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Unfair opinions about Islam :(


Well-Known Member
I would never have known how Islam is viewed in the states, until I have taken an interest in it myself, and have shared that with a few of my offline friends, and online ones, as well. I'm not expecting anyone to support my decision to explore Islam, but I'm sadly surprised by the negative comments, and nasty remarks actually, by some. :(

To people who suffer from persecution of any type because of your faith, giving you a hug here.

I sometimes don't know how to answer people when they offer nasty remarks about Islam, I try my best to share what the faith is actually about, but they don't want to listen. Is it best to just stay quiet? Idk. I never dealt with this really, as a Christian. (except many mock Christians, I know)


| abhyAvartin |
To people who suffer from persecution of any type because of your faith, giving you a hug here.
I really appreciate your generosity and your free hug! I leave you with the following quote. I hope it's not too ironic:

"The Islamic conquest of [Dharmic/Hindu] India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within." - Will Durant


Doubting Thomas
I would never have known how Islam is viewed in the states, until I have taken an interest in it myself, and have shared that with a few of my offline friends, and online ones, as well. I'm not expecting anyone to support my decision to explore Islam, but I'm sadly surprised by the negative comments, and nasty remarks actually, by some. :(

To people who suffer from persecution of any type because of your faith, giving you a hug here.

I sometimes don't know how to answer people when they offer nasty remarks about Islam, I try my best to share what the faith is actually about, but they don't want to listen. Is it best to just stay quiet? Idk. I never dealt with this really, as a Christian. (except many mock Christians, I know)
It doesn't seem possible to change the minds of Islamophobes. Lord knows I've tried. I never heard this kind of negativity until 9-11. It's more political than anything else.


Well-Known Member
It's not really so difficult to understand why so many people in the West have issues with Islam. Just look at the news. Islam has serious issues.

Your avatar startled me...lol I didn't know who you were, saint borg. ^_^

Well, yea...but people should look beyond the news ...

Unfortunately, and this is the case with all religions...the message is often judged by who is carrying the message. (or miscarrying it)


Avid JW Bible Student
I would never have known how Islam is viewed in the states, until I have taken an interest in it myself, and have shared that with a few of my offline friends, and online ones, as well. I'm not expecting anyone to support my decision to explore Islam, but I'm sadly surprised by the negative comments, and nasty remarks actually, by some. :(

To people who suffer from persecution of any type because of your faith, giving you a hug here.

I sometimes don't know how to answer people when they offer nasty remarks about Islam, I try my best to share what the faith is actually about, but they don't want to listen. Is it best to just stay quiet? Idk. I never dealt with this really, as a Christian. (except many mock Christians, I know)

I believe that we should judge a religion by how its adherents stick to the teachings of its holy writings. It is so easy to call ourselves by a title and then pick and choose what we will do and what we will ignore if it is incompatible with our personal views.

Islam, Judaism and Christianity all claim to base their beliefs on the Bible or on parts of it. So when we take the holy scriptures of each one into consideration, what do we discern about those who call themselves "Muslims" "Jews" or "Christians"?

The one thing that I discern from the parts of the Bible that all three accept is that each will ignore these writings if it suits them.

In Isaiah, we find a prophesy that pertains to "the last days"....it is a powerful indicator of who is actually obeying the commands of God and who are are only pretending to. The ones fulfilling this criteria are the ones who are God's true servants in this critical time of the end. (2 Tim 3:1-5)

Isaiah 2:2-4...."In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s (Jehovah's) house will be the highest of all—the most important place on earth. It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship. People from many nations will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of Jacob’s God. There he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths. ”For the Lord’s teaching will go out from Zion; his word will go out from Jerusalem. The Lord will mediate between nations and will settle international disputes. They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore." (NLT)

Those refusing to spill blood are those who have entered Jehovah's house. They are truly at peace in spite of being the brunt of the world's hatred and persecution. (John 15:18-21)

2 Peter 3:13-14....."But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness. And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in his sight."

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Your avatar startled me...lol I didn't know who you were, saint borg. ^_^

Lol. Yeah, I've just been assimilated. :D

Well, yea...but people should look beyond the news ...

Unfortunately, and this is the case with all religions...the message is often judged by who is carrying the message. (or miscarrying it)

I've looked beyond the news and debated with many Muslims on this site and others. I haven't seen anything to make my opinion of Islam a favorable one. My opinion of Islam actually used to be positive and I used to defend it, to be honest. It was only when I started looking into it more and because I see what's going on in my area and the world at large that it changed. Fancy that.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I wholly support your decision to explore Islam and can only congratulate you on going against the majority opinion as that is not easy. I don't know what you'll find out, but I hope it will be a worthwhile experience.

Is it best to just stay quiet?

no. things won't change unless you speak out- but it depends on whether the person is really willing to listen to a different point of view. And that's the issue. most people hear without really listening and talk without knowing what they're saying. I think Buddhists call it mindfulness.

(p.s. one of the admins is encouraging people to change their avatar to a Borg, so it's kind of going round at the moment.:))


Doubting Thomas
I believe that we should judge a religion by how its adherents stick to the teachings of its holy writings.
I couldn't disagree more. I am very happy that many Jews, Christians, and Muslims make a practice of ignoring the less savory aspects of their Scriptures. If they all took it more literally the world would be way more messed up.


An Págánach
Yes, indeed. Many innocent Muslims are very much persecuted for the actions of the zealots we see in the news. This persecution even extends to completely different faiths, such as Sikhs (who wear turbans as an article of faith) and Hindus.

It's all very sad. :(


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
It's not really so difficult to understand why so many people in the West have issues with Islam. Just look at the news. Islam has serious issues.
Islam has terrorism & homophobia along with persecution of non-Abrahamics.

The Catholic Church has pedophilia & their endorsement of policies that have led to the flourishing of STDs in Africa.

The Protestants have Fundamentalists, homophobes, the 'Quiverfull' ********, Creationism, and of course medical quackery like "faith healing" or with JWs their rejectment of life-saving transfusions.

Jews have the Ultra-Orthodox and their seeking to rid the Holy Land of non-Jews.

Traditional Pagans have far-right dickbags be they Nazis or just your garden-variety almost-fascist.

Neo-Pagans have medical quackery and Deepak Chopra.

All faiths have a wide variety of terrible and/or simply stupid skeletons in their closets. Some get aired out more than others. Tis' all it is.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I believe that we should judge a religion by how its adherents stick to the teachings of its holy writings. It is so easy to call ourselves by a title and then pick and choose what we will do and what we will ignore if it is incompatible with our personal views.

Islam, Judaism and Christianity all claim to base their beliefs on the Bible or on parts of it. So when we take the holy scriptures of each one into consideration, what do we discern about those who call themselves "Muslims" "Jews" or "Christians"?

The one thing that I discern from the parts of the Bible that all three accept is that each will ignore these writings if it suits them.

In Isaiah, we find a prophesy that pertains to "the last days"....it is a powerful indicator of who is actually obeying the commands of God and who are are only pretending to. The ones fulfilling this criteria are the ones who are God's true servants in this critical time of the end. (2 Tim 3:1-5)

Isaiah 2:2-4...."In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s (Jehovah's) house will be the highest of all—the most important place on earth. It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship. People from many nations will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of Jacob’s God. There he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths. ”For the Lord’s teaching will go out from Zion; his word will go out from Jerusalem. The Lord will mediate between nations and will settle international disputes. They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore." (NLT)

Those refusing to spill blood are those who have entered Jehovah's house. They are truly at peace in spite of being the brunt of the world's hatred and persecution. (John 15:18-21)

2 Peter 3:13-14....."But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness. And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in his sight."

Because obeying the "commands of God" means going from door to door preaching hateful, homophobic, and anti-scientific beliefs, eh?


An Págánach
Islam has terrorism & homophobia along with persecution of non-Abrahamics.

The Catholic Church has pedophilia & their endorsement of policies that have led to the flourishing of STDs in Africa.

The Protestants have Fundamentalists, homophobes, the 'Quiverfull' ********, Creationism, and of course medical quackery like "faith healing" or with JWs their rejectment of life-saving transfusions.

Jews have the Ultra-Orthodox and their seeking to rid the Holy Land of non-Jews.

Traditional Pagans have far-right dickbags be they Nazis or just your garden-variety almost-fascist.

Neo-Pagans have medical quackery and Deepak Chopra.

All faiths have a wide variety of terrible and/or simply stupid skeletons in their closets. Some get aired out more than others. Tis' all it is.

Very true. Reminds me of this:



the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I would never have known how Islam is viewed in the states, until I have taken an interest in it myself, and have shared that with a few of my offline friends, and online ones, as well. I'm not expecting anyone to support my decision to explore Islam, but I'm sadly surprised by the negative comments, and nasty remarks actually, by some. :(

To people who suffer from persecution of any type because of your faith, giving you a hug here.

I sometimes don't know how to answer people when they offer nasty remarks about Islam, I try my best to share what the faith is actually about, but they don't want to listen. Is it best to just stay quiet? Idk. I never dealt with this really, as a Christian. (except many mock Christians, I know)

Don't worry sister

He created man from a sperm-drop; then at once, he is a clear adversary.

And those they invoke other than Allah create nothing, and they [themselves] are created.

And if Allah had willed, He could have made you [of] one religion, but He causes to stray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And you will surely be questioned about what you used to do.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I'm sorry to hear that people aren't supporting your decision to explore Islam more. I think knowing more about various worldviews is useful to broaden one's understanding of others and the beliefs they hold.

I constantly hear nasty comments about non-belief, so I can relate to feeling alone in one's views among a given community or social circle. I think one important thing to point out, however, is that some negative comments about certain religious ideas are spot on and don't necessarily stem from hatred of religious people.

Best of luck with your study. Hug returned. :)



رسول الآلهة
Your avatar startled me...lol I didn't know who you were, saint borg. ^_^

Well, yea...but people should look beyond the news ...

Unfortunately, and this is the case with all religions...the message is often judged by who is carrying the message. (or miscarrying it)

The issue is that the news summarizes Muslims very nicely. It summarizes more so Muslims than Islam and this leads to hatred about Islam since Islam is a construct of the Muslims who make it up.
Muslims have forced their religion to be barbaric because of the world they live in and have formed all by themselves. The anti-western attitudes held by Muslims is resulting in chaos within the ummah and abroad. You must eventually understand Islamic history and realize that it is plagued with issues and littered with promises.

Just be yourself, little scamp. . .
*rubs head and huggles* =^_^=


Well-Known Member
So, I changed my avatar...and I will now honor the Borg. =^_^=

I wonder if I were to tell people this, if they'd be more accepting than if I were to say I'm converting back to an Abrahamic faith. :eek:

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Islam has terrorism & homophobia along with persecution of non-Abrahamics.

The Catholic Church has pedophilia & their endorsement of policies that have led to the flourishing of STDs in Africa.

The Protestants have Fundamentalists, homophobes, the 'Quiverfull' ********, Creationism, and of course medical quackery like "faith healing" or with JWs their rejectment of life-saving transfusions.

Jews have the Ultra-Orthodox and their seeking to rid the Holy Land of non-Jews.

Traditional Pagans have far-right dickbags be they Nazis or just your garden-variety almost-fascist.

Neo-Pagans have medical quackery and Deepak Chopra.

All faiths have a wide variety of terrible and/or simply stupid skeletons in their closets. Some get aired out more than others. Tis' all it is.

Are Catholics, Jews and Pagans literally at war with everyone else across the globe in the name of their religion? No, it's not "all Muslims", but surely you can see the difference in scope of the problems there?

These attempts to equivocate are falling flat.


Reality First!
Premium Member
My first thought is that you must have very little regard for human freedom if you follow Islam, but perhaps personal freedom is not important to you. And why a woman would choose to be Muslim I'll never understand. I am curious about why a 'God' would create three religions, with three different 'holy' books, each of which tells its followers to kill the followers of the other religions. Are you convinced there is any 'reality' to the deities you believe in?
Hopefully you'll read the Quran before you commit your life to this 'religion'. Or read Ibn Warraq's book "Why I am not a Muslim", he covers the territory well.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Are Catholics, Jews and Pagans literally at war with everyone else across the globe in the name of their religion? No, it's not "all Muslims", but surely you can see the difference in scope of the problems there?
I would argue that the Catholics are responsible for more heart-ache and death if you're going to talk about "scope". What their policies have done in Africa are going to be felt for decades, perhaps centuries. However, I'll grant you Jews & Pagans. Too small to really be making that massive a difference. Not on the ISIS and Vatican scale, anyway.

These attempts to equivocate are falling flat.
Perhaps for the smaller of the groups in my admittedly incomplete list.