Depends on your definition of debate. I value thinking beyond by beliefs.
Conditional love is not a bad thing no more than unconditional.
A unconditional god would say: I love you despite how you see me. I love you regardless that you dont believe. There are no such thing as unbeliever. No good or bad. You dont need to worship me. I save you regardless.
A conditional god is more how god wants you to be and how to worship as so he will bless the believer and not those who do not. The conditions (or prequisite, terms, or reservations) of that love is given depends on how much both parties put into the relationship.
By definition, conditional love is worship.
Universalism is the idea all humans will be saved. The opposite is those who believe are saved, those who do not arent; its division.
Unconditional love is not onesided. Its a balance.
There are no bahai. No hindu. No Pagan. No atheist. No christian if god loves unconditionally. Denomintions need not exists.
Most believers do know and express it profoundly the conditions to which god loves unconditionally. Its ironic but thats their logic.
I have seen it in all churches I visited. All christians I spoke with. All denominations. All of scripture; its written in OT and New, Maybe you are a univeralist. I dont know.
It is not a bad thing. Many people are indotrinated because their parents see these conditions as requirements for actual worship. More healthy parents teach god's conditions without parental coersion. Some have bad experiences. Others have not.
When I practiced, the conditions to which I believed in god was
1. I believe first
2. I follow
3. I worship
4. I study
5. I take the sacraments
These are the conditions to which god has set. Those are which I was told by him to follow and be saved. Those are his parental conditions.
I dont follow god. By what means god would still love me when I dont acknowkedge his existence?
What is love when both parties have no conditions to which that love is based?
It is not negative.
Scripture does not support universalism.
Not all of us who challenge your disagreement are seeing the convo as a debate. Try not to take it personal.
Not all of us who challenge your disagreement are seeing the convo as a debate. Try not to take it personal.
That is friendly of you to say. Thank you. It is not even that I take it personal, or that I don't like people challenging my ideas. I actually love it when they challenge my ideas. And I am very grateful to them. Because I always learn from it.
And if I need not defend my ideas I am totally senang.
Just attack my ideas, that makes me happy. But don' ask me to defend my ideas. I don't like to disappoint people. Heck sometimes I disagree with myself. I also get over that. If others disagree with me, so much easier to be at peace with that
So maybe I should better post under "Discussion forum". But then people don't challenge my ideas, and I miss out on learning new things about it. That's why I like to post on "Debate forum", but refrain normally from debating, unless I really think it is important. Does I still make any sense?
Proselytizing is the only thing I might debate people on [I can think of now], when they try to convince me that it is a good thing. I don't mind that they proselytize, but don't do it on me, nor try to convince me it's good for me. "let's agree to disagree on this one" is best to say on that one. Once about 1 year ago a certain proselytizer denomination literally placed his foot in my door. Then I invite him in and I will focus on only 1 Bible verse: genesis 1:29. And once they get me going on that verse, they will soon be sick to their stomach and beg me to let them go
. Always works.
Thank you very much for the beautiful words. You make it very clear. Very easy to understand. How you do that, your previous reply I really did not understand any of the lines you were writing [all was abacadabra to me]. And suddenly now you write ONLY lines/words that I fully understand [maybe I did need some sleep, was up like 48 hours with maybe 4 hours sleep]. About some of your points I think different, but at least I understand them. I never think so much about these things in terms of definition, in such a detailed way. So I am glad you did. Makes things very clear [I already felt senang about it, but it is nice to see in written in a way that also feels senang]. Indeed it seems that I might be what you described as a Universalist. I did not even know such a thing existed though. But it makes sense, us having a universe.
But then I looked up the definition, and they had quite a few restrictions that did not make sense to me. But how you described I like very much. Interesting to see, how easy my "believe or thinking" can take a certain direction.
Once I saw a beautiful story about religion explained by colors of the rainbow, this kind of explain to a tee, how I see it:
There was a teacher with his children. standing in a circle. Sun was shining on a dew drop. Teacher asked all children what color the raindrop was. All saw different colors. Started fighting, because all thought they were right. Then he told them to switch places. And finally the children realized that they had been all mistaken. Nobody was wrong, nobody was right. The teacher was teaching about religion.
This is how I see religion/atheism/humanism etc. There is not 1 right one, and nobody is wrong. I really love this very short story. Realizing this, made all perfectly understandable to me. Better than this I can not explain. The funny part is, that I found this on a "Baptist Church website just a few km away from me".
So I wrote them "If this is how you really believe, I will come to your church, then I never need another church". They never replied to that mail
. Sometimes funny things happen
, at least I found this very funny. Still wondering why this story is still on their website. Maybe God does exist, but did not want me in that Church. I mean how much easier I could make it for them to save 1 extra soul?
Thanks again for this wonderful post. I really enjoyed reading this. You remind me of the girl "Anna" in a book I once read "Mister God, this is Anna". Asking all kind of questions about the universe. Not taking all just for granted. Being in awe and wonder about everything she saw around. Was one of the books I enjoyed most reading.
I liked your line about "Universalism" a lot "there are no Bahai, Hindu, Pagan, Atheist, Christian". I fully agree here. Maybe they won't agree so much
. Although when I read the book of the founder of Bahai, I did get the feeling that He agreed with it completely.
Maybe a "strong atheist who is at the same time a superstrong advaitist" might also fully agree on that. The others I doubt won't agree
Personally I do not believe "that all humans will be saved".
. If you understand how I think/believe, than you understand why I say this.