While I agree with the conclusion that Trump is likely to be reelected, the political naivete in this thread is as thick as childhood on a six year old. But have at it.
But most of us are....... politically naive.
Most humans are..........
Which is how some very very nasty folks have gained control of countries, unions and empires in the distant, middle and recent past.
So the question begs, 'How is it that so many amazing intellects and brains don't have the most simple abilities with basic political education and simple messages?'
You see, we're surrounded by incompetence at every level of intellect, mixed in with unbelievable amounts of greed, self-interest and corruption,and our political futures are as volatile as Natural Chaos.
We are exactly ...... as children..... waiting in the playground to hear the best offer of sweets, freedoms, powers and securities. Gosh, we were even foolish back then.