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Vaccination and Religious Beliefs


Well-Known Member
Making your point moot since just about everything is more common than the diseases being vaccinated for.

There is no such evidence, so I don't have to imagine anything.

I do know because I have read the research.

When you say the only possibilities are that there is no evidence yet to support you position or the evidence is being suppressed, it is paranoid, especially when jump to the suppressed part. There is nothing being suppressed, and plenty of loonies out there going on about the "dangers of vaccines" when their beliefs are not based in reality.
That was the point, that autism is more prevalent than the diseases being vaccinated for. In which you responded that autism "just may be now" more than polio in which I've responded: 200,000 as compared to zero.

What do you know of reality? It doesn't take "scientific evidence" to read about all of the children of mothers and fathers who actually experienced such in "reality" or knowing someone who actually experienced such in "reality." Are they a figment of non-real loony imagination?

No, you do not know what causes autism, that the immunology of the human body is all known, and that the effects of vaccinations are all known. The best answer is, "I don't know."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That was the point, that autism is more prevalent than the diseases being vaccinated for.
That is not an argument that vaccines cause autism.
Are they a figment of non-real loony imagination?
Yes, because vaccines DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM!
It doesn't take "scientific evidence"
When you make a claim about science, it does very much require scientific evidence.
No, you do not know what causes autism
True, but I know vaccines don't cause it. You are simply doing nothing more than ignoring the mountain ranges of studies, data, and evidence that clearly prove vaccines do not cause autism. There is no best answer of "I don't know," because we do know, for a fact, that vaccines do not cause autism.


Well-Known Member
That is not an argument that vaccines cause autism.

Yes, because vaccines DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM!

When you make a claim about science, it does very much require scientific evidence.

True, but I know vaccines don't cause it. You are simply doing nothing more than ignoring the mountain ranges of studies, data, and evidence that clearly prove vaccines do not cause autism. There is no best answer of "I don't know," because we do know, for a fact, that vaccines do not cause autism.

It never was, delusion is not necessary in a debate. It was an argument that autism is more prevalent than the diseases being vaccinated for. That is just the US, the U.K. And many other countries have the similar autistic rates.

You do not know this. At best, you can site that a certain substance has been tested but cannot exclude all. You do not know every substance, the effects of the combinations of every substance, are all knowing of the human immunology, all knowing of genetics and DNA. The CDC, FDA, and Pharms are not all-knowing about these substances. This, also pending that you're convinced that the government and pharms would be so eagerly and gracefully willing to come out and say, "yes, we have found a possible link in which we have possibly caused millions of children worldwide autism." Since you cannot imagine the disaster that would create, placebo works well.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You do not know this. At best, you can site that a certain substance has been tested but cannot exclude all. You do not know every substance, the effects of the combinations of every substance, are all knowing of the human immunology, all knowing of genetics and DNA. The CDC, FDA, and Pharms are not all-knowing about these substances. This, also pending that you're convinced that the government and pharms would be so eagerly and gracefully willing to come out and say, "yes, we have found a possible link in which we have possibly caused millions of children worldwide autism." Since you cannot imagine the disaster that would create, placebo works well.
Who said I'm reading research from the CDC, FDA, and the rest? I have read them, but they are only but a few of the many organizations who have studied the issue and have concluded that vaccines do not cause autism.


Well-Known Member
Who said I'm reading research from the CDC, FDA, and the rest? I have read them, but they are only but a few of the many organizations who have studied the issue and have concluded that vaccines do not cause autism.

Enlighten me as to which you are reading from that are not government funded, government backed, or performed outside of ties with the pharms. Anyone can do that and see that there have been numerous peer reviewed research and published works with both links and non-links. Each their own to seek for themselves.
False, at best you can say that thimerosal likely doesn't cause autism. Not vaccines.
If you're sticking with the vaccines... enlighten me on where there has been the all-knowing conducted research on all of the substances, all of the substances in combination with one another, that all of the substances used in vaccines are 100% objectively identical, that every live virus entering a human body is killed and fully known to not be hiding anywhere else in the body, that human immunology, genes, and DNA are fully known.


Well-Known Member
Who said I'm reading research from the CDC, FDA, and the rest? I have read them, but they are only but a few of the many organizations who have studied the issue and have concluded that vaccines do not cause autism.

Sincerely, "the many parents of a healthy child who developed autism after receiving vaccinations who is delusional and not part of reality to many."


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
You are human, and I respect your opinions, a few solid explanations, and your time for the responses. I am neutral and can argue the good in vaccinations as well. Some of which you have said.

Thank you for the reasoning together my friend.

Well any time. At least you're more cordial than some I have encountered in these sorts of debates.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Sincerely, "the many parents of a healthy child who developed autism after receiving vaccinations who is delusional and not part of reality to many."

Autism used to be diagnosed around the same age as children being vaccinated, because that's the age the symptoms would typically manifest themselves. Insofar as being noticeable by the medical profession. Because diagnosis usually relies on the social interaction of the baby. It's not like an ailment that you can necessarily spot at birth like Downs Syndrome for example.
That's not a causation, not even a correlation (as I have previously been corrected on.) It's two coinciding events. Like being daytime and eating.
If I am to go by what @Shadow Wolf has previously stated that diagnosis is being pushed back before children are vaccinated. Which is always good. Get in early and prepare.

I happen to have a severely low functioning autistic cousin. She can't eat, can't talk, can't put on weight etc. I guess it being so severe it was diagnosed quite early for that particular time.
But I'd take that over her dying from Polio any day of the week. And I suspect those who do actually remember Polio, like some of the older baby boomers (I'm from a generation who literally can't being a Gen Y/Millennial) would be pulling their hair out in frustration over this modern rejection of the vaccine.
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Well-Known Member
Autism used to be diagnosed around the same age as children being vaccinated, because that's the age the symptoms would typically manifest themselves. Insofar as being noticeable by the medical profession. Because diagnosis usually relies on the social interaction of the baby. It's not like an ailment that you can necessarily spot at birth like Downs Syndrome for example.
That's not a causation, not even a correlation (as I have previously been corrected on.) It's two coinciding events. Like being daytime and eating.
If I am to go by what @Shadow Wolf has previously stated that diagnosis is being pushed back before children are vaccinated. Which is always good. Get in early and prepare.

I happen to have a severely low functioning autistic cousin. She can't eat, can't talk, can't put on weight etc. I guess it being so severe it was diagnosed quite early for that particular time.
But I'd take that over her dying from Polio any day of the week. And I suspect those who do actually remember Polio, like some of the older baby boomers (I'm from a generation who literally can't being a Gen Y/Millennial) would be pulling their hair out in frustration over this modern rejection of the vaccine.

Autism is still diagnosed around the ages where most of the vaccinations simultaneously take place. It does have some roots before autism is diagnosed also, particularly during pregnancy... but that conclusion could be viewed as unknown because pregnant females receive vaccinations also and just because it may have any root, wouldn't exclude the possibility that a substance in a vaccine, combinations of substances in multiple vaccines also could cause autism or correlate with the root. Too much is unknown at this time about autism, genetics, and multiple combinations of substances in vaccinations or that there are multiple causes of autism, not just vaccinations per say. Many pharma's could be producing relatively safe substances while one is producing an unsafe.
This in my opinion is a deep matter that needs more time. No one can be honest and conclude that they do or they don't. We can believe or believe not. I respect those that believe not but are humble enough to admit that they can't say for certain. I do have little respect for those calling others quacks or claiming that they 100% know... because that's a lie. Too much is unknown. In everyday life and reality, there are children who are healthy and have healthy habits which become a completely different child with autistic habits at the same time or within a week of receiving vaccinations in which they become diagnosed with autism. One would have to be very naive to say that they know for certain that there would be no foul play or cover ups in a matter where an entire country's reputation is on the line, that everything is cupcakes and rainbows in which money or reputation has zero effect on what human's do and what lengths humans are willing to go on a microscopic or macroscopic level, especially with the power to do so as the general public is unaware or wouldn't think twice to educate themselves before making any choices.
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Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Autism is still diagnosed around the ages where most of the vaccinations simultaneously take place. It does have some roots before autism is diagnosed also, particularly during pregnancy... but that conclusion could be viewed as unknown because pregnant females receive vaccinations also and just because it may have any root, wouldn't exclude the possibility that a substance in a vaccine, combinations of substances in multiple vaccines also could cause autism or correlate with the root. Too much is unknown at this time about autism, genetics, and multiple combinations of substances in vaccinations or that there are multiple causes of autism, not just vaccinations per say.

Yes, because that's typically when you would notice signs of autism. Like a slow response to learning language, odd interactions socially, inability to recognize facial cues, inability to recognize emotional cues and an odd way of processing outside information. Unless you're a behavioral psychologist, most parents won't be concerned about such things in their infants during the first stages of life. Unless it's a severe low functioning type of autism, such signs aren't exactly noticeable to an average layman. Especially when all an infant can do is cry and chew their toes.

I mean they are getting better at it. But there's just so many different types of autism and there are many many variables. For example if one's older sibling does all the talking for the younger sibling, that actually may account for their lack of speech. Not because they're autistic necessarily, just that they haven't the need to.

And you do realize autism is not some homogeneous disease, right? It's an entire spectrum covering many different types of maladies. You never hear a Biologist say "this can cause cancer." Because you can't just say something like that. There are over 200 different types of cancer! So obviously they would have to specify. This can increase the likelihood of lymphoma. This could increase the likelihood of developing prostate cancer etc.
Autism is similar. You can't just say X causes autism, because you really do need to be way more specific than that.
I mean what type of autism is it causing? You have low functioning, high functioning, non verbal, verbal, Aspergers, hell even being socially awkward could theoretically land you on the Autism scale, albeit in the very mild section. If you took all the crazy inventors, the out of the box artists, the ******* brilliant authors and the awkward shy recluses and plopped them in front of a bunch of psychiatrists, they'd probably all come away with some diagnosis of some form of autism, if not ADHD or something along those lines.
And really, why is it so bad anyway? I mean Aspergers correlates to child prodigies, you have both low and high functioning autistic people with eidetic memories and just because you have some form of "disability" doesn't mean you can't make something of yourself. Hans Christian Andersen had dyslexia for goodness sake. He wrote over 200 Fairy Tales, plays, at least one novel/ travelogue and even a ballet or two. (I mean the guy needed a brilliant editor of course. But still he's quite well respected in literature. He even has an award named after him.) Also after reading some of his Biographies, I'm kind of convinced the guy had Asperger Syndrome.
Gee do you think it was caused by the Smallpox Vaccine, which incidentally was the only vaccine even available during his entire lifetime. The next one was for Cholera in 1879, four years after he died. Fun fact smallpox was also known as the Red Plague and has been eradicated globally since 1979..

Many pharma's could be producing relatively safe substances while one is producing an unsafe.
This in my opinion is a deep matter that needs more time. No one can be honest and conclude that they do or they don't. We can believe or believe not. I respect those that believe not but are humble enough to admit that they can't say for certain. I do have little respect for those calling others quacks or claiming that they 100% know... because that's a lie. Too much is unknown. In everyday life and reality, there are children who are healthy and have healthy habits which become a completely different child with autistic habits at the same time or within a week of receiving vaccinations in which they become diagnosed with autism. One would have to be very naive to say that they know for certain that there would be no foul play or cover ups in a matter where an entire country's reputation is on the line, that everything is cupcakes and rainbows in which money or reputation has zero effect on what human's do and what lengths humans are willing to go on a microscopic or macroscopic level, especially with the power to do so as the general public is unaware or wouldn't think twice to educate themselves before making any choices

Your conspiracy would be literally global. If such a global conspiracy were able to take place, I'd expect world peace to be achievable in my lifetime. I mean for goodness sakes, diplomacy exists solely to try not to get countries to slash their enemies' throats and you think they're all in on it?

You know I don't know who does your testing in America, in Australia tests are carried out by Scientific Universities and other scientific independent institutions. If a pharmacy did that, we'd demand a ****ing Royal Commission inquiry!

Correct me if I am wrong but weren't they once adamant about there being no link/evidence of tobacco and their substances causing cancer/diseases?

K, first of all scientists had to figure out how the insides of our bodies worked. This happened when certain inquiring minds were paid to slice up dead bodies and see how they functioned. Also war doctors.They helped immensely. It wasn't until like the 20th century that we could even do that with live bodies. Technology helped to achieve this end. Tobacco and cocaine were used frequently in the early 20th century, because they simply did not have the technology available to take a clean close hard look at living lungs to even come to the conclusion that it could cause medical problems. Like excuse the medical community for not having tiny cameras on wires able to examine the inside of the body in the 1900s! Add in the fact that the average life expectancy during such days was lower anyway and that many diseases were more commonplace. You tell me how you expect them to make a connection.They didn't even know how the brain worked back then.

Scientists also weren't the ones adamant that there was no connection, at least not after actually testing it. Tobacco companies were. They tested on dogs and rabbits and claimed that there was no connection. Which technically they weren't lying about, but that's only because they weren't testing it on humans. Like medicine still uses fruit flies and mice as corner stones. Which is immensely helpful to medical research. But there are some instances where you can't simply translate the results from the animals to humans perfectly. You know, different ways their body reacts to certain chemicals and all. Which is what the tobacco industry were essentially (and allegedly even to this day still) doing.
And to be fair, a lot of the carcinogenic stuff comes from ingredients added by cigarette companies in the first place, done in order for their customers to be able to tolerate nicotine better. Which is a stimulant in low doses but lethal in high doses. Not to say original tobacco is healthy, but when they were "improving" the taste.........well it didn't really help matters. Besides, we still use ingredients found in heroine as pain relief. Chemists can actually make healthy forms of many illegal drugs by isolating the specific chemical they want. They do it daily in fact. Hell penicillin was technically discovered through mold.

Good lord, do you also refuse to listen to Astrologists because at one time they believed that the sun revolved around the earth?

New information comes to light. As new information comes to light the scientific community must reevaluate their knowledge. This is the self correcting mechanism of science. That doesn't mean we refuse to listen to current scientific evidence.

Now I'm not saying just blindly trust all the medical community. They're human, they make mistakes. But I am saying until actual credible scientific evidence comes to the aid of the Anti Vax side, they simply don't have a solid leg to stand on.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, because that's typically when you would notice signs of autism. Like a slow response to learning language, odd interactions socially, inability to recognize facial cues, inability to recognize emotional cues and an odd way of processing outside information. Unless you're a behavioral psychologist, most parents won't be concerned about such things in their infants during the first stages of life. Unless it's a severe low functioning type of autism, such signs aren't exactly noticeable to an average layman. Especially when all an infant can do is cry and chew their toes.

I mean they are getting better at it. But there's just so many different types of autism and there are many many variables. For example if one's older sibling does all the talking for the younger sibling, that actually may account for their lack of speech. Not because they're autistic necessarily, just that they haven't the need to.

And you do realize autism is not some homogeneous disease, right? It's an entire spectrum covering many different types of maladies. You never hear a Biologist say "this can cause cancer." Because you can't just say something like that. There are over 200 different types of cancer! So obviously they would have to specify. This can increase the likelihood of lymphoma. This could increase the likelihood of developing prostate cancer etc.
Autism is similar. You can't just say X causes autism, because you really do need to be way more specific than that.
I mean what type of autism is it causing? You have low functioning, high functioning, non verbal, verbal, Aspergers, hell even being socially awkward could theoretically land you on the Autism scale, albeit in the very mild section. If you took all the crazy inventors, the out of the box artists, the ******* brilliant authors and the awkward shy recluses and plopped them in front of a bunch of psychiatrists, they'd probably all come away with some diagnosis of some form of autism, if not ADHD or something along those lines.
And really, why is it so bad anyway? I mean Aspergers correlates to child prodigies, you have both low and high functioning autistic people with eidetic memories and just because you have some form of "disability" doesn't mean you can't make something of yourself. Hans Christian Andersen had dyslexia for goodness sake. He wrote over 200 Fairy Tales, plays, at least one novel/ travelogue and even a ballet or two. (I mean the guy needed a brilliant editor of course. But still he's quite well respected in literature. He even has an award named after him.) Also after reading some of his Biographies, I'm kind of convinced the guy had Asperger Syndrome.
Gee do you think it was caused by the Smallpox Vaccine, which incidentally was the only vaccine even available during his entire lifetime. The next one was for Cholera in 1879, four years after he died. Fun fact smallpox was also known as the Red Plague and has been eradicated globally since 1979..

Your conspiracy would be literally global. If such a global conspiracy were able to take place, I'd expect world peace to be achievable in my lifetime. I mean for goodness sakes, diplomacy exists solely to try not to get countries to slash their enemies' throats and you think they're all in on it?

You know I don't know who does your testing in America, in Australia tests are carried out by Scientific Universities and other scientific independent institutions. If a pharmacy did that, we'd demand a ****ing Royal Commission inquiry!

K, first of all scientists had to figure out how the insides of our bodies worked. This happened when certain inquiring minds were paid to slice up dead bodies and see how they functioned. Also war doctors.They helped immensely. It wasn't until like the 20th century that we could even do that with live bodies. Technology helped to achieve this end. Tobacco and cocaine were used frequently in the early 20th century, because they simply did not have the technology available to take a clean close hard look at living lungs to even come to the conclusion that it could cause medical problems. Like excuse the medical community for not having tiny cameras on wires able to examine the inside of the body in the 1900s! Add in the fact that the average life expectancy during such days was lower anyway and that many diseases were more commonplace. You tell me how you expect them to make a connection.They didn't even know how the brain worked back then.

Scientists also weren't the ones adamant that there was no connection, at least not after actually testing it. Tobacco companies were. They tested on dogs and rabbits and claimed that there was no connection. Which technically they weren't lying about, but that's only because they weren't testing it on humans. Like medicine still uses fruit flies and mice as corner stones. Which is immensely helpful to medical research. But there are some instances where you can't simply translate the results from the animals to humans perfectly. You know, different ways their body reacts to certain chemicals and all. Which is what the tobacco industry were essentially (and allegedly even to this day still) doing.
And to be fair, a lot of the carcinogenic stuff comes from ingredients added by cigarette companies in the first place, done in order for their customers to be able to tolerate nicotine better. Which is a stimulant in low doses but lethal in high doses. Not to say original tobacco is healthy, but when they were "improving" the taste.........well it didn't really help matters. Besides, we still use ingredients found in heroine as pain relief. Chemists can actually make healthy forms of many illegal drugs by isolating the specific chemical they want. They do it daily in fact. Hell penicillin was technically discovered through mold.

Good lord, do you also refuse to listen to Astrologists because at one time they believed that the sun revolved around the earth?

New information comes to light. As new information comes to light the scientific community must reevaluate their knowledge. This is the self correcting mechanism of science. That doesn't mean we refuse to listen to current scientific evidence.

Now I'm not saying just blindly trust all the medical community. They're human, they make mistakes. But I am saying until actual credible scientific evidence comes to the aid of the Anti Vax side, they simply don't have a solid leg to stand on.

Perhaps that is where we differ, I don't see a need to sugarcoat and endulge in herd mentality where all these problems aren't problems and it's just part of the new norm, as well as making others out to be something they are not in order to promote a case. I have love for any human being, regardless of the range of spectrums. There is no need to portray me as one who does not.
My 2 nephews were healthy, happy, and fine at older ages until both receiving more vaccinations the same day. One became angry and violent, beats his head at walls, cannot be around other children because he wants to hit and hurt them. The other's speech has become terrible, gets bullied at school from it, and has to take speech therapy classes in which he once spoke clear. The parents are not mentally strong enough to handle that, became divorced, further making complications harder. It doesn't take scientific evidence to see many children now having problems they never once had. It is called reality. Magical coincidence and just another statistic and quack I suppose is the new diagnosis. A fairy just happened to spread fairy dust of these symptoms upon them magically.
Conspiracy is a typical buzz word used. My colleague ran 3000 parts of scrap the other day at work and hid the evidence. Is that a conspiracy? Another colleague has been having an affair on his wife and has conspired to hide all of the evidence very cleverly. Another colleague has removed and destroyed all of the evidence on a company cpu he is not supposed to be using for personal use on company time. Is that a conspiracy?
New information is always coming to light, and unfortunately the light hasn't been see on all this advanced new age technology we allegedly have. We don't even know what causes autism other than it being associated with brain inflammation and immune cells being triggered. Ironically, that's what vaccines do... trigger immune cells in ways they are not even close to understanding yet. Using your own analogy, do you listen to "the experts" who always once believe something with heightened social propaganda in which its own science debunks later down the road? Sure, we listen to the current and keep an open diligent mind because it usually changes with time. Not a case closed mentality. That was precisely what you said that was precisely in agreement to what I said. What is once believed can change easily. No need for good griefs and good lords when you are saying exactly what I said. "Until evidence comes out, it is true" is false.
Many people are not "anti-vax." They are freedom of choice and like to educate others. The extremist vaccinists love to create this war of us vs them mentality. Call them dangerous, quacks, killers, irresponsible, you name it. For me, someone is known by the fruit that they bear. While most of these same adults have not even been immune for a substantial amount of time to the same diseases they are calling others dangerous for while promoting children with live virus's to be around others kids in daycare and school the same day.
That is also where we differ. You appear to be one of them that fit this mold. I am not "anti-Vax" who needs a leg to stand. I am a neutral human being opposed to the bullying, opposed to the disrespectful and condescending nature of other human beings who are ignorant of common sense, truth, and humility. I am opposed to mandatory vaccinations and all for freedom of choice. Most aren't "anti-vax." You can make it about evidence needed for the "anti-vax" side all you want. Also where we differ, as I am concerned about evidence in reality for the health and well being of any human being rather than winning a debate and making it out to be an us vs them or I told you so and can make fun of you. This type of thinking is more dangerous to humanity than anything else. Self-realization and awareness is the first step in learning to become more wise, seeing the light in which was once not seen.
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Veteran Member
That would really be sad, especially since this one would involve infants and young children.
The sad thing is most of these people believe their doing the right thing, its like a religion and they don't want to admit they maybe wrong, their narrow mind only see's what they want to see, and there is a big dollar sign behind the whole stupid system.


Well-Known Member
Autism used to be diagnosed around the same age as children being vaccinated, because that's the age the symptoms would typically manifest themselves. Insofar as being noticeable by the medical profession. Because diagnosis usually relies on the social interaction of the baby. It's not like an ailment that you can necessarily spot at birth like Downs Syndrome for example.
That's not a causation, not even a correlation (as I have previously been corrected on.) It's two coinciding events. Like being daytime and eating.
If I am to go by what @Shadow Wolf has previously stated that diagnosis is being pushed back before children are vaccinated. Which is always good. Get in early and prepare.

I happen to have a severely low functioning autistic cousin. She can't eat, can't talk, can't put on weight etc. I guess it being so severe it was diagnosed quite early for that particular time.
But I'd take that over her dying from Polio any day of the week. And I suspect those who do actually remember Polio, like some of the older baby boomers (I'm from a generation who literally can't being a Gen Y/Millennial) would be pulling their hair out in frustration over this modern rejection of the vaccine.

Touching base on Polio, a look at the history of it sheds light on the true story. What is commonly perceived and accepted with ignorance by the herd mentality of this generation. Educated baby boomers know this.



Well-Known Member
The sad thing is most of these people believe their doing the right thing, its like a religion and they don't want to admit they maybe wrong, their narrow mind only see's what they want to see, and there is a big dollar sign behind the whole stupid system.

I believe that the truth will eventually come out and all will know that vaccinations will be known as one of the greatest self-inflicted evils and lies upon the well-being of humanity. What is blinded and seen as being responsible and harmless and doing mankind a favor will without a doubt be shown to be the ironic opposite, one of the biggest and corrupt blunders. You hit it, the sad reality is they yet do not know/are aware of what they do. The sad reality is also the powerful forces socially integrating this all into minds through false indoctrinating such as the herd immunization myth and the promotion of others being a threat to society. Paying shills to write false and agenda driven stories on the Internet. I've already personally discovered the truth to a few of them who say their child has autism and didn't receive vaccines only to discover the writer has no children and was paid to promote such lies. In my country, we are a few self-created outbreaks away from completing their agenda of mandatory vaccines also. If another measly 100 children are infected with measles in which 70% of them were fully vaccinated... and zero casualties... they will cause an array of panic and fear into the herd and blame of the unvaccinated to complete this goal all while the worlds people are sicker than ever.
Agreed, it is deeply ingrained and conditioned upon the herd's mentality in wishful thinking whereas the only things the herd is immune to it truth, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding at these present times.
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Veteran Member
I believe that the truth will eventually come out and all will know that vaccinations will be known as one of the greatest self-inflicted evils and lies upon the well-being of humanity. What is blinded and seen as being responsible and harmless and doing mankind a favor will without a doubt be shown to be the ironic opposite, one of the biggest and corrupt blunders. You hit it, the sad reality is they yet do not know/are aware of what they do. The sad reality is also the powerful forces socially integrating this all into minds through false indoctrinating such as the herd immunization myth and the promotion of others being a threat to society. Paying shills to write false and agenda driven stories on the Internet. I've already personally discovered the truth to a few of them who say their child has autism and didn't receive vaccines only to discover the writer has no children and was paid to promote such lies. In my country, we are a few self-created outbreaks away from completing their agenda of mandatory vaccines also. If another measly 100 children are infected with measles in which 70% of them were fully vaccinated... and zero casualties... they will cause an array of panic and fear into the herd and blame of the unvaccinated to complete this goal all while the worlds people are sicker than ever.
Agreed, it is deeply ingrained and conditioned upon the herd's mentality in wishful thinking whereas the only things the herd is immune to it truth, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding at these present times.
Yes, and I must say, well said.:)

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
I am against vaccinations, I myself only ever had one vaccination, being the polio vac, it caused me to have epileptic fits for 4 years, being nine to thirteen. I have developed schizophrenia which I believe had something to do with that vaccination.

It is true that vaccinations can have negative repercussions for a minority. But the benefits out way the risk overall, if you do the math. Since these specific diseases can wreak havoc in the population, it is a good thing to have them. I am interested, however in your specific claims of harm. Do you have medical records that specifically link the vac to your issues, especially the schizophrenia? My mother-in-law as well as several others in her family were diagnosed with that disorder. It was pointed out to me clearly that there is a strong genetic link, and medications really have nothing to do with the disease. If you have material which says otherwise, please share.