I don't think that's a legal statute. I could be wrong though...
That is what the thread is about.
Yes, they were acquired so that Mueller and his team could analyze them to look for a possible connection to Russia, to try and establish conspiracy. Obviously none was found because Mueller concluded Trump did not conspire with Russia.
Open and shut it's done. With executive privilege issued, Congress will be tied up for years trying to get these documents. Trump will be well past his 2nd term before these documents will be available to Congress, if ever. I don't see any legal ground Congress has to pursue this any further. The DoJ already compromised and allowed any in Congress to go view a less redacted Mueller report. To my knowledge only 2 Republicans viewed it, and 0 Democrats. That was a fair compromise considering the legality of it all. The DoJ didn't even have to do that. They did it in good faith it would put the issue to rest. Meanwhile Congress has made no compromises and such it shall be reflected during the court case and count against them in judgment.