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Vaccination and Religious Beliefs


High Priest of Cynicism
Given the number of times I have asked you to explain how you think you could explain the results from the study I mentioned in this post, and that you've basically asserted fraud and called me a liar in the conversations since, maybe you might consider that your memory is so poor that you've not remembered anything correctly.. Why do you trust this memory of yours to remember anything correctly?


Veteran Member
I don't know where you re getting your figures, but I just don't think they are accurate.

I don't think it is a tiny handful. The WHO simply refuses to acknowledge that...non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) have increased 1200% since the oral polio vaccine was introduced to India a decade ago...India: Paralysis cases soar after oral polio vaccine introduced By ignoring this and calling it non-polio acute flaccid paralysis they can still go on claiming to be eradicating polio.

  1. There is a direct correlation between doses of the live oral polio vaccine and the incidence of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis.
  2. In the past 13 months, India has reported 53,563 cases of “non-polio acute flaccid paralysis,” giving India the distinction of having the highest rate of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in the world.
  3. Even in other countries that have “polio-free” status, there is a resurgence of polio and that includes India.
  4. The live oral polio vaccine is so dangerous, with so many side effects, that it is being phased out. WHO has called on a complete withdrawal of the vaccine by the end of 2016.
The big question is: why are they waiting until the end of 2016 when the dangers of this vaccine are so well known?? Could the fact that UNICEF, the primary agency used to “eradicate polio” by the pharmaceutical manufacturers, purchased 1.7 BILLION doses of the oral polio vaccine in 2013, representing BILLIONS of dollars of revenue for the vaccine manufacturers, have anything to do with not phasing out the oral polio vaccine immediately?

We reported late last year how UNICEF used the Philippines Typhoon tragedy, as well as the Syrian refugee tragedies, to buy more live polio vaccines and start giving these vaccines in mass polio vaccination programs, despite the fact that there had been no recorded incidents of polio in the Philippines since 1993, and none in Syria since 1999. They used these tragedies to justify increasing their purchase of the live oral polio vaccine from 1.35 billion doses to 1.7 billion for 2013. The financial motive to continue such a lucrative market, where these vaccines are purchased by the United Nations through tax dollars of contributing member countries, the largest of which is the United States, must be a very strong motivation indeed to continue the oral vaccine program, and get ALL countries around the world the “polio-free” certification.

- See more at:
The Vaccine Myth of “Polio-free” Status – Polio Vaccine Caused 53,000 Paralysis Victims in India Last Year

Okay, how about this one for specifics...Findings suggest that U.S. male neonates vaccinated with the hepatitis B vaccine prior to 1999 (from vaccination record) had a threefold higher risk for parental report of autism diagnosis compared to boys not vaccinated as neonates during that same time period. Nonwhite boys bore a greater risk....Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002. - PubMed - NCBI

Or this one...Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism. Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism. - PubMed - NCBI

gActually, I think those who are so trusting of vaccines to protect their health are the ones who do so out of fear rather than take personal responsibility for their own health. It is a very common mentality today to expect a pill or a shot to fix everything.
I would say that taking personal responsibility for your own health and that of your children as well as the health of everyone else we share this planet with definitely includes vaccinations.


Veteran Member
Given the number of times I have asked you to explain how you think you could explain the results from the study I mentioned in this post, and that you've basically asserted fraud and called me a liar in the conversations since, maybe you might consider that your memory is so poor that you've not remembered anything correctly.. Why do you trust this memory of yours to remember anything correctly?
Well its the only one I have.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Weird. Few people in Brazil have ever paid for a vaccine.
As it turns out, a month ago I finally paid for a flu vaccine. A trivalent that cost me around 30 dollars all things told.

There has been a shortage of vaccines, and the ones available were mostly reserved for the public health system, where it took a profesional's indication for people to get one (for free).

I had to hunt for a while until I found a private clinic with shots to sell. I wanted the tetravalent, but it was no longer available. so I settled to for the Trivalent.

Totally worth it.


Well-Known Member
I am against vaccinations. However, I don't have any religious reasons behind my stance. The main problem with vaccinations is that they are unnatural, and they slowly weaken the gene pool by "bypassing" natural selection. This sets society up for a collapse when the means of producing vaccines is gone for whatever reasons.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This sets society up for a collapse when the means of producing vaccines is gone for whatever reasons.
As long as we've been making vaccines, even before the age of modern mass production, I don't think we're going to loose that ability. Even if society totally crumbles, medical supplies are going to be a top priority, and that includes vaccines.


Veteran Member
As long as we've been making vaccines, even before the age of modern mass production, I don't think we're going to loose that ability. Even if society totally crumbles, medical supplies are going to be a top priority, and that includes vaccines.
Yes, as long as there is money made by these giant rip of institutions.


Well-Known Member
I am against vaccinations. However, I don't have any religious reasons behind my stance. The main problem with vaccinations is that they are unnatural, and they slowly weaken the gene pool by "bypassing" natural selection. This sets society up for a collapse when the means of producing vaccines is gone for whatever reasons.

Well no biggy. I just hope you are consistent and use this logic on every single medicine out there.

Though probably not.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes, as long as there is money made by these giant rip of institutions.

Oh please. The Dentists over here probably earn more than all the vaccination "profit" put together.
Still rather get dental work than suffer dental issues though.

Newsflash, all branches of medicine makes money. Some more than others. It kind of differs drastically depending on a number of variables.
Using your logic instead of going to the hospital, one should just perform self surgery or eat plants they find in the wilderness or use branches and leaves as bandaids!. Like heaven forbid in a capitalist society money goes towards payment of services rendered by staff in the medical sectors.

Fun fact, Dentists, unlike vaccinations, are not included on the Medicare (Universal) Health Care System in Australia and can pretty much charge whatever they want. The cheap nasty free ones are for dire emergencies only. *shudders* They're butchers.

Like come on mate. It's a little whiny to complain about the money we give towards healthcare over here. I mean have you seen what some Americans have paid just for a night in the hospital? Like sheesh!
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yes, as long as there is money made by these giant rip of institutions.
Not necessarily; the polio vaccine was given for free after it was discovered. Granted the profit motive has tainted, twisted, and corrupted the practice of medicine, but we've been healing and treating our people since our species was young, way before we had a concept of money or private property.


Veteran Member
Oh please. The Dentists over here probably earn more than all the vaccination "profit" put together.
Still rather get dental work than suffer dental issues though.

Newsflash, all branches of medicine makes money. Some more than others. It kind of differs drastically depending on a number of variables.
Using your logic instead of going to the hospital, one should just perform self surgery or eat plants they find in the wilderness or use branches and leaves as bandaids!. Like heaven forbid in a capitalist society money goes towards payment of services rendered by staff in the medical sectors.

Fun fact, Dentists, unlike vaccinations, are not included on the Medicare (Universal) Health Care System in Australia and can pretty much charge whatever they want. The cheap nasty free ones are for dire emergencies only. *shudders* They're butchers.

Like come on mate. It's a little whiny to complain about the money we give towards healthcare over here. I mean have you seen what some Americans have paid just for a night in the hospital? Like sheesh!
That maybe so, but their still rip offs.


Veteran Member
Not necessarily; the polio vaccine was given for free after it was discovered. Granted the profit motive has tainted, twisted, and corrupted the practice of medicine, but we've been healing and treating our people since our species was young, way before we had a concept of money or private property.
Yes but I don't mean way back then.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
That maybe so, but their still rip offs.
Welcome to Capitalism!
Like seriously you're upset that people are following the main mode of the economic system! (At least in the West.)
Might as well be upset that Woolworths makes a profit. It's just what happens.


I'm sorry, but I don't understand the fear towards vaccines unless you have allergic reactions towards one. If you opt out of getting them including your children, you would be putting potentially vulnerable people in physical jeopardy which I think is selfish and irresponsible.

Seriously, it is a no brainer to prefer having vaccinations over allowing Cholera and Tuberculosis to come back. No thank you! Some countries have to deal with contracting Malaria and who knows what else and don't have what the first world has.

Can't even.


Veteran Member
Welcome to Capitalism!
Like seriously you're upset that people are following the main mode of the economic system! (At least in the West.)
Might as well be upset that Woolworths makes a profit. It's just what happens.
I know its just what happens, but that doesn't make it right.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but I don't understand the fear towards vaccines unless you have allergic reactions towards one. If you opt out of getting them including your children, you would be putting potentially vulnerable people in physical jeopardy which I think is selfish and irresponsible.

Seriously, it is a no brainer to prefer having vaccinations over allowing Cholera and Tuberculosis to come back. No thank you! Some countries have to deal with contracting Malaria and who knows what else and don't have what the first world has.

Can't even.

The reason diseases like cholera and tuberculosis spread is because of overpopulation.

I haven't been vaccinated against cholera. I don't know anyone who has been, and I also have not had cholera, nor do I know anyone who has had it. Things like that stem from overcrowding. That's why they are issues on small, overpopulated islands. They are not issues in normal, balanced areas.

Vaccinating a child carries the inherent risk of a possibly fatal allergic reaction. There is also a poorly defined link between some vaccines in babies and the development of autism symptoms. It's a vague link, but it's there.

As a side note, I've had flu vaccines, and they never helped. The fact that they cause flu like symptoms to develop the next day sort of defeats the purpose.

One vaccine I'm not against is the rabies vaccine. Rabies is basically a death sentence, and if I get bitten by a rabid animal, I want the vaccine.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
The reason diseases like cholera and tuberculosis spread is because of overpopulation.

I haven't been vaccinated against cholera. I don't know anyone who has been, and I also have not had cholera, nor do I know anyone who has had it. Things like that stem from overcrowding. That's why they are issues on small, overpopulated islands. They are not issues in normal, balanced areas.

Vaccinating a child carries the inherent risk of a possibly fatal allergic reaction. There is also a poorly defined link between some vaccines in babies and the development of autism symptoms. It's a vague link, but it's there.

As a side note, I've had flu vaccines, and they never helped. The fact that they cause flu like symptoms to develop the next day sort of defeats the purpose.

One vaccine I'm not against is the rabies vaccine. Rabies is basically a death sentence, and if I get bitten by a rabid animal, I want the vaccine.
Umm Cholera is spread due to poor environmental factors actually. Unsanitary water conditions, lack of proper hygiene and unsafe food practices. It's endemic in many countries and will kill you if not treated. You probably don't live in squalid conditions in some war torn poor country drinking awful dirty water every day, hence the lack of cholera near you. And me for that matter. Go us! Spoilt brat first world callous ingrates. Yay I guess.

Pfft getting surgery comes with an inherent risk of freaking death. You against all types of surgery too?

No autism link has been found. Not even correlation. The only "study" that says that is so debunked even uttering it will get you mocked or cause automatic facepalms in certain circles.

Flu Vaccine (which I don't get either tbh) takes like 2 weeks to even work so I don't know how it's supposed to cause flu like symptoms the next day. But even those symptoms are just a sign that your immune system has figured out that there's a virus (dead or neutered depending on the vaccine) in your body. So no creating symptoms does not defeat the purpose. That's just your body working in tandem with the vaccine. Like geez anyone remotely acquainted with biology will tell you that.
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The reason diseases like cholera and tuberculosis spread is because of overpopulation.

I haven't been vaccinated against cholera. I don't know anyone who has been, and I also have not had cholera, nor do I know anyone who has had it. Things like that stem from overcrowding. That's why they are issues on small, overpopulated islands. They are not issues in normal, balanced areas.

Vaccinating a child carries the inherent risk of a possibly fatal allergic reaction. There is also a poorly defined link between some vaccines in babies and the development of autism symptoms. It's a vague link, but it's there.

As a side note, I've had flu vaccines, and they never helped. The fact that they cause flu like symptoms to develop the next day sort of defeats the purpose.

One vaccine I'm not against is the rabies vaccine. Rabies is basically a death sentence, and if I get bitten by a rabid animal, I want the vaccine.

Honestly, I'm glad I don't need to worry about Cholera in the first place. However, there are people out there who do and they do need them. Many developing countries struggle with diseases like Malaria because of poor sanitary conditions, unsafe water, housing structure issues, pollution, etc. Cholera spreads greatly due to water being unsafe and not having access to sanitary water.

Anyway, the link between vaccines and autism that so many anti-vaxxers like to make has no evidence to back it up so why should I believe them over what I see vaccines doing? They are spreading fear and paranoia over vaccinations. You need to be very careful about making health decisions that could affect your health and other people too based on such spurious information. Research instead.

I have yet to have a negative reaction towards vaccines and having herd immunity helps those who are allergic to vaccines as well.