Welcome in the forum, please.
Magenta ^.
Does one mean from God the person of G-d or Jesus son of Mary, please?
Joseph Smith , I get for one, was appointed messenger by Jesus son of Mary and not by G-d whom Jesus s/o Mary used to worship and pray and addressed as God-the-Father, please. Right friend, please?
God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, are one in a kind of unity that is difficult for even the most intelligent and spiritually minded to understand, I admit that I am not greatly intelligent in their oneness, but, I know that it is perfect.
If we ask God the Father to help us with something He can and will if we are sincere and the request is in line with His righteousness, that I know is true.
Once we receive an answer from God, either the Son or the Father or the Holy Spirit, THEN we KNOW God exists and we can build on that relationship.
No one can prove that God exists to another person.
Only God can do that.
Some people can see the logic of what God has done all around us, to others it may not be as apparent.