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Tucker Carlson, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, The Ukraine War

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Does that suffice? They is the Russians of Donbass

No, sorry. I still don't see justification for Putin's invasion there, which can properly be called a war of aggression.
you have the progressive Blue cancel culture clowns .. calling Tulsi Gabbard a Russian Asset .. Pootin Stooge .. for being anti War that is the fallacy you are talking about right ?
Straw man. Gabbard was not rejected for being anti-war, which is also a liberal, progressive, humanist value.

As for cancel culture, I'm a huge fan of it coming from the left. Conservatives like it, too. What are the wokeness memes and assaults on reproductive and marital freedom, LGBTQ+, drag queens, American history, etc. if not attempts at cancelling, the difference being that they are rooted in bigotries rather than the liberal values of the liberals pushing back and attempting to cancel back the conservative cancellers.
One can be rooting for Ukraine .. and not rooting for the Nazi .. however .. if you are rooting for Ukraine.. you are rooting for the Nazi side .. or perhaps better put .. losing the demonization lingo .. The Side that engaged in Nazi like atrocity.
You're a Christian, right? Do you promote that religion notwithstanding its litany of atrocities? That's the side that gave us the inquisitions, witch hangings, the Catholic pedophilia coverup scandal, and Waco, and you root for it. Do you own all of that?
MSM? Men Who have sex with Men?
Sarcasm, right? Just in case it's not, mainstream media usually.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
As for cancel culture, I'm a huge fan of it coming from the left. Conservatives like it, too. What are the wokeness memes and assaults on reproductive and marital freedom, LGBTQ+, drag queens, American history, etc. if not attempts at cancelling, the difference being that they are rooted in bigotries rather than the liberal values of the liberals pushing back and attempting to cancel back the conservative cancellers.
Yup. Liberals doing it may get too zealous with outright censorship, but Conservatives doing it are efforts to erase people, shove them back into closets, and entirely rewriting history to say evil (slavery, racism, bigotry) is good.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
No sarcasm. Acronyms aren't universally understood.


I have the same complaint at times (MS in this citation was modern synthesis, referring to modern evolutionary theory merging Darwin's science with revelations in genetics since his time):

He: The EES which was proposed to address the failure of the MS is not agreed upon​
Me: Try to avoid nonstandard abbreviations if you wish to be understood. I Googled it and got Engineering Equation Solver, European Evaluation Society, Entry-Exit Systems and a few more, but nothing related to evolution.​

Also (I reposted the entire answer for kicks):

He: What's yours (pet peeve)?​
Me: You'll be able to tell from the following that I'm not a patient person and don't suffer fools gladly. Here are several:​
  • Nonstandard abbreviations. If someone uses an abbreviation that isn't widely known, like FBI, unless I'm curious, which is about 20% of the time, I scroll past. If it isn't worth his time to write it out, it's not worth mine to figure it out.
  • People with an email account that don't check it. It's like having a telephone answering machine you never check.
  • I get emails in a local group with links to articles and no discussion of what's in the article or why I should read it, so-called orphan links. I delete them unread unless I trust the source to know what's worth reading or the subject line of the email intrigues me [same here on RF].
  • Restaurants that don't have the silverware and condiments on the table when the meal is served. If I have to wait five minutes before I can start while my food is cooling, I consider the restaurant inattentive to its customers and don't return.
  • Restaurants that run out of items and don't indicate it on the chalk board at the entrance or notify the waiters. I recently tried a new-to-me pasta place with my wife and a friend that was treating us to dinner. I ordered the Italian sausage linguini. Fifteen minutes later, the waiter tells me they're out of Italian sausage - about the time the other orders are about to be served. Now what? Order again and wait another fifteen minutes as my table mates either finish or watch their food go cold waiting? Wait to get home and eat there later? The restaurant has carelessly disrupted our dining experience.
  • Markets that move everything around so that you can't find anything anymore in order to make you look at more and hopefully sell you more.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
  • Nonstandard abbreviations. If someone uses an abbreviation that isn't widely known, like FBI, unless I'm curious, which is about 20% of the time, I scroll past. If it isn't worth his time to write it out, it's not worth mine to figure it out.
  • People with an email account that don't check it. It's like having a telephone answering machine you never check.
  • I get emails in a local group with links to articles and no discussion of what's in the article or why I should read it, so-called orphan links. I delete them unread unless I trust the source to know what's worth reading or the subject line of the email intrigues me [same here on RF].
  • Restaurants that don't have the silverware and condiments on the table when the meal is served. If I have to wait five minutes before I can start while my food is cooling, I consider the restaurant inattentive to its customers and don't return.
  • Restaurants that run out of items and don't indicate it on the chalk board at the entrance or notify the waiters. I recently tried a new-to-me pasta place with my wife and a friend that was treating us to dinner. I ordered the Italian sausage linguini. Fifteen minutes later, the waiter tells me they're out of Italian sausage - about the time the other orders are about to be served. Now what? Order again and wait another fifteen minutes as my table mates either finish or watch their food go cold waiting? Wait to get home and eat there later? The restaurant has carelessly disrupted our dining experience.
  • Markets that move everything around so that you can't find anything anymore in order to make you look at more and hopefully sell you more.
I do fully agree with that, though with4 I'm likely to give the restaurant another chance and assume it may have just been that particular person.


unknown member
If you can’t just read and respond to my posts I don’t want to keep fiddling about repeating myself. As I’ve already said several times, Carlson misrepresents media coverage in his opening statements quite blatantly. That’s the point I made, that you originally responded to. If you’re responding to some other thing I didn’t say I can’t help you with that.

Surprising as it may be, Carlson still has an audience for his propaganda. What I’ve found is that people who take him seriously never check any of his outrageous lies and exaggerations, or his simplistic notions about the world. If someone isn’t able to fact check Carlson, they’ve got no chance with a wilier and more sophisticated propagandist like the other guy in the vid, so Carlson is the only useful place to start. Someone who takes Carlson seriously is immune to factual information, so unless that is tackled first any further discussion is pointless.
I agree with you however I don't know that it is practical to cover the range of topics on one thread. Carlson made broad sweeping statements with one liners regarding Ukraines democracy, Putin's so called plans to take over the world, who is winning the war, a lot to cover.


Well-Known Member
Wow! You sound exactly like a far right winger. In fact you may be one. The claims of Tucker's host were refuted quite a while back. You really should not be making such bogus claims about comments when you believe a "lame clown" like Tucker or anyone that he chooses to put on his show. You have to know that Tucker is always pushing a false narrative.

But I see that you are off in conspiracy land again.

What conspiracy is this ? speaking of La La Land .. projecting your loopy conspiracy beliefs onto me .. then yammering on about claims of Tucker that were refuted. When I was not engaged in a conversation about Tucker .. was talking about Doug .. whose comments were neither bogus nor false narrative.

then in making these nonsense playground accusations ... "Liar - False - Bogus" and so on .. you fail to give one example in support of your "bogus" claim. Bogus .. because it is a made up story on your part - a claim without support .. or even clarification in your case

Looks like you have been the one drinking the bogus Kool-aid Friend .. not knowing it was spiked ... filled your head full of silly ideas .. which have no basis in reality .. such as those that Doug brought up .. no need to involve poor Tucker.

"You sound like a far right winger" -- The classic progressive Blue woke joke cancel cry .. Tulsi Gabbard a far right winger for her anti war stance and a Putin Asset as well let us not forget .. Michael Moore a on the flaming right now because he Told some uncomfortable Truths about the the enviro plan.

What a joke .. you havn't the first clue about Liberalism .. or Patriotism for that matter A LIBO and a PIBO .. and lest we not forget .. my arguments against red are way better than yours .. .. like a leaf floating in the wind are your loyalties


Well-Known Member
No, sorry. I still don't see justification for Putin's invasion there, which can properly be called a war of aggression.

Straw man. Gabbard was not rejected for being anti-war, which is also a liberal, progressive, humanist value.

As for cancel culture, I'm a huge fan of it coming from the left. Conservatives like it, too. What are the wokeness memes and assaults on reproductive and marital freedom, LGBTQ+, drag queens, American history, etc. if not attempts at cancelling, the difference being that they are rooted in bigotries rather than the liberal values of the liberals pushing back and attempting to cancel back the conservative cancellers.

You're a Christian, right? Do you promote that religion notwithstanding its litany of atrocities? That's the side that gave us the inquisitions, witch hangings, the Catholic pedophilia coverup scandal, and Waco, and you root for it. Do you own all of that?

Sarcasm, right? Just in case it's not, mainstream media usually.
You need to stick to words you know as you have no idea what strawman fallacy is. .. and the "Your a Christian right" comment an intended Ad Hom fallacy and a miss as Religion don't float this boat.

and yes .. Gabbard was indeed called a Russian Asset for being anti war .. they just made up some other nonsense to cancel her "Assad Lover" or some other moronic and fallacious woke identity politics trope. .. and you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about .. obviously don't know what an argument is .. So tell us .. why was she demonized -- if not for being anti war..

and your last fallacy .. didn't say the war was not one of aggression .. so why are you building a strawman .. misrepresenting my position .. claiming for me a position I do not hold. So despite your projection - there was no strawman fallacy from me in your direction.

and last .. your claim that anti war is a progressive liberal value a massive falsehood .. the Progs are Neocon central

A worthless post of falsehood and fallacy .. coupled with projection of your failings onto others and general ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Doug may not have been lying, but he was shown to be wrong. One does not have to lie to be wrong. Tucker is an automatic wrong machine. It is seriously a challenge to find when he was ever right in his political claims.

Wrong about WHAT ? I have asked this over and over to numerous posters.. all running around crying "Lie LIe" "False False" .. but none has come up with one example of such from Doug for his War narrative .. and commentary on the Western Propaganda show .. which a few tried to say was a lie .. but thats a complete falsehood . It is a freaken war .. only political moron does not realize that both sides of a war go into propaganda mode. They even have a special name for it .. called "The Fog of War" .. which you would think even the un-educated or undaring in such things would know .. such that you have a real idiot on your hands to deny that.

I have not had posters here put forth this level of disingenuous oblivion . but have on other sites.

So tell me .. what was "Shown to be Wrong" .. I watched the whole interview myself .. and have watched many from Doug during this war which I have followed closely .. and from numerous other commentators having similar credibility and expertise .. and these have been mostly on a similar page .. the ones getting it right over the course of this war. Which is why I follow the one's I do .. kind of like choosing a stock market analyst .. you find the one whose facts and predictions are right most of the time.

You on the other hand likely did not watch the video .. have no sound sources that you follow .. never paid that much attention other when what you hear on CNN during your morning coffee.

but hey perhaps that is enough .. So tell where Doug was "shown to be wrong"

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What conspiracy is this ? speaking of La La Land .. projecting your loopy conspiracy beliefs onto me .. then yammering on about claims of Tucker that were refuted. When I was not engaged in a conversation about Tucker .. was talking about Doug .. whose comments were neither bogus nor false narrative.

then in making these nonsense playground accusations ... "Liar - False - Bogus" and so on .. you fail to give one example in support of your "bogus" claim. Bogus .. because it is a made up story on your part - a claim without support .. or even clarification in your case

Looks like you have been the one drinking the bogus Kool-aid Friend .. not knowing it was spiked ... filled your head full of silly ideas .. which have no basis in reality .. such as thoseI do that Doug brought up .. no need to involve poor Tucker.

"You sound like a far right winger" -- The classic progressive Blue woke joke cancel cry .. Tulsi Gabbard a far right winger for her anti war stance and a Putin Asset as well let us not forget .. Michael Moore a on the flaming right now because he Told some uncomfortable Truths about the the enviro plan.

What a joke .. you havn't the first clue about Liberalism .. or Patriotism for that matter A LIBO and a PIBO .. and lest we not forget .. my arguments against red are way better than yours .. .. like a leaf floating in the wind are your loyalties
I do believe that you are confused. You do not seem to be aware of the history of Tucker Carlson. Nothing I said about him was false, even his bosses at FOX News admitted that, and that was when they still loved him. I did not know that you were that ignorant. You should have asked for sources, asking politely helps.

Another point that is beyond you is that when one is an extremist it is hard to tell at times if the person is right wing or left wing. Don't blame others when you are the one out in la la land.

Thirdly the claims of the guest, which are not supported by the news at all, has been refuted in the same format as the OP used. If a video is good enough for the OP without any explanation than a refutation of that with a video without explanation works just as well.

I do answer politely asked questions.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Wrong about WHAT ? I have asked this over and over to numerous posters.. all running around crying "Lie LIe" "False False" .. but none has come up with one example of such from Doug for his War narrative .. and commentary on the Western Propaganda show .. which a few tried to say was a lie .. but thats a complete falsehood . It is a freaken war .. only political moron does not realize that both sides of a war go into propaganda mode. They even have a special name for it .. called "The Fog of War" .. which you would think even the un-educated or undaring in such things would know .. such that you have a real idiot on your hands to deny that.

I have not had posters here put forth this level of disingenuous oblivion . but have on other sites.

So tell me .. what was "Shown to be Wrong" .. I watched the whole interview myself .. and have watched many from Doug during this war which I have followed closely .. and from numerous other commentators having similar credibility and expertise .. and these have been mostly on a similar page .. the ones getting it right over the course of this war. Which is why I follow the one's I do .. kind of like choosing a stock market analyst .. you find the one whose facts and predictions are right most of the time.

You on the other hand likely did not watch the video .. have no sound sources that you follow .. never paid that much attention other when what you hear on CNN during your morning coffee.

but hey perhaps that is enough .. So tell where Doug was "shown to be wrong"
Watch the video that refuted him. Did you miss it? It was posted two different times.
Yes .. Spanked .. which is why your responses are so hurtebutt and obtuse. Just because you didn't realize the Azov Nazi Battalion is full of Nazi's .. but you are cheering for the Azov Nazi Battallion ... does not mean you are not Cheering for the Nazi side. Ignorance does not get you off the hook mate .. you are cheering for the Nazi side .. If you are cheering for the Ukrainian side .. the Biden Nazi JV Team.

U understand now ? The Azov Nazi's are Nazi's .... and you crying " I didn't know" does not change that fact.
Projection helps you about as much as your formatting, spelling and grammar does. Anyone who *argues* that those in opposition to Putin's invasion of Ukraine are "cheering for the Nazi side" are either woefully ignorant, thick as whale omelettes or just flat out trolls.

Does Ukraine have a Nazi contingent? Sure, like all countries there's a percentage of extremists and racists unfortunately but until you start acquainting yourself with actuality on the matter and frankly, grow up a bit too, then further discussion with you is fruitless. If at some point that happens then cool, I'll gladly engage with you on this matter and others but if all you have is the likes of the above then save yourself the time of replying cos I won't be responding.


Well-Known Member
Watch the video that refuted him. Did you miss it? It was posted two different times.

There was no video posted to me .. and good thing .. as we are discussing the video in the OP .. you said there Doug said something in that video that was proven false. What is it that we are supposed to be looking for other than some evidence that one day you might make coherent argument.

What what did Doug say in the OP video .. that was proven false ? and where (time) in this other video is this fantasy falsehood that you can't seem to find proven false.


Well-Known Member
How peculiar.

So, do Carlson’s comments about the media match what is reported on in the media? Presumably you have seen some report in the NYT that you and he are referring to? If so, you can copy a link to it. We both know however that you haven’t bothered to check whether your fantasies correspond to reality. We both know you aren’t going to bother checking anything to see if it is true, or not. I’ll look forward to your next bizarre set of unrelated random comments, if you can’t say anything meaningful at least you can be entertaining.

Very peculiar indeed -- that you can't figure out that Carlson's comments are not relevant - ?? and that you wail on about the fantasies of others .. when you have yet to tell us what this falsehood is we are supposed to be investigating.. or is this just another one of your fantasies .. that you are trying to project on others

Peculiar indeed Brother Tom.. this Disingenuous Oblivion .. but now listen carefully .. you have been screaming to the sky ..about some falsehood and lies .. and good these you have detected .. but, you have yet to state what these falsehoods are Friend . and tell us what they have to do with the veracity of Douglas MacGregor's narrative.

Please clarify so we can know of this Falsehood .. and not believe it as Fact ..


Well-Known Member
Projection helps you about as much as your formatting, spelling and grammar does. Anyone who *argues* that those in opposition to Putin's invasion of Ukraine are "cheering for the Nazi side" are either woefully ignorant, thick as whale omelettes or just flat out trolls.

Does Ukraine have a Nazi contingent? Sure, like all countries there's a percentage of extremists and racists unfortunately but until you start acquainting yourself with actuality on the matter and frankly, grow up a bit too, then further discussion with you is fruitless. If at some point that happens then cool, I'll gladly engage with you on this matter and others but if all you have is the likes of the above then save yourself the time of replying cos I won't be responding.

Don't blame me for your ignorance ... If you think the US Congress is in some big conspiracy to fool you ... passing a bill to banning congressional funding of the Azov Nazi's .. that according to you don't exist in any but a few radical extremist groups sitting around camp fires in small groups .. talking about how they love the white race.

but thats a ridiculously absurd false narrative you are touting .. one completely ignorant of the recent history .. and just basic facts on the ground that everyone agrees on .. even the Western Media will tell you that the Azov Nazi Militias had State Sponsorship .. whilst persecuting Ethnic Russians .. ..

Which is unlike your local KKK these days now isn't it. .. not having State Sanction and all.

That said - it is completely true .. least half way --- that Cheering for Ukraine is Cheering for the Nazi side .. Sorry dude .. I didn't transform these Azov Nazi Militia's ..back in 2014 .. through years of civil war .. US Training and support .. "And Arms" into numerous Azov Nazi Battalions .. ready to fight the Ethnic Russians in the Separatist Regions

Sorry not my fault ... quite trying to torch the messenger .. because you can not deal with the message. The Truth is not Propaganda .. this is the Truth .. as opposed to the false narrative someone sold you down the road .. thats the propaganda Brother Art.. and you been drinking the spiked Kool-aid .. not knowing was spiked ..

and one last thing .. did no one tell you why grammar Nazism is moronic .. let me know if you need more info .. por favor ;) Perhaps a little poison lizard extraction service ? offered to both Red and Blue adherents .. equal opportunity extraction services :)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
There was no video posted to me .. and good thing .. as we are discussing the video in the OP .. you said there Doug said something in that video that was proven false. What is it that we are supposed to be looking for other than some evidence that one day you might make coherent argument.

What what did Doug say in the OP video .. that was proven false ? and where (time) in this other video is this fantasy falsehood that you can't seem to find proven false.
It does not have to be. You can check out the thread and find it for yourself.

Here is the problem with videos, they are notoriously unreliable. The OP would not even support it one iota. There really is no burden of proof to refute it. But it was refuted. When a person posts a video without any support at all all it takes to refute it is another video. You know that it is in the thread somewhere. Twice in fact. It is not my burden of proof to hand lead you to what you missed.


Industrial Strength Linguist
Watch the video that refuted him. Did you miss it? It was posted two different times.

There was no video posted to me .. and good thing .. as we are discussing the video in the OP .. you said there Doug said something in that video that was proven false. What is it that we are supposed to be looking for other than some evidence that one day you might make coherent argument.

What what did Doug say in the OP video .. that was proven false ? and where (time) in this other video is this fantasy falsehood that you can't seem to find proven false.

I believe that Subduction Zone may have been referring to this post by EconGuy to the cOLTER OP video:

Here is the Youtube video that EconGuy posted. It lasts about 30 minutes.


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I believe that Subduction Zone may have been referring to this post by EconGuy to the cOLTER OP video:

Here is the Youtube video that EconGuy posted. It lasts about 30 minutes.
