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Vaccination and Religious Beliefs


Well-Known Member
So who else wrote his books?

"Jews are always in search of their Adolf Hitlers, somebody who can kill them – then they feel at ease. When nobody bothers about them, then they are uneasy; the guilt follows. When you throw stones at truth this is bound to happen, and even after twenty centuries of suffering the Jews have not confessed that they did wrong. No! Jesus is still unaccepted, they go on behaving as if Jesus never existed; Jesus is still not part of them. And I tell you, unless they reclaim Jesus they will remain in trouble. And the trouble is not being created by others, they seek it. They are guilty people, and their guilt is very great."

Page 183 The Mustard Seed


Cult Survivor/Fundamentalist Pentecostal Apostate
Well I am here to tell you what it did to me, I don't care if its been documented or whatever, after all they hide most stuff that they don't like to hear, is called racketeering.

You know that you experienced neurological issues which just so happened to coincide, to one degree or another, the time of your vaccination. This is purely circumstantial. There is no evidence to support your claim. Your experiences are unfortunate, and again you have my empathy; but your reasoning is lacking. Remember that Schizophrenia, itself, boasts paranoia as one of its symptoms.


Well-Known Member
Why should vaccination be mandatory? So they don't infect others? Ok, how would effect those that are already vaccinated? What sense does that make? It's their choice, nobody else's.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Why should vaccination be mandatory? So they don't infect others? Ok, how would effect those that are already vaccinated? What sense does that make? It's their choice, nobody else's.

Herd immunity, viruses mutate when they have more hosts to well host it, people have medical conditions that forces them not to vaccinate. Not vaccinating is not only your choice, it's public responsibility. This was explained in detail several times already.


Jai Maha Kali Ma!
So who else wrote his books?

"Jews are always in search of their Adolf Hitlers, somebody who can kill them – then they feel at ease. When nobody bothers about them, then they are uneasy; the guilt follows. When you throw stones at truth this is bound to happen, and even after twenty centuries of suffering the Jews have not confessed that they did wrong. No! Jesus is still unaccepted, they go on behaving as if Jesus never existed; Jesus is still not part of them. And I tell you, unless they reclaim Jesus they will remain in trouble. And the trouble is not being created by others, they seek it. They are guilty people, and their guilt is very great."

Page 183 The Mustard Seed

I wrote that and he chose to ignore it.
Osho was very, very sick.


Veteran Member
So who else wrote his books?

"Jews are always in search of their Adolf Hitlers, somebody who can kill them – then they feel at ease. When nobody bothers about them, then they are uneasy; the guilt follows. When you throw stones at truth this is bound to happen, and even after twenty centuries of suffering the Jews have not confessed that they did wrong. No! Jesus is still unaccepted, they go on behaving as if Jesus never existed; Jesus is still not part of them. And I tell you, unless they reclaim Jesus they will remain in trouble. And the trouble is not being created by others, they seek it. They are guilty people, and their guilt is very great."

Page 183 The Mustard Seed
Well I can see truth in what he is saying.


Veteran Member
You know that you experienced neurological issues which just so happened to coincide, to one degree or another, the time of your vaccination. This is purely circumstantial. There is no evidence to support your claim. Your experiences are unfortunate, and again you have my empathy; but your reasoning is lacking. Remember that Schizophrenia, itself, boasts paranoia as one of its symptoms.
Please don't try to use my condition as your weapons, its not very nice.


Veteran Member
Why are the Jews hated everywhere in the world?

Osho - "Because they are clever, intelligent. Nobody likes clever, intelligent people. One feels inferior, hence, the hatred. Adolf Hitler must have felt very inferior to Jews. He Was. He was almost idiotic, imbecilic. But he must have felt it tremendously — this inferiority. And Jews have a certain intelligence, and because of that intelligence they become rich fast. Put them in any situation and sooner or later they will be on top. How can you avoid not hating them? They simply go directly to the top; they don’t wait.

And particularly about money, they are the cleverest people in the world. For a certain reason: because after Jesus’ crucifixion, they lost all power — all political power; Christianity became politically powerful. There was no way for the Jews to be politically powerful, so their whole mind turned to the second power — money. They became focused on money. These are the only two worldly powers: either politics or money. Because they were not in the majority, they could not be politically powerful, so naturally their whole intelligence was channellised towards money. That was the only way for them to become powerful.

And with money many things come. With money comes more education, with money comes more literature, more music, more drama, more art. With money Comes more intelligence. So down the ages they have been hoarding money, and money on its own creates more possibilities to be intelligent, to be clever. And when you are more intelligent, you earn more money, and so on and so forth it goes’ And people who have money are hated because ninety-nine per cent of people don’t have any money; they are very jealous. The poor people hate the rich, and if they can get an opportunity they will kill the rich. And whenever they get the opportunity, they kill — they will find any excuse.

But Jews are intelligent people. There is no doubt about it — one of the most intelligent races on the earth; otherwise they would not have survived. They have survived with no political power and with enemies all around and everywhere. They have been on the cross for two thousand years since Jesus’ death. They have suffered too much. For one man’s crucifixion it is enough punishment — more than enough. They have lived in a Christian world, hated from every side. But because they were hated and they were always in danger and they were always helpless, that too has helped their intelligence to go high. Always remember: if there is danger for your life, you have to be intelligent; you cannot afford non-intelligence, otherwise you will be gone.

So in a way, the very challenge, the very danger, has helped them: they have been polishing their intelligence continuously. It-is not just accident that more Nobel Prizes go to Jews than to anybody else. And their number is small; it is out of all proportion. This century’s greatest thinkers — three: Marx, Freud, Einstein — all belong to Jews. The greatest revolutionaries ever have come from them. They are in small numbers, but the situation has helped them. They had to fight, struggle, survive; they could not fall asleep, they could not go to rest. Their intelligence has been going higher and released towards God will bring a great revolution in the world.

I am very happy that fifty per cent — more than fifty per cent — of my sannyasins are Jews. What I am saying can have appeal only to very intelligent people. Stupids won’t have any attraction to me — only very intelligent people can understand what I am saying."


Admiral Obvious
Why are the Jews hated everywhere in the world?

Osho - "Because they are clever, intelligent. Nobody likes clever, intelligent people. One feels inferior, hence, the hatred. Adolf Hitler must have felt very inferior to Jews. He Was. He was almost idiotic, imbecilic. But he must have felt it tremendously — this inferiority. And Jews have a certain intelligence, and because of that intelligence they become rich fast. Put them in any situation and sooner or later they will be on top. How can you avoid not hating them? They simply go directly to the top; they don’t wait.

And particularly about money, they are the cleverest people in the world. For a certain reason: because after Jesus’ crucifixion, they lost all power — all political power; Christianity became politically powerful. There was no way for the Jews to be politically powerful, so their whole mind turned to the second power — money. They became focused on money. These are the only two worldly powers: either politics or money. Because they were not in the majority, they could not be politically powerful, so naturally their whole intelligence was channellised towards money. That was the only way for them to become powerful.

And with money many things come. With money comes more education, with money comes more literature, more music, more drama, more art. With money Comes more intelligence. So down the ages they have been hoarding money, and money on its own creates more possibilities to be intelligent, to be clever. And when you are more intelligent, you earn more money, and so on and so forth it goes’ And people who have money are hated because ninety-nine per cent of people don’t have any money; they are very jealous. The poor people hate the rich, and if they can get an opportunity they will kill the rich. And whenever they get the opportunity, they kill — they will find any excuse.

But Jews are intelligent people. There is no doubt about it — one of the most intelligent races on the earth; otherwise they would not have survived. They have survived with no political power and with enemies all around and everywhere. They have been on the cross for two thousand years since Jesus’ death. They have suffered too much. For one man’s crucifixion it is enough punishment — more than enough. They have lived in a Christian world, hated from every side. But because they were hated and they were always in danger and they were always helpless, that too has helped their intelligence to go high. Always remember: if there is danger for your life, you have to be intelligent; you cannot afford non-intelligence, otherwise you will be gone.

So in a way, the very challenge, the very danger, has helped them: they have been polishing their intelligence continuously. It-is not just accident that more Nobel Prizes go to Jews than to anybody else. And their number is small; it is out of all proportion. This century’s greatest thinkers — three: Marx, Freud, Einstein — all belong to Jews. The greatest revolutionaries ever have come from them. They are in small numbers, but the situation has helped them. They had to fight, struggle, survive; they could not fall asleep, they could not go to rest. Their intelligence has been going higher and released towards God will bring a great revolution in the world.

I am very happy that fifty per cent — more than fifty per cent — of my sannyasins are Jews. What I am saying can have appeal only to very intelligent people. Stupids won’t have any attraction to me — only very intelligent people can understand what I am saying."
*climbs up onto pontoon boat*


Veteran Member
You did.
When you used them to support your claims.
That it did not work is beside the point.
Gee I really thought you were more intelligent than that, of course I would use that, my god it was first hand experience, more than what you would find just reading, especially from the very ones who hide the truth.


Admiral Obvious
Gee I really thought you were more intelligent than that, of course I would use that, my god it was first hand experience, more than what you would find just reading, especially from the very ones who hide the truth.
So why the bold face lie you didn't?

Rather difficult to take anything you say seriously now.


Well-Known Member
They became focused on money. These are the only two worldly powers: either politics or money. Because they were not in the majority, they could not be politically powerful, so naturally their whole intelligence was channellised towards money. That was the only way for them to become powerful.

Yeah that's not how it was. But you can't really fault an Indian for not knowing anything about the European middle ages.

So down the ages they have been hoarding money

Except of course when the local nobility didn't want to pay back their loans and the mob "spontaneously" paid a visit to the Jewish quarter. During the visit the people were either slaughtered or driven away.

Wow we were so well off.

But of course it leaves out that most Jews had NOTHING TO DO WITH MONEY. They were bakers, butchers, tailors........ you know like most people. Its almost as if Jews are... people.

For a certain reason: because after Jesus’ crucifixion, they lost all power — all political power; Christianity became politically powerful.

Too bad that the author doesn't share his wisdom why we lost our "power". Because it kinda had nothing to do with some stupid crucifixion of some stupid random Jew as there were thousand of stupid random Jews being crucified.

Makes you wonder whether the author knew about the Jewish - Roman wars. Probably not.

For one man’s crucifixion it is enough punishment — more than enough.

Again this implication that we were somehow responsible for Roman crucifixions. Because the Romans were known to be scared of those they conquered.

But because they were hated and they were always in danger and they were always helpless, that too has helped their intelligence to go high. Always remember: if there is danger for your life, you have to be intelligent; you cannot afford non-intelligence, otherwise you will be gone.

It has nothing to do with intelligence if you leave the place of birth and settle in more friendly parts of the world.
That is the reason why we survived. If all the Sephardim had stayed in Iberia than they all would have died.

Even stupid people leave a hostile place. It's almost as if people don't want to die.

So in a way, the very challenge, the very danger, has helped them: they have been polishing their intelligence continuously. It-is not just accident that more Nobel Prizes go to Jews than to anybody else.

Its called education. Again has nothing to do with intelligence. Lots of people who are a minority rely on a good education for their kids so that they will have it better one day as its their only chance.

I am very happy that fifty per cent — more than fifty per cent — of my sannyasins are Jews. What I am saying can have appeal only to very intelligent people. Stupids won’t have any attraction to me — only very intelligent people can understand what I am saying.

Never trust a teacher who's so full of himself.