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Truth: either God exists or He don't.

Oh my so wrong! If it was a theory then it would explain the facts. In the sciences there is nothing above a theory. Do not get confused by how people abuse the term in colloquial speech. Theories are if anything above scientific laws. Theories never become laws, but they can supplant scientific laws. Take Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation that was supplanted by Einstein's more accurate theory of gravity also known as General Relativity.

Theories explain facts. The theory of evolution explains the facts of evolution.

But since it appears that you have admitted that the Adam and Eve story is a myth I will continue for now. Abiogenesis is not a theory. It is still in the hypothetical stage. That means that there are still some serious unanswered questions. Of course as you know, unanswered questions are never evidence for God. Unanswered questions are neutral in that way.[/QUOTE
Oh my so wrong! If it was a theory then it would explain the facts. In the sciences there is nothing above a theory. Do not get confused by how people abuse the term in colloquial speech. Theories are if anything above scientific laws. Theories never become laws, but they can supplant scientific laws. Take Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation that was supplanted by Einstein's more accurate theory of gravity also known as General Relativity.

Theories explain facts. The theory of evolution explains the facts of evolution.

But since it appears that you have admitted that the Adam and Eve story is a myth I will continue for now. Abiogenesis is not a theory. It is still in the hypothetical stage. That means that there are still some serious unanswered questions. Of course as you know, unanswered questions are never evidence for God. Unanswered questions are neutral in that way.
No, it is a hypothesis, not a theory. It is still an area of active research, but is not established.

But, it is a *fact* that NONE of the chemical in your body is alive. It is a *fact* that the same elements that make up your body are also parts of non-living things and are the most common elements in the universe. It is a *fact* that the basic compounds of those elements are common throughout the universe and were on the early Earth. it is a *fact* that those basic elements react *spontaneously* to form more complicated molecules, like those that form the basic parts of life. it is a fact that those basic parts (amino acids, nucleic acids) spontaneously polymerize to form proteins and RNA, which are basic to the chemistry of ALL living things.

Much of this was a surprise to many scientists. At one time, it was thought that there was a special substance, the 'elan vitale' that distinguished what is alive from what is not. That has been shown to be wrong. At one time, it was thought that some chemicals are unique to non-living things and others unique to living things. That was shown to be wrong. At one time, it was thought that proteins could not form in an environment like that of the early Earth. That was shown to be wrong. At one point, it was thought that amino acids could not spontaneously polymerize into proteins. That was shown to be wrong. At one time, it was thought that RNA could not catalyze biologically important reactions. That was shown to be wrong. At one time, it was thought that RNA could not self-replicate. That was shown to be wrong.

At each stage, the supposed blocks to abiogenesis have been shown to be invalid.

Is there more to learn? Absolutely. But at every stage, betting against abiogenesis has been a losing bet.
No, it is a hypothesis, not a theory. It is still an area of active research, but is not established.

But, it is a *fact* that NONE of the chemical in your body is alive. It is a *fact* that the same elements that make up your body are also parts of non-living things and are the most common elements in the universe. It is a *fact* that the basic compounds of those elements are common throughout the universe and were on the early Earth. it is a *fact* that those basic elements react *spontaneously* to form more complicated molecules, like those that form the basic parts of life. it is a fact that those basic parts (amino acids, nucleic acids) spontaneously polymerize to form proteins and RNA, which are basic to the chemistry of ALL living things.

Much of this was a surprise to many scientists. At one time, it was thought that there was a special substance, the 'elan vitale' that distinguished what is alive from what is not. That has been shown to be wrong. At one time, it was thought that some chemicals are unique to non-living things and others unique to living things. That was shown to be wrong. At one time, it was thought that proteins could not form in an environment like that of the early Earth. That was shown to be wrong. At one point, it was thought that amino acids could not spontaneously polymerize into proteins. That was shown to be wrong. At one time, it was thought that RNA could not catalyze biologically important reactions. That was shown to be wrong. At one time, it was thought that RNA could not self-replicate. That was shown to be wrong.

At each stage, the supposed blocks to abiogenesis have been shown to be invalid.

Is there more to learn? Absolutely. But at every stage, betting against abiogenesis has been a losing bet.

“Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:7‬
Once God’s life (the breath he gave you) leaves your body you die, decay.

Pilgrim Soldier

Active Member
There are almost no eyewitness accounts in the Bible. Anyone that has studied it knows that. Please name some examples.
thousands witnessed Christ after He rose from the dead, thousands witnessed Him perform miracles, millions saw God open the red sea and the Egyptian army drown,etc. You ask some very strange question for someone who supposedly read the Bible.

Pilgrim Soldier

Active Member
Anyone that makes that claim has no idea how Wikipedia works. It is not true that anyone can change it. Do you want to learn why it is more reliable than most encyclopedias?
There's nothing to learn about wikipedia, I have already summed it up. how could you possible turn it into something that it's not by your words?


Veteran Member
thousands witnessed Christ after He rose from the dead, thousands witnessed Him perform miracles, millions saw God open the red sea and the Egyptian army drown,etc. You ask some very strange question for someone who supposedly read the Bible.
" thousands witnessed Christ after He rose from the dead,"

It never happened, so weren't those who "witnessed" were mislead and hence their witnessing was false, please? Right friend, please?


Pilgrim Soldier

Active Member
Really? Who were those eyewitnesses? Where are their reports?

All I know of is a few gospels, written by advocates, who *say* there were other witnesses. They also claim the sky went dark when Jesus died. Funny that *nobody* else at the time mentioned this. And that is in spite of the fact that the Romans were incredibly superstitious and would have taken such an event very seriously.
There are thousands of highly educated and reliable Bible scholars who have written books with detailed answers to your questions.
Many have devoted their entire lives studying the Bible and it's writers. The Bible only has One author but many wrote what He revealed to them.
Every other ancient culture and religion have become extinct, they have all died and gone forever.They are forgotten forever but the Bible remains eternal because it's God's eternal Word and it will dominate mankind in every age to come.
Notice how nobody ever talks about other gods of the past or other religions that came and died but the whole world is always talking about the Lord Jesus Christ

Pilgrim Soldier

Active Member
OK, a perfect case of philosophical denialism.

At this point, nothing you say about history has any validity at all.
It has full validity for those 2 billion of us who are believers, the other 5 billion are those I described to you earlier. I was just describing the state of brave new world of the secular progressive society


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
“Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:7‬
Once God’s life (the breath he gave you) leaves your body you die, decay.

There is no such substance. Once oxygen stops getting to your cells, you start to decay/


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
thousands witnessed Christ after He rose from the dead, thousands witnessed Him perform miracles, millions saw God open the red sea and the Egyptian army drown,etc. You ask some very strange question for someone who supposedly read the Bible.

Really? What witnesses were those? What did they write?

Pilgrim Soldier

Active Member
" thousands witnessed Christ after He rose from the dead,"

It never happened, so weren't those who "witnessed" were mislead and hence their witnessing was false, please? Right friend, please?

who told you it never happened? just trying to put a name to these mysterious phantoms

Pilgrim Soldier

Active Member
Simply false. Schools and universities existed in many other places (China, for example, had a very extensive school system very early on).

Hospitals of various sorts existed in antiquity. Charitable organizations existed far before Christianity even existed.
We know about China's school system and it's teaching about snake oil and Dragons. They contributed absolutely ZERO valuable technology.
Then you go off into myth, regarding other primitive civilisations having hospitals etc. If your going to make such radically wild claims, you should refer to your source as there are many snake oil salesmen out there


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
There are thousands of highly educated and reliable Bible scholars who have written books with detailed answers to your questions.

Mostly, they ignore the questions, actually.

Many have devoted their entire lives studying the Bible and it's writers. The Bible only has One author but many wrote what He revealed to them.

Sorry they wasted their lives. I guess it was their choice.

Every other ancient culture and religion have become extinct, they have all died and gone forever.They are forgotten forever but the Bible remains eternal because it's God's eternal Word and it will dominate mankind in every age to come.
Notice how nobody ever talks about other gods of the past or other religions that came and died but the whole world is always talking about the Lord Jesus Christ



Veteran Member
paarsurrey said:
" thousands witnessed Christ after He rose from the dead,"

It never happened, so weren't those who "witnessed" were mislead and hence their witnessing was false, please? Right friend, please?
who told you it never happened? just trying to put a name to these mysterious phantoms

One has to prove that it happened that "Jesus rose from the dead" as it is a false statement, I understand.
I am afraid one has been allured into this believing by the Pauline-Christianity that started, I figure, with a fake vision of Paul, please. Right friend, please?



Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
We know about China's school system and it's teaching about snake oil and Dragons. They contributed absolutely ZERO valuable technology.

Again, not true. Paper, gun powder, highly skilled metal casting, highly skilled porcelain, the printing press, etc.

Then you go off into myth, regarding other primitive civilisations having hospitals etc. If your going to make such radically wild claims, you should refer to your source as there are many snake oil salesmen out there

What is your definition of a hospital? A place where people can go to get medical care? There were many temples to Asclepius that performed that role in ancient society.

Pilgrim Soldier

Active Member
Let's have a bet.

Edit any wikipedia entry of your choosing and insert false information into it.

I bet 100 bucks that it will take less then 24 hours for it to be corrected again.
Yes, I know it's a free for all, mass confusion website which is constantly being changed so you never know what's on today's menu. That might be OK for those who want to kill some time playing trivial pursuit, but no serious intellectual would ever refer to such a gimmick as a source of reliable facts :(


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
they were eye witnesses who wrote down what they saw. It just doesn't get any better than that. That's why the Bible has always been the best selling book in every age and that's why billions believe it absolutely.

We don't have thousands of eyewitnesses that wrote down what they saw.

Hint: how many gospels are there? Nowhere close to thousands. And that is *assuming* that the authors of the gospels were eyewitnesses, which is unlikely to be true.

And no, eyewitness accounts are NOT the best you can get. Having physical evidence is usually far better than having several eyewitnesses.

I also think you are exaggerating that 'billions believe it absolutely'. It is clear that billions accept it as a *guide*, but the actual number that believe it is fully true is much lower than that,

Pilgrim Soldier

Active Member
paarsurrey said:
" thousands witnessed Christ after He rose from the dead,"

It never happened, so weren't those who "witnessed" were mislead and hence their witnessing was false, please? Right friend, please?

One has to prove that it happened that "Jesus rose from the dead" as it is a false statement, I understand.
I am afraid one has been allured into this believing by the Pauline-Christianity that started, I figure, with a fake vision of Paul, please. Right friend, please?

Let me guess, you were told this by some lady with purple while she read your horoscope :eek: you obviously have ZERO reliable sources to base your baseless assertions upon


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes, I know it's a free for all, mass confusion website which is constantly being changed so you never know what's on today's menu. That might be OK for those who want to kill some time playing trivial pursuit, but no serious intellectual would ever refer to such a gimmick as a source of reliable facts :(

Any decent wikipedia article has sources that you can go to to verify what is written.

But I agree: those sources are usually more reliable than wikipedia.

That said, it's record for technical subjects is very good. In physics and math, the articles tend to be excellent.