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Tucker Carlson, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, The Ukraine War


Veteran Member
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I was commenting the interview. :)
They say Zelenskyy was funded by an oligarch.
But when we say the Clintons are funded by Soros, they say it deals with a benefactor.

I think the ugly thing is that all these rich people stay safe, sending commoners to die to protect their geopolitical interests.

A lot of Americans have felt the same way, although opinions are somewhat mixed, as many are convinced that the U.S. military defends freedom and democracy, both here at home and around the world. The American exceptionalist, "leader of the free world" shtick has been around for generations, and it's always carried a certain "those-who-are-not-with-us-are-against-us" attitude about it, even as far back as the Vietnam War era.

The Clintons, I think, are symbolic of the changes of a generation, as they were once anti-war hippies, marching for peace, but once they got into power, they became warmongering imperialists. They knew on which side their bread was buttered.


Veteran Member
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We need to create proper perspective for the Ukrainian and Russian war, and not ignore the past. Under the Obama Administration, there was a reset button between Russia and the USA. The reset was about creating friendly relationships as allies. Russia then invades and takes over Crimea, with Obama not acting or nipping this in the bud. I wonder what the deal was?

Trump wins the election. The Democrats run the Russian Collusion Coup scam, supposedly between Russia and Trump. Although this was perfect timing for Putin, if the collusion was true, Putin does not invade anything under Trump. This was very strange to me. It appears Trump may have been leading Putin, based on the final history. It was not as the Left had claimed. The Trump leading Putin data better satisfied history.

Biden takes office and now the winds of war are in the air. Biden does not take any early preemptive measures including diplomacy, but allows the invasion of Russia into Ukraine. Biden was part of the reset and Putin waits until Trump is long gone and his reset buddy; Biden is in charge. Putin knows the Left will take bribes.

Speculating over possible intrigue and corruption may be compelling to some degree, although I don't know if it gives much insight as to the root causes of this conflict. The 'reset button' should have been pressed in 1991, and our leaders truly missed the boat during the 1990s.

If we had friendlier relations with Russia, coupled with warming relations with China, then the major powers of the world could have formed a united front to keep the so-called "rogue nations" in line. We probably wouldn't have to worry about entities like North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, ISIS, or Syria (to name a few) today if we had forged a better relationship with the major powers. The only reason they're a thorn in our side is because of the rivalry between the major powers. That's where US policymakers seemingly put the cart before the horse.

This was all in place before Obama became President, although it seemed at that point, both parties were ostensibly following suit when it came to U.S. foreign policy, since no one ever really wants to rock that boat. Not even Trump could do that. The whole Russia collusion angle was intriguing, and the idea that a bunch of people from a foreign country could flood the internet and social media with trolls and political shills was also disconcerting, but not too surprising, given the culture of the internet and the state of affairs in U.S. politics as it's been for a very long time.

The glaring weaknesses in our political culture include myopia, a short attention span, and a short historical memory.

Now we have invested so much, like the failed banks due to the Democrat created mortgage crisis; loan to people who will default, that we now have to keep bailing out Ukraine, since this war is now too big to fail. Ukraine is now a money pit for Democrat skim. Biden was sending money without book keeping, so it was easy to skim.

Colonel Douglas MacGreger, who had been a fighting Colonel sums up the situation. Biden has installed DEI in the military which is not based on the merit and discipline needed, to have a solid fighting force. Biden has made the US military less of a deterrent to end the war with Russia, so the war can continue.

Russia now has seasoned armies, while the USA is scaring away new recruits with DEI officers over their heads, making leadership a function of shoe size, without battle experience a factor. Biden and Russian Collusion needs to be investigated since Biden took bribes from Russia, as well as Ukraine. Both have potential black mail leverage over Biden and other the Democrats. Ending the war may cause the cat to leave the bag. The warmonger and opportunists Democrats need to perpetuate this war, until at least through the next election cycle, which they are tampering with, and then use propaganda to make it go away; ideal scenario.

There may need to start an impeachment inquiry of Biden, so we can call all types of witnesses, that now can stay under the radar. An impeachment inquiry is not an impeachment, but an investigation to see if an impeachment is warranted. This type of investigation has teeth and will make it harder to slow walk damming evidence under risk of jail time. The swamp cannot keep doing the laptop two step since an impeachment inquiry has teeth and will bite crooks.

The Republicans have a majority in the House, and a few have already proposed impeachment. It would be a pointless waste of time though.

I never heard of Colonel Douglas MacGregor before this thread was posted, but I did some reading up on him. Ultimately, what we're dealing with here, regarding the OP and the rebuttal video by McBeth, are two American citizens with different takes on the issue at hand - much as we're seeing here in this thread.

I see this issue in a couple of different ways. One is to look at the war itself, between Ukraine and Russia, and the underlying reasons of the enmity they seem to have for each other. That doesn't necessarily involve "us," as Americans or Westerners; it's really just between them.

Another way to look at it is in terms of what does involve "us," and how it's generally approached and discussed in Western circles. We can see from this and other threads that there are many people from Western countries who have very strong, passionate opinions about this conflict - and about how we in the West should respond to it, even to the point of showing visible irritation and hostility towards other Westerners who don't hold the same level of zeal as they do.

The key question is, what should we, as Western and NATO countries, do about this? What are we prepared to do? That seemed to be the general crux of the interview with MacGregor, and that's also what the rebuttal video focused upon. McBeth's video pointed out that there's no indication of any major US troop movements which would suggest that there's not any active plan for the U.S. to send troops into Ukraine and fight Russian troops. At this point, I would trust that information as accurate, although I also realize that situations can change very quickly depending on the circumstances and the level of urgency.

But that's really what the discussion is all about, the West's response to this. We all know that Putin is evil and that the invasion is wrong - a violation of treaties and international law - and perhaps someday the perpetrators of the reported atrocities can be held to answer for their crimes. But there are other matters to consider regarding our own position.


Well-Known Member
Did you find a transcript that you could read instead of watching the video? I would like to see the transcript. Can you post a link to it? I searched and couldn't find one.

Did the transcript not mention MacGregor's false identification of a weapon system as being a Stinger missile launcher? That was surely a falsehood, albeit, as McBeth said, not an intentional lie. McBeth had a ranking system for how likely MacGregor's statements were to be true, and most of the ones he highlighted came out on the low end of his scale, based on his expertise.

Do you understand that an invalid argument can come to a true conclusion? Saying that an argument is invalid is not saying that the conclusion is false. If you don't understand that, then you don't understand what a logical argument is.

Better than you, apparently. Why do confuse conclusions based on fallacies with falsehoods? A logical argument whose premises contradict each other can be used to prove any conclusion true or false. It is possible to use an invalid argument to support a conclusion that happens to be true.

NO .. not better than me .. and I have made no conclusions... what on earth are you talking about .. what premises in what argument contradict each other ? This is just lost rambling with no direction and no point .. and a huge fail in your attempt to show that you have the faintest idea what an argument is .. something born out by your posts .. which also fail the grade..

But, that said .. E for Effort !? and do learn chess notation for more enlightened understanding of my posts.

Argument - An argument contains 2 things 1) Statement of Claim or Premise 2) some rational, evidence or proof for why this claim is true.. "Why" being the operative word . .... "The Why"

Why are you running around looking for a transcript ... when one was posted by Econ .. a partial one. but the link to a youtube transcript is the YOutube is the link to the youtube video .. I just found out about this myself fairly recently :) At the bottom right of the video will be 3 dots .. click on those and you will see the transcript button.

"Stinger Missiles" -- why would Doug mis-identifying a Stinger Missile for some other missile - presuming this is true - be relevant to anything. Why would we care ? is a simple mistake having no bearing on propaganda value .. a near rounding error on Zero in terms of assessment of credibility ... and has absolutly no value in our general assessment of the geopolitical chessboard .. "which side is wining" and so forth .. no value in terms of crying out "Propaganda"

So what is the point of this pointless exercise on the part of MacBeth ---->>> Propaganda .. and we have now found which one is the propagandist .. as is so often the case with "Fact -Checkers" in case you didn't know :)

and why are you asking me for a link to the OP Video ?? or any other video ?? and why are you asking me for a Transcript .. for what purpose ? You are the one supposed to be doing "Number 2" providing support for your claim that MacGreggor is just a big idiot liar on the internet who is in league with Russia to promote propaganda .. and that his narrative on the war is False.

Now support your claim .. with something other than asking me to support your claim for you .. in some wild goose chase of moronic circular silliness .. which does not make an argument Friend.

Supporting your Premise is what makes an argument .. an argument ... !


Well-Known Member
A lot of Americans have felt the same way, although opinions are somewhat mixed, as many are convinced that the U.S. military defends freedom and democracy, both here at home and around the world. The American exceptionalist, "leader of the free world" shtick has been around for generations, and it's always carried a certain "those-who-are-not-with-us-are-against-us" attitude about it, even as far back as the Vietnam War era.

The Clintons, I think, are symbolic of the changes of a generation, as they were once anti-war hippies, marching for peace, but once they got into power, they became warmongering imperialists. They knew on which side their bread was buttered.

Something MacGregor touches on regularly in his daily talks (not that I listen daily but one could) is what he refers to as "The Donor Class" .. be it the Pharma Lobbyists or the Defense Contractor Lobbyists .. or the myriad of others .. that is who runs foreign policy in Washington .. and he ought to know being Advisor to the Secretary of Defense for a short time.

From my end .. Washington is a Pay to Play system .. and what we get is the natural outcropping of self interest and Greed .. and brilliantly self functional on this basis .. there is no one hand pusing the button .. no Cabal or Star Chamber operating here. Not that such does not exist - and in fact has to exist .. for if the Universe hates a vaccume .. the Power Vaccuum will not last for long .. someone has to run the show .. and if it is not Group A .. it will be Group B .. BUT, this system functions all by itself .. needs no direct pushing by an individual hand.

From time to time we will hear that Lone Voice .. Calling out Price Fixing in the Drug industry -- have heard many over the years. Everyone then points and says "Look look - freedom of speech - what a great system we have" That lone voice then is quickly drowned out by the cacophony on the take .. this is a democracy remember .. and the many are far more than the few.. status quo is maintained .. back to business as usual.

Would you be the one to shoot the golden egg laying goose ?! the one to run against a herd of stampeding Bulls ?! - especially after seeing what happened to the last gal that tried this "Tulsi Gabbard" -- that anti war "Biaaaaaacchhhh" according to the new progressive Blue club.

This is the natural outcropping of self interest and greed .. and most people are going to stay out of the way of the stampede .. and take the cash .. cause in our system .. if you PLAY .. you get PAID .. and everyone knows it.


Active Member
Certain oligarchs shouldn't even be allowed into the Brussels institutions.
In Europe, unfortunately there are too many technocrats who roll red carpets at shady characters.
I hope things change here because the EU belongs to the commoners, not to the élites.

There is a lot to like out Europe from where I sit. Like here in the US, there's plenty of problems too....


Active Member
Did you find a transcript that you could read instead of watching the video?

Here you go....



Well-Known Member

The argument that this is somehow a "relatively gentle invasion" is about as convincing as me abducting you and tying you up in my basement, and when people call into question the morality of this act I defend it by saying "It could have been worse! I could have tied them to a torture rack."

So, what's your endgame here? Is Putin's invasion justified or not?

It is not my fault you have no ability to support your claim .. and no ability to refute sound argument to the contrary with anything other than some moronic analogy that makes no sense.

"War Crimes" - What do unquantified claims of War crimes have to do with anything ?? - in an effort to measure which war crimes were worse .. and over all war conduct .. using Civilian Casualties as the measurment stick ?

15,000 Dead civilians ... is extremely gentle compared to 500,000 Dead civilians. Did you check out the war crimes in Syria Mate... done by Biden's previous JV -Team

Oh .. and did you check out the war crimes of the Azov Nazi .. prior to Russia invading.

The endgame has exactly zero to do assessing whether or not invasion was justified--- and everything to do with assessing war conduct .. relaltively gentle .. or really nasty like the US style invasions.

The Endgame is the immortal flame of hypocrisy that burns in US foreign Policy .. and how this is biting us in the backside .. and the generalized oblivion of the raging masses .. drinking the state sponsored propaganda kool-aid without knowing it is spiked ... holding the most ridiculous and hypocritical perspective .. trying to figure out how make15,000 civilian deaths far worse than 500,000 civilian deaths ..running around crying NO NO NO .. I am not convinced .

Think there is a poison lizard in there need extracting mate .. is blocking rational thought

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
A lot of Americans have felt the same way, although opinions are somewhat mixed, as many are convinced that the U.S. military defends freedom and democracy, both here at home and around the world. The American exceptionalist, "leader of the free world" shtick has been around for generations, and it's always carried a certain "those-who-are-not-with-us-are-against-us" attitude about it, even as far back as the Vietnam War era.

The Clintons, I think, are symbolic of the changes of a generation, as they were once anti-war hippies, marching for peace, but once they got into power, they became warmongering imperialists. They knew on which side their bread was buttered.
Americans are victims, because I am afraid it deals with taxpayers' money.

And I heard that besides this public money, there are incredibly rich characters who bribe Zelenskyy to induce him to spread the lies that Ukrainians are winning, because that's how you convince the American people that this war is winnable by the West.


Active Member
that Ukrainians are winning

Winning? Not a term I would use. I would say that Ukraine has been capable of denying Russia from achieving strategic objectives they expected to achieve far beyond what anyone thought possible, but "winning"? Have you seen that country?, the moon has less holes in it.

I think if the Russians been well prepared and attacked Ukraine on day 1 with the forces they have in the field right now, they would have easily won, but instead they sent in troops that quite literally didn't know where they were going or what their objective was, no GPS and rations that were supplied in 1979. This failure will be infamous in Russian history to the extent that it's ever allowed to be taught.

Now it is Russia doing the same to Ukraine. They are entrenched behind walls and mines and they are dug in like ticks. The rest of this war is going to look something like this:

However, man-for-man, Ukraine is undoubtably outperforming the Russians, the problem is, the Russians have a lot more men and equipment to give and the West can't supply weapons forever.


unknown member
Don't patronise me, Luke. I'm going to be around as long as people like you continue lying and spreading propaganda about this invasion. I get that you want me to leave the debate, because I keep exposing you (seriously, check any thread where you talk about Maidan - you brazenly lie about the facts leading up the protests, and when I provided sourced responses that demonstrate that you lied you either fail to respond or just disappear). But it's not going to happen.
I just cited The Washington Post and Newsweek but I appreciate you recognizing them as spreading propaganda, I thought you would never come around. I don't care if you stick around or not but you really need to calm down.
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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Winning? Not a term I would use. I would say that Ukraine has been capable of denying Russia from achieving strategic objectives they expected to achieve far beyond what anyone thought possible, but "winning"? Have you seen that country?, the moon has less holes in it.

I think if the Russians been well prepared and attacked Ukraine on day 1 with the forces they have in the field right now, they would have easily won, but instead they sent in troops that quite literally didn't know where they were going or what their objective was, no GPS and rations that were supplied in 1979. This failure will be infamous in Russian history to the extent that it's ever allowed to be taught.

Now it is Russia doing the same to Ukraine. They are entrenched behind walls and mines and they are dug in like ticks. The rest of this war is going to look something like this:

However, man-for-man, Ukraine is undoubtably outperforming the Russians, the problem is, the Russians have a lot more men and equipment to give and the West can't supply weapons forever.
Sooner or later, Zelenskyy will have to quit the presidency.
I hope he moves to some Tax Haven in the Caribbean Sea and quits Europe for good.


Industrial Strength Linguist
Argument - An argument contains 2 things 1) Statement of Claim or Premise 2) some rational, evidence or proof for why this claim is true.. "Why" being the operative word . .... "The Why"

A logical argument involves premises and a conclusion that follows logically from those premises. You have mentioned fallacies in the past and you must have seen references to them in McBeth's transcript, yet I get the sense that you really don't know much about how a logical argument works. Fallacies interrupt the chain of logic, but they don't prove that the conclusion is false. That's what you need to understand.

Why are you running around looking for a transcript ... when one was posted by Econ .. a partial one. but the link to a youtube transcript is the YOutube is the link to the youtube video .. I just found out about this myself fairly recently :) At the bottom right of the video will be 3 dots .. click on those and you will see the transcript button.

Get a grip. I didn't see his earlier posted link, but he has helpfully provided one to me.

"Stinger Missiles" -- why would Doug mis-identifying a Stinger Missile for some other missile - presuming this is true - be relevant to anything. Why would we care ? is a simple mistake having no bearing on propaganda value .. a near rounding error on Zero in terms of assessment of credibility ... and has absolutly no value in our general assessment of the geopolitical chessboard .. "which side is wining" and so forth .. no value in terms of crying out "Propaganda"

You asked for a falsehood. I gave you one. You use a lot of words to convey very little other than invective and insults. It gets in the way of honest discussion.

So what is the point of this pointless exercise on the part of MacBeth ---->>> Propaganda .. and we have now found which one is the propagandist .. as is so often the case with "Fact -Checkers" in case you didn't know :)

An ad hominem attack is a good example of a fallacy. Him being a fact checker doesn't make anything he said false or misleading. You are dismissing everything he said without actually showing that anything he said was false or misleading.

and why are you asking me for a link to the OP Video ?? or any other video ?? and why are you asking me for a Transcript .. for what purpose ? You are the one supposed to be doing "Number 2" providing support for your claim that MacGreggor is just a big idiot liar on the internet who is in league with Russia to promote propaganda .. and that his narrative on the war is False.

I wanted the transcript for reference, since it is easier and faster to search through than a video that one has to listen to in real time. Unfortunately, it isn't a documented script but auto-generated English from the running narrative. So, not really useful for searching.

Please don't put words in my mouth. I never called MacGregor an idiot or a liar. Again. Turn down the flames a little. You might actually learn something. MacGregor has served as a frequent commentator on the Russian state-owned propaganda channel RT and has called for Russia to annex Ukrainian territory. That's in his bio, if you care to look.

Now support your claim .. with something other than asking me to support your claim for you .. in some wild goose chase of moronic circular silliness .. which does not make an argument Friend.

Supporting your Premise is what makes an argument .. an argument ... !

Which claim do you want me to support? I've never claimed that everything MacGregor says is false, but that it's fairly obvious from the McBeth critique that he does get things wrong and use fallacious reasoning to support his claims. Both sides in this war make obviously false claims about how well they are doing and how poorly the other side is doing. MacGregor is an advocate for Russian claims, but his advocacy can involve true claims, false claims, and everything in between. McBeth does a good job of exposing some of his weakest claims.
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Well-Known Member
I believe that Subduction Zone may have been referring to this post by EconGuy to the cOLTER OP video:

Here is the Youtube video that EconGuy posted. It lasts about 30 minutes.

OK dude . . just for you I tortured myself for a few minutes watching this person who not only looks like a moron - and who talks like a moron .. but is the real deal true blue moron ..

OK .. "Fact Checking" -- This means you better have checked the facts yourself right ? am I not right ??

So Paddy McDoodle challenges Paddy McGreggor's 400K dead number. The first thing he does is say historically casualty ratio is 3-1 so if 400K dead should be 1.2 million wounded .. and goes on from there .. assuming that this assumption holds for this war .. giving no support for what the actual ratio is .. or if it would be expected to hold given the conditions in this war .. conditions described by all sides as a "meat grinder" .. "war like we have never seen before" said the NATO talking head... MacGreggor stating in one of his talks .. Ukrainian casualties being left on the field .. as retrieving them is too dangerous ..

Regardless -- this is a "Fact Check" which means you should be doing just that .. and he didn't .. you don't make such assumptions in a Fact Check.

but the fun continues .. he supplies a number from a British Tabloid 17,000 KIA .. with no substantiation of where this number came from.. how was derived .. and why this propaganda mouthpiece should be believed ? No analysis of stuff like the daily casualty figures given individually for each battle taking place. .. I watch these updates .. can find many of them . .. and they give what both sides stated Russia and Ukraine .. and the numbers sometimes match .. often do not .. but is somewhere in between .. and there are people that add these numbers up .. 500 dead a day is not uncommon .. sometimes more .. for regular days .. when surging is more. 17,000 KIA gives us 34 days of War .. but, the war has been going on for much longer than 340 days .. or 10 times that amount ... just to give you an indication of how absurd that number is.

but no effort to "Fact Check" .... which would have to invovle estimates given from many sources .. including methods of how was calculated or obtained .. Obituaries .. number of graves dug .. Doug says satellite images show a massive graveyard with 120,000 holes .. waiting to be filled. .. major construction project. -- or from daily combat estimates .. or from monthly - updates .. like this from the Russian MOD

Russian MOD estimates Ukraine's counteroffensive casualties​

Kiev has lost some 66,000 troops and 7,600 pieces of heavy weaponry in three months, Defense Minister Russian MOD estimates Ukraine's counteroffensive casualties

That is more than 17,000 dead in 3 months .. clearly .. someone is a complete idiot . so far we have narrowed it down to either .. Moron Fact Check guy .. or Doug and the Russian MOD.

200,000 Russian troops have been "liquidated" in the full-scale invasion of Ukraine launched by President Vladimir Putin nearly 15 months ago, according to figures released by Kyiv's military.

I chose Newsweek because they have been such hard core propagandists. .. The casualty ratio varies greatly but in general it has been ridiculous 5-1 often 10-1 .. which means that if there are 200K Russians "Liquidated" we are looking at over 1 million ukrainian soldiers liquidated .. which of course is ridiculous -- what we expect from the Kyiv MOD.

.. Sorry friend ... but your boy McDoodle is a moron ... or a CIA Team member.. helping out with the ganda :)


unknown member
Don't patronise me, Luke. I'm going to be around as long as people like you continue lying and spreading propaganda about this invasion. I get that you want me to leave the debate, because I keep exposing you (seriously, check any thread where you talk about Maidan - you brazenly lie about the facts leading up the protests, and when I provided sourced responses that demonstrate that you lied you either fail to respond or just disappear). But it's not going to happen.
You have exposed nothing but your blind patriotism to an imperialist regime. Why don't you read something credible for a change?

The following explains what took place regarding the Maidan coup;

America’s Ukraine Hypocrisy​


"The extent of the Obama administration’s meddling in Ukraine’s politics was breathtaking."

"One can legitimately condemn some aspects of Moscow’s behavior, but the force of America’s moral outrage is vitiated by the stench of U.S. hypocrisy."
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Well-Known Member
A logical argument involves premises and a conclusion that follows logically from those premises. You have mentioned fallacies in the past and you must have seen references to them in McBeth's transcript, yet I get the sense that you really don't know much about how a logical argument works. Fallacies interrupt the chain of logic, but they don't prove that the conclusion is false. That's what you need to understand.

Get a grip. I didn't see his earlier posted link, but he has helpfully provided one to me.

You asked for a falsehood. I gave you one. You use a lot of words to convey very little other than invective and insults. It gets in the way of honest discussion.

An ad hominem attack is a good example of a fallacy. Him being a fact checker doesn't make anything he said false or misleading. You are dismissing everything he said without actually showing that anything he said was false or misleading.

I wanted the transcript for reference, since it is easier and faster to search through than a video that one has to listen to in real time. Unfortunately, it isn't a documented script but auto-generated English from the running narrative. So, not really useful for searching.

Please don't put words in my mouth. I never called MacGregor an idiot or a liar. Again. Turn down the flames a little. You might actually learn something. MacGregor has served as a frequent commentator on the Russian state-owned propaganda channel RT and has called for Russia to annex Ukrainian territory. That's in his bio, if you care to look.

Which claim do you want me to support? I've never claimed that everything MacGregor says is false, but that it's fairly obvious from the McBeth critique that he does get things wrong and use fallacious reasoning to support his claims. Both sides in this war make obviously false claims about how well they are doing and how poorly the other side is doing. MacGregor is an advocate for Russian claims, but his advocacy can involve true claims, false claims, and everything in between. McBeth does a good

Holy carp what a pile of made up nonsense .. I didn't say you was calling Doug an idiot .. but you did jump in on a convo where he had been called a liar.. You now crying out ... I never called him a liar is a joke .. and deflection .

You then accuse me of Ad Hom Fallacy ...(showing you don't know what it is) followed by you stating Doug has been interviewd by RT ... which is Ad Hom Fallacy Central

You start by crying out personal invective .. later crying out about personal invective .. giving no example .. accusing me of fallacies but giving no example ... in some idiotic playground dance

Then finally when you get around to addressing the topic .. you make a completely unsupported nonsense claim " fairly obvious Doug gets things wrong and uses fallacious reasoning to support his claims"

This is preposterous nonsense given your inability to point out a single falsehood .. your stinger example was not supported .. not proven friend .. and if all you are going on is McDoodle said so .. too bad .. but , as discussed ... this example doesn't count .. for reasons given to you in detail .. the idea that it would .. frankly .. infantile understanding of subject matter .. not that you would .. of course :)