but he didn't. 1. It would have been work. 2. The Federalist Society bribed him with the Evangelical votes for the privilege to take the burden of choice from him.
Trump isn't responsible for the Justices, he's only responsible for selling his power.
Trump is also a misogynist of the highest order (remember "grab em by the *****"?), so he doesn't care.

All the Justices appointed on Trumps watch were asked in their Senate hearings if they are good conservatives (respect precedent), all said "yes", which is basically lying under oath.

So it is not that we are bemoaning that the court is not left-wing, we are saying that it isn't neutral any more. Democrats (and Republicans in the past) have been appointing moderate candidates. It is only since McConnell refused to let Obama appoint a moderate Justice, that the SCotUS has become a play ball of right-wing politics.

And the Democrats haven't even learned their lesson yet. They still play fair.


Veteran Member
He explained it later. He was talking to basically Christians of which 60% don’t vote. As I understood it, what he was saying was “go vote this time and then you won’t have to vote again and can go back to not voting because I will have fixed the mess”.

Could he have been clearer the first time around? Sure! But who hasn’t said one thing and had to clear up later? Everyone, including me!
Except that he's wrong about that.

Depends on how you approach a subject.

Remember all that they said he would do in his first presidency? Racist, warmonger, destroy democracy, Russiagate, et al? Turns out none of it was true. He didn’t even take a salary!

He finished a war and didn’t start another, prison reforms, helped keep business in the US, tax relief, became energy independent and so much more.

So I look not so much as how he say things (how he says things can be grating) - but what he does. I think it takes that type of personality to break the political corruption that we have in our political system.

So it is all on how you approach a subject. If one is bent towards “he is going to be a dictator”, you will have one perspective. If you approach it along the lines of “He is gong to dismantle the status quo”, which I believe needs to happen, you get another perspective.
Wait, it takes a corrupt fraud, convicted felon, sexual abuser, election denier and insurrection fomenter to "break the political corruption that we have in our political system."



Veteran Member
That isn’t exactly how it works.

1) He may choose potential Supreme Court Justices but it is the Senate that approves it.
2) Basically what you are saying is that if they select the ones that you like, then it is OK. If it isn’t , they it’s the sitting presidents fault.
3) Can I assume that you are ok with a Democratic President and Senate add more Justices that favor your cause?
4) It was sent to the States because, according to the Constitution, it wasn’t in the Federal jurisdiction. They didn’t deny abortion, they simply said the previous court had no right to let the Federal Government rule on it.

So it seems more like a personal viewpoint on your part and it has nothing to do with “Christian faith” but rather case law. People can still get abortions in any state.
No, people cannot get abortions in any state.

Infant mortality is up 12% in Texas, thanks to these oppressive and backwards laws. Pro-life my backside.

Trump put Supreme Court justices in place who overturned 50-year old settled law. His actions had direct consequences on womens' lives all across the country.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
The implications of that comment are obvious and disturbing. He intends to end voting in America, although I can't visualize how that could happen
For a segment of Christian philosophy and many indivduals voting and/or any political involvement is distasteful at best. Such involvement necessarily means supporting a wheedling, amoral reprobate. Relief from the constant drive to vote if the country were made secure from the internal threat of leftism would be a gift from God.

Politics is disgusting. Politicians are disgusting. Being involved and effective necessarily covers you in filth. Yet, because of our tribal nature we tend to become selectively aware once a team/side/tribe has been chosen and so we rationalize or even pretend the grime doesn't exist. I watched relatives become Trump devotees, in this thread it has been said that Democratic politicians by and large have moral principles and that they play fair. That's the real danger, that it pulls you in so that you can't see how dirty you are.
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Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Trump should have chosen potential Supreme Court Justices, but he didn't. 1. It would have been work. 2. The Federalist Society bribed him with the Evangelical votes for the privilege to take the burden of choice from him.
Trump isn't responsible for the Justices, he's only responsible for selling his power.
Trump is also a misogynist of the highest order (remember "grab em by the *****"?), so he doesn't care.

All the Justices appointed on Trumps watch were asked in their Senate hearings if they are good conservatives (respect precedent), all said "yes", which is basically lying under oath.

So it is not that we are bemoaning that the court is not left-wing, we are saying that it isn't neutral any more. Democrats (and Republicans in the past) have been appointing moderate candidates. It is only since McConnell refused to let Obama appoint a moderate Justice, that the SCotUS has become a play ball of right-wing politics.

And the Democrats haven't even learned their lesson yet. They still play fair.
Conspiracy theories always abound


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
No, people cannot get abortions in any state.

Infant mortality is up 12% in Texas, thanks to these oppressive and backwards laws. Pro-life my backside.

Trump put Supreme Court justices in place who overturned 50-year old settled law. His actions had direct consequences on womens' lives all across the country.
Tell me which state cannot.

Wild numbers without context is fear mongering and manipulative.
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