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U.S. Soldier Throws Puppy Off of Cliff


The yelping doesn't sound real. It also seems that it doesn't fade when the "puppy" is thrown away from the camera. I guess the soldier would have had to throw "something" from the cliff in order to doctor the vid and add the puppy...unless the whole thing was faked. Maybe the dog was dead and someone added the yelping... I'm not sure, but something about it seems off.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I apologize for my earlier posts if they seemed a little hostile and rude, but animal cruelty is something that makes my blood boil.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
Ultraviolet said:
That is why some (well a very few) of us
reserve judgment on just about everything.

You once again hit the nail on the head. I reserve judgment on EVERYTHING the media says, even sometimes the sports are a little funky, except the scores.

I have a thorough distrust about the things espoused in the media, mainstream or alternative. I send any information through my own filters, to determine if it sounds like a bunch of crap, or is there any logical credibility to the story. i simply don't read and digest for truth any and everything on the news. MSNBC is not the be all end all of truth and unbiased reporting.

BTW I haven't watched this video. I'm still reeling over my curiosity of another infamous video on the web. It indeed killed not only the cat, but my appetite for the day.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I admit haven't watched it, either. I guess it could be fake, but I don't want to see something like that if it really is real.


It's really interesting how excited people get about this. I don't like animal cruelty at all. But from my view, until every human being is feed, clothed, has a home, and education; animal cruelty is a pretty minor issue. Except in cases of endangered animals.


O wow, could you explain this difference?

I thought it would be rather obvious. But endangered animal issues would be greater than those for other animals becuase those animal are in danger of extinction. Keeping a species alive is much more important then protecting a few members of a more populus species from abuse. It's all about priorities. But as I said I don't support animal abuse at all.


Religious Headbanger
Everyone seems to hold an over abundance of compassion for an animal but then wish death on the one who may or may not have killed the puppy. Very interesting.


No offence, but still, why?

Non taken. Becuase Endangered species have few numbers of living members of that species. Unendangered species have more living members and thus the injury of members of that species are less likely to result in the extinction of that species.

Would you agree or disagree that the continued existence of a species important?


Non taken. Becuase Endangered species have few numbers of living members of that species. Unendangered species have more living members and thus the injury of members of that species are less likely to result in the extinction of that species.

Would you agree or disagree that the continued existence of a species important?

I would disagree and I think that there lies our differences :p
I think that keeping a specie alive while they are bound to extinct is only in the advantage of the human kind. So I can see it's importance, but only from my perspective. If you see it from the view of the animals though, than the species that is about to become extinct can no longer keep itself alive in the conditions it is in now. Nothing wrong with that, but in the situation we had here you decided to keep them alive and "care less" about the ones that can make it on their own, even though there are many.

So I am in between here.

My problem here is the use of having a specie after you died. The only use I can think of is study or so, use for human beings. But species want to uphold their own species so... hmmm..


Veteran Member
Quite right. I know it might not be very rational but I still can't help but feel that way.
You aren't alone. I read recently a broadcaster (John Humphrys) say that appeals for animal charities recieve a much higher response than appeals for children's charities. It appears people have more concern for preventing cruelty to kittens that babies.


Veteran Member
Soldiers are hired killers who've abdicated morality and moral responsibility for their actions.
Why would it surprise anyone that an amoral tool would perform a cruel act?

I think there is a lot of truth to this statement. I know that many soldiers are there for purely ideological reasons, but certainly money and income is a highly a factor. I would concur that the idea of killing for money would need a flexible and broad plane of acceptable moral behavior as prerequisite for its participation.

Also, I am confident the dog is real. I don't how on earth a bunch of guys are going to find a fake dog with hair in the middle of a desert. In addition if you google long enough you can find tons of videos of other army/marines shooting and killing dogs and cats for fun while being filmed by their friends. It isn't like that would be an isolated incident.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I think there is a lot of truth to this statement. I know that many soldiers are there for purely ideological reasons, but certainly money and income is a highly a factor. I would concur that the idea of killing for money would need a flexible and broad plane of acceptable moral behavior as prerequisite for its participation.

Also, I am confident the dog is real. I don't how on earth a bunch of guys are going to find a fake dog with hair in the middle of a desert. In addition if you google long enough you can find tons of videos of other army/marines shooting and killing dogs and cats for fun while being filmed by their friends. It isn't like that would be an isolated incident.

And yet it is expected of people to treat them like spun glass.


Well we all know soldiers that one of the main purposes of soldiers is to kill people. I would much rather have soldiers killing puppies than killing people. I think they should give the soldier a medal. Who knows this could be a totally new form of war. Send all the countries puppies out infront of the enemy soldiers and the army that can kill the most wins the war. It could totally end human death during wars!

Ok I wasn't really being serious in this post.


Done here.
But endangered animal issues would be greater than those for other animals becuase those animal are in danger of extinction. Keeping a species alive is much more important then protecting a few members of a more populus species from abuse.
If you put it that way, I can see how it's more important to protect manatees than humans.


If you put it that way, I can see how it's more important to protect manatees than humans.

Actually that's the part I didn't talk about. I was discussing only animals vs endangered animals. If you put humans in the mix I would put human survival over any animal. Because I am a member of the Human species, the survival of the human species is top priority. So if it comes between human spcies survival and endangered animals humans would be the priority. Of course we also need to factor in those species that are vital to the survival of human beings. So those species that are important for our survival would be more of a priority.

So my priorities of protection would basically go like this:
1. Human Beings
2. Animals/plants vital for human survival
3. Endangered species
4. Populous species not in danger of extinction

EDIT: I like your avatar by the way.