It's.very bizarre to me considering that the situation here is like the exact opposite of yours. Our mask and social distancing mandates ended in early June and we're basically fully open. You can do what you please here. Entertainment facilities are are allowed to be at full capacity. Pretty much the only places you're required to wear a mask are hospitals and such (due to their own guidelines, not any mandate since those don't exist here anymore), and the bus because they're following some weird rule where they can't change it until September.
The vaccine is readily available to anyone, except children. Now we're at a point where the people who have wanted the vaccine have gotten it and they basically can't even give it away now. They've tried lotteries, give aways, etc. to try to get people to get vaccinated but I don't think it mattered. Lol. Oh, and our cases are pretty low now.
That’s good Saint. Hope you guys keep it that way
I think because they keep flip flopping on the rules. Only really locking down when clusters form. Then letting up when we have a few days clear of cases. Rinse and repeat. Plus we’re in winter right now, so I don’t think that helps us much.
If the bozos in charge would lock everything down for a month, actually get the vaccine rollout on schedule we could get everything back to normal. But then people would whine about their “freedom.” Or go stir crazy.
Then on top of that the government can’t decide if it wants “travel bubbles” open to close countries. We have a New Zealand bubble then we don’t, we have people stuck in quarantine and self isolation and people stuck overseas or even in the country. We are managing it better than some of our neighbouring countries. Although I fear for my family over in Fiji. I heard it’s pretty bad there.
I also read somewhere that the boffins are looking at making the COVID vaccination a yearly thing like the flu one, because of the different strains popping up and the apparent lack of long term resistance maintained by the body. Which weirdly makes sense I guess. But can you imagine if this becomes a yearly thing?
I imagine this is what happened during the Spanish flu epidemic. Scrambling to find a vaccine then having it be a yearly thing much to everyone’s displeasure. Uhhh