Over the years, how many vaccinations have been modified/recalled when once where clinically tested and deemed to be safe and effective? Common sense, Sapiens. You may choose to analytically override common sense perhaps, being human. These vaccinations are constantly being clinically tested. You are a primate, perhaps you would be willing to submit yourself to the early scientific testing with the other millions of animals, if you consider yourself on equal terms with them.
Science also doesn't work the way you believe it to. That this case is closed, the full immunology of the body is known, the full effects/true effectiveness of vaccinations are known, etc. You cannot debunk anything, if you were honest with yourself.
I suggest you are foolishly hinting that this case is closed, the immunology of the human body is all known, vaccination safety, their near/mid/long term effects are all known, the rate in decline is due to vaccinations, that the non-vaccinated are dangerous and irresponsible.
The most intelligent words a human being can use sometimes are: "I don't know." Not, "I know and I'm fully and fundamentally biased."