Only those who can afford to TAKE ON RISK in the current market are benefiting. The FED is actually increasing income inequality. These people CANNOT AFFORD to lock their money up in a bank CD if this Yellen increases the interest rate – and it’s going to hurt them the most and many have credit card debt living off cards in this horrible Obama economy simply to pretend to their family “everything is normal, let’s go to Disneyland”.
It is only THESE people in massive number who can GROW THE ECONOMY, but they cannot unless they get good jobs but that isn’t going to happen with the real one percenters who make the money off cheap labor and displacing Americans from their jobs with offshoring or foreign labor and are donating millions to Hillary – and as these Americans lose their jobs they are often forced to train the cheap labor or they lose their severance.
No wonder Trump is now within striking distance in Pennsylvania, only 4 points out and inside the margin of error in both the CNN poll out this morning and the Manmouth poll. And in the Susquehana poll just out, Trump is now within 2 points of Hillary in Pennsylvania. It’s over if Trump wins Pennsylvania.
I have no doubt there ARE some angry people out there – the Penn polls demonstrate that – but these are not “Trump supporters” but blue collar workers and “factory workers” etc and coal people who were Democrats but are angry as hell. They are voting Trump.
By the way. Bill Clinton is a rapist.
UPDATE: I will also say, I know for a fact, the bikers are voting Trump. Which is good.