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Vaccination and Religious Beliefs


Veteran Member
Ok then, how many people are affected by vaccines, or are those people not worth mentioning ?.
I'm saying that claiming that a vaccine caused fits and then schizophrenia without any medical investigation is anecdotal and unverifiable. It's akin to the woman Sarah Palin once spoke to claiming that her child became autistic after getting vaccinated. Humans have a tendency to assume causal relationships where none exist. I once got appendicitis a couple of hours after eating at a local chicken restaurant. If I claimed that chicken dinners from that restaurant cause appendicitis, am I justified in making that claim or is it maybe a coincidence?


Veteran Member
Elaborate on how so.

The length of immunity wanes, and becomes less effective each year. Take for example the whooping cough /pertussis vaccine without even mentioning many of the others. An estimated 80-90% effective rate as is initially with only a few years worth of effect on the 80-90% it does work on. In other words, most adults are no longer part of the herd myth because their herd tag expired some time ago.
I gave you scientific evidence. I suggest giving it a read.

I can come back when I have more time and get into it if you'd like.


Veteran Member
I'm saying that claiming that a vaccine caused fits and then schizophrenia without any medical investigation is anecdotal and unverifiable. It's akin to the woman Sarah Palin once spoke to claiming that her child became autistic after getting vaccinated. Humans have a tendency to assume causal relationships where none exist. I once got appendicitis a couple of hours after eating at a local chicken restaurant. If I claimed that chicken dinners from that restaurant cause appendicitis, am I justified in making that claim or is it maybe a coincidence?
Of course you are right, but all the childhood diseases have skyrocket, and this has only happened since all these poisons have been injected into them, something is going on and no wants to admit it, including you.


Well-Known Member
I gave you scientific evidence. I suggest giving it a read.

I can come back when I have more time and get into it if you'd like.

Well, not everyone is deceived by herd mentality conditioning and myths. I did read them.
I'd love for you to answer the questions about lengths of vaccine effectiveness and percentage of effectiveness and waning effectiveness. This is common sense and scientific evidence.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think polio has almost been eradicated, worldwide?

Better sanitation and waste management as its been known to spread through fecal matter. Natural decline. Those of old time affected by it, most survived and developed life long natural immunity and have already passed that down to generation in which natural immunity is natural. The vaccine has caused great harm, most of any in my opinion... especially since it's already been linked to the cancer, has spread different mutated virus's, has caused lots of paralysis, etc.
Sadly, I think the original polio has been eridacated but in other countries and those whom which still use the oral vaccine, the vaccine has mutated itself into many new underlying and hidden forms within the human body which may spread back swiftly and get blamed on the unvaccinated. A man has already been found to contain a 30 year old mutated virus from the vaccine in his digestive tract.
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Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Perhaps that is where we differ, I don't see a need to sugarcoat and endulge in herd mentality where all these problems aren't problems and it's just part of the new norm, as well as making others out to be something they are not in order to promote a case. I have love for any human being, regardless of the range of spectrums. There is no need to portray me as one who does not.
Well all I was doing was treating autistic people like actual people with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Many high functioning autistic people are merely ****ty at social interactions. Yeah that's a problem in social settings and maybe job interviews, but they can still function like human beings. Low functioning autistic people need professional help. Sure. But that doesn't mean they can't theoretically do whatever they want. There is a woman who has no hands and paints for a living.
In my background, we are taught to accept the world as it is. That does not mean dismissing disabled people as contributors to society. We don't like to expect less of disabled people, because in my culture, that is to disrespect god. Not that I'm particularly theistic mind you, but still.
New Norm? Maybe in the West. And I agree that it can go too far at times. But where I stand, it's not particularly "new."

My 2 nephews were healthy, happy, and fine at older ages until both receiving more vaccinations the same day. One became angry and violent, beats his head at walls, cannot be around other children because he wants to hit and hurt them. The other's speech has become terrible, gets bullied at school from it, and has to take speech therapy classes in which he once spoke clear. The parents are not mentally strong enough to handle that, became divorced, further making complications harder. It doesn't take scientific evidence to see many children now having problems they never once had. It is called reality. Magical coincidence and just another statistic and quack I suppose is the new diagnosis. A fairy just happened to spread fairy dust of these symptoms upon them magically.

That is quite sad to hear. I'm sorry. Genuinely.

But you do realize that children change all the time. We change personalities every 6 months until the age of 25 or so. Some babies just start out "perfectly normal" and become different later. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated. So what is your point? That you as a clearly qualified medical professional can diagnose these children, perform studies that can definitively prove a causal link? Or are you speaking as a laymen trying to justify why things turned out that way?
It's all very well to point out a boogeyman, that's a perfectly normal human response to something going "wrong." Like no one would think less of anyone who did that. It's just human. But science by it's very nature is cold. It deals with what it can prove. Can you prove that vaccinations caused this to happen? You'd be hailed as one of the big makers and shakers in the industry if you can.
And please part of the job of diagnosing people is figuring out how it happened. Granted we still don't know what causes the various autistic spectrum, but there have been studies into the link between vaccines and autism for quite some time now. Still nothing. They'll keep digging I'm sure. Intellectual curiosity and all.

Conspiracy is a typical buzz word used. My colleague ran 3000 parts of scrap the other day at work and hid the evidence. Is that a conspiracy? Another colleague has been having an affair on his wife and has conspired to hide all of the evidence very cleverly. Another colleague has removed and destroyed all of the evidence on a company cpu he is not supposed to be using for personal use on company time. Is that a conspiracy?

Depends on how define conspiracy. But yeah, they sound like mild conspiracies. Conspiracies are even wound into the legal framework of many countries. Conspiracy to commit crimes, conspiracy to commit murder etc. Conspiracy Theories however are separate topic altogether though. So don't pretend that they are the same thing. Context mate context.

New information is always coming to light, and unfortunately the light hasn't been see on all this advanced new age technology we allegedly have. We don't even know what causes autism other than it being associated with brain inflammation and immune cells being triggered. Ironically, that's what vaccines do... trigger immune cells in ways they are not even close to understanding yet.

You know what else triggers immune cells? Every illness known to mankind. Foreign antibodies that the body doesn't recognize. And even male fetuses inside a pregnant woman! Many illnesses do in fact cause brain inflammation at the same time.
So it might be a side affect of some illness we don't know of yet. It might just be a genetic mutation. But considering that many vaccines are for illnesses that kill or otherwise debilitate people the first time round, even if vaccines caused autism, it would be a matter of deciding between an autistic alive child or a dead one.
All medicine comes with risk, that's just the way it is.
Expecting there to be no side affects for all people is completely unrealistic and ignores biology.

Many people are not "anti-vax." They are freedom of choice and like to educate others. The extremist vaccinists love to create this war of us vs them mentality. Call them dangerous, quacks, killers, irresponsible, you name it. For me, someone is known by the fruit that they bear. While most of these same adults have not even been immune for a substantial amount of time to the same diseases they are calling others dangerous for while promoting children with live virus's to be around others kids in daycare and school the same day.

That's usually because the only people the "Anti Vax" side often trot out are not qualified immunologists. If they brought out actual qualified people who study infectious diseases for a living and not alternative medicine quacks, homeopaths or other outsiders to the medical community, they wouldn't face such charges. And some of their arguments, quite frankly, can be debunked by 8th grade chemistry students. That doesn't bode well for their supposed "education campaign."
When debating biology one should bring a biologist, when debating chemistry one should bring a chemist. When debating vaccinations though, suddenly people without proper medical training come out of the woodwork.

When Dawkins calls out the unscientific reasoning of the creationist side he's not trying to establish an us vs them mentality. He's trying to establish proper scientific reasoning for the debate he's in. Now granted he could do so with a more polite disposition than he currently possesses, like someone like Neil DeGrasse Tyson, but still. Call a spade a spade, right?

I am opposed to mandatory vaccinations and all for freedom of choice

Who does mandatory vaccination? I mean they're free, you can get them. They are recommended by every doctor. But there's no law that requires you to get them. You might face social consequences and a restriction placed on your potentially sick kids from the greater public. But you can't like go to jail for not getting vaccinated. The CPS ain't gonna barge into your house and take your kids away. Though for some parents who just watch their kid die instead of taking them to the hospital I wish that was the case (not talking vaccines by the way. I'm talking about those people who pray instead of getting basic medicine. Pray all you want, but a little medicine is probably better to add in.) At least not where I live. Is that a thing where you are?

Touching base on Polio, a look at the history of it sheds light on the true story. What is commonly perceived and accepted with ignorance by the herd mentality of this generation. Educated baby boomers know this.

I'm on my phone right now. Do you mind if I come back to those when I have access to my laptop.


Well-Known Member
Well all I was doing was treating autistic people like actual people with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Many high functioning autistic people are merely ****ty at social interactions. Yeah that's a problem in social settings and maybe job interviews, but they can still function like human beings. Low functioning autistic people need professional help. Sure. But that doesn't mean they can't theoretically do whatever they want. There is a woman who has no hands and paints for a living.
In my background, we are taught to accept the world as it is. That does not mean dismissing disabled people as contributors to society. We don't like to expect less of disabled people, because in my culture, that is to disrespect god. Not that I'm particularly theistic mind you, but still.
New Norm? Maybe in the West. And I agree that it can go too far at times. But where I stand, it's not particularly "new."

That is quite sad to hear. I'm sorry. Genuinely.

But you do realize that children change all the time. We change personalities every 6 months until the age of 25 or so. Some babies just start out "perfectly normal" and become different later. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated. So what is your point? That you as a clearly qualified medical professional can diagnose these children, perform studies that can definitively prove a causal link? Or are you speaking as a laymen trying to justify why things turned out that way?
It's all very well to point out a boogeyman, that's a perfectly normal human response to something going "wrong." Like no one would think less of anyone who did that. It's just human. But science by it's very nature is cold. It deals with what it can prove. Can you prove that vaccinations caused this to happen? You'd be hailed as one of the big makers and shakers in the industry if you can.
And please part of the job of diagnosing people is figuring out how it happened. Granted we still don't know what causes the various autistic spectrum, but there have been studies into the link between vaccines and autism for quite some time now. Still nothing. They'll keep digging I'm sure. Intellectual curiosity and all.

Depends on how define conspiracy. But yeah, they sound like mild conspiracies. Conspiracies are even wound into the legal framework of many countries. Conspiracy to commit crimes, conspiracy to commit murder etc. Conspiracy Theories however are separate topic altogether though. So don't pretend that they are the same thing. Context mate context.

You know what else triggers immune cells? Every illness known to mankind. Foreign antibodies that the body doesn't recognize. And even male fetuses inside a pregnant woman! Many illnesses do in fact cause brain inflammation at the same time.
So it might be a side affect of some illness we don't know of yet. It might just be a genetic mutation. But considering that many vaccines are for illnesses that kill or otherwise debilitate people the first time round, even if vaccines caused autism, it would be a matter of deciding between an autistic alive child or a dead one.
All medicine comes with risk, that's just the way it is.
Expecting there to be no side affects for all people is completely unrealistic and ignores biology.

That's usually because the only people the "Anti Vax" side often trot out are not qualified immunologists. If they brought out actual qualified people who study infectious diseases for a living and not alternative medicine quacks, homeopaths or other outsiders to the medical community, they wouldn't face such charges. And some of their arguments, quite frankly, can be debunked by 8th grade chemistry students. That doesn't bode well for their supposed "education campaign."
When debating biology one should bring a biologist, when debating chemistry one should bring a chemist. When debating vaccinations though, suddenly people without proper medical training come out of the woodwork.

When Dawkins calls out the unscientific reasoning of the creationist side he's not trying to establish an us vs them mentality. He's trying to establish proper scientific reasoning for the debate he's in. Now granted he could do so with a more polite disposition than he currently possesses, like someone like Neil DeGrasse Tyson, but still. Call a spade a spade, right?

Who does mandatory vaccination? I mean they're free, you can get them. They are recommended by every doctor. But there's no law that requires you to get them. You might face social consequences and a restriction placed on your potentially sick kids from the greater public. But you can't like go to jail for not getting vaccinated. The CPS ain't gonna barge into your house and take your kids away. Though for some parents who just watch their kid die instead of taking them to the hospital I wish that was the case (not talking vaccines by the way. I'm talking about those people who pray instead of getting basic medicine. Pray all you want, but a little medicine is probably better to add in.) At least not where I live. Is that a thing where you are?

I'm on my phone right now. Do you mind if I come back to those when I have access to my laptop.

I admire that and respect your religious preference. What better ways to accept things as they are by letting the immune system develop naturally? I am for no way for anything that harms any human being. If the risk of something causes even one death, it is not worth it to me. I don't view life as another expendable statistic at the mercy of a 30billion dollar corrupt mental conditioning annual industry in which all likelihood the people working for it probably don't even vaccinate themselves or their own children. Just as many adults walk around right now calling others irresponsible, a threat, and dangerous when their vaccine immunity wore off long ago and would be irresponsible, dangerous, and a threat themselves. I do not believe vaccinations have eradicated and have kept anything under control, outside the minds of the herd with little knowledge and education and it will come to enlightenment and fruition. More things have gotten out of control and quite frankly it's in too deep, and the truth will be revealed. It is true that certain diseases are no longer prevalent, it is false the reason on why they give. I am for sound scientific medicine, not unknown pseudoscientific poison that clearly causes harm for those that are awake to see it and see right through it.
Richard Dawkins is the primate animal he says he is who ought to walk by what he teaches and submit himself to vaccination studies and be euthanized. An honorable primate animal would walk by what their mouth says, you know, for the "greater good." His scientific reasoning has just been called out.
There is plenty of proper training and education, most easily through common sense and reality, it is just ignored.
Science isn't cold, the human heart and mind is cold.
It is being imposed more and more with tons of state legislation bills, one in which forces mandatory vaccination with mandatory vaccination schedule and no exemptions with forms of electronic monitoring proposed.
Take your time friend, whenever you can respond. Thank you for your thoughts.
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Veteran Member
Well, not everyone is deceived by herd mentality conditioning and myths. I did read them.
I'd love for you to answer the questions about lengths of vaccine effectiveness and percentage of effectiveness and waning effectiveness. This is common sense and scientific evidence.
There's no deception. Just reality.

Let's see ... we can take your word for it, based on your personal opinion (as though citing "common sense" actually means anything), or we can go with the independently corroborated scientific evidence. I think I'll go with the latter, thanks.


Veteran Member
Better sanitation and waste management as its been known to spread through fecal matter. Natural decline. Those of old time affected by it, most survived and developed life long natural immunity and have already passed that down to generation in which natural immunity is natural. The vaccine has caused great harm, most of any in my opinion... especially since it's already been linked to the cancer, has spread different mutated virus's, has caused lots of paralysis, etc.
Sadly, I think the original polio has been eridacated but in other countries and those whom which still use the oral vaccine, the vaccine has mutated itself into many new underlying and hidden forms within the human body which may spread back swiftly and get blamed on the unvaccinated. A man has already been found to contain a 30 year old mutated virus from the vaccine in his digestive tract.
Can you back up any of this at all?


Veteran Member
I admire that and respect your religious preference. What better ways to accept things as they are by letting the immune system develop naturally? I am for no way for anything that harms any human being. If the risk of something causes even one death, it is not worth it to me. I don't view life as another expendable statistic at the mercy of a 30billion dollar corrupt mental conditioning annual industry in which all likelihood the people working for it probably don't even vaccinate themselves or their own children. Just as many adults walk around right now calling others irresponsible, a threat, and dangerous when their vaccine immunity wore off long ago and would be irresponsible, dangerous, and a threat themselves. I do not believe vaccinations have eradicated and have kept anything under control, outside the minds of the herd with little knowledge and education and it will come to enlightenment and fruition. More things have gotten out of control and quite frankly it's in too deep, and the truth will be revealed. It is true that certain diseases are no longer prevalent, it is false the reason on why they give. I am for sound scientific medicine, not unknown pseudoscientific poison that clearly causes harm for those that are awake to see it and see right through it.
Richard Dawkins is the primate animal he says he is who ought to walk by what he teaches and submit himself to vaccination studies and be euthanized. An honorable primate animal would walk by what their mouth says, you know, for the "greater good." His scientific reasoning has just been called out.
There is plenty of proper training and education, most easily through common sense and reality, it is just ignored.
Science isn't cold, the human heart and mind is cold.
It is being imposed more and more with tons of state legislation bills, one in which forces mandatory vaccination with mandatory vaccination schedule and no exemptions with forms of electronic monitoring proposed.
Take your time friend, whenever you can respond. Thank you for your thoughts.
All medicine has risks. All of it. In fact, life is risky in general. You could walk outside your house 10 minutes from now and get killed by a bus. Does that stop you from going outside and living your life? Surgery is risky but if you need your appendix removed, for example, it's all you've got. Everything has risks.

In the case of vaccines, the benefits greatly outweigh the risks. For the individual and for society as a whole. Adverse reactions to vaccines are rare and usually mild, and yes, sometimes people have very bad reactions. Some people have very bad reactions to peanuts and strawberries too. To eradicate disease and save the lives of millions of people (mostly children in a lot of cases) is a goal worth pursuing, in my opinion. Gone are the days when large amounts of children died before the age of 5 from preventable or curable illnesses (in the western world that is, we're still working on the rest). I don't know how anyone can seriously believe that vaccines aren't helping to eradicate diseases in the third world that have killed millions of people, most of them being children and I don't know how anyone can seriously think that is a goal not worth pursuing.

You haven't answered any of my refutations to your points or arguments, which don't make much sense in the first place.
Claiming common sense doesn't get us anywhere. Common sense isn't science and it varies from person to person.

I think part of the problem is that we are currently so far removed from the days when these diseases really affected the lives of millions of people because we have had vaccines for so long and we're not used to seeing the consequences and effects of the diseases we have vaccinated against because they no longer exist (for the most part). It's actually kind of ironic. We're so used to living free of the diseases we vaccinate for that some people now question the efficacy of the very vaccines that were used to eradicate the diseases in the first place.


Well-Known Member
There's no deception. Just reality.

Let's see ... we can take your word for it, based on your personal opinion (as though citing "common sense" actually means anything), or we can go with the independently corroborated scientific evidence. I think I'll go with the latter, thanks.

You go with the independently corroborated scientific evidence that show the lengths of effectiveness, the waning effectiveness, and the effective rate and it's impossible to accept the doctrine of herd immunity.
It seems that the herd has the same magical thinking, that since they were vaccinated as a child... they are good for life. That they receive a booster down the road and they are good for life. Magical thinking.
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Well-Known Member
Can you back up any of this at all?

Already have with SV-40. Still the same thing found in the tumors of cancer today from the millions of people receiving the polio vac back in the day, which was scientifically assured safe. Crap is still found in mankind's genetics.
For some reason, through common sense... you cannot see all of the once assured safe vaccines recalled, removed, modified, the continuing alteration of them, to this day...the 1 in 4 children diagnosed with some disability, all of the new cancers and diseases, and claim these are complete sound scientific medicine.


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Well-Known Member
All medicine has risks. All of it. In fact, life is risky in general. You could walk outside your house 10 minutes from now and get killed by a bus. Does that stop you from going outside and living your life? Surgery is risky but if you need your appendix removed, for example, it's all you've got. Everything has risks.

In the case of vaccines, the benefits greatly outweigh the risks. For the individual and for society as a whole. Adverse reactions to vaccines are rare and usually mild, and yes, sometimes people have very bad reactions. Some people have very bad reactions to peanuts and strawberries too. To eradicate disease and save the lives of millions of people (mostly children in a lot of cases) is a goal worth pursuing, in my opinion. Gone are the days when large amounts of children died before the age of 5 from preventable or curable illnesses (in the western world that is, we're still working on the rest). I don't know how anyone can seriously believe that vaccines aren't helping to eradicate diseases in the third world that have killed millions of people, most of them being children and I don't know how anyone can seriously think that is a goal not worth pursuing.

You haven't answered any of my refutations to your points or arguments, which don't make much sense in the first place.
Claiming common sense doesn't get us anywhere. Common sense isn't science and it varies from person to person.

I think part of the problem is that we are currently so far removed from the days when these diseases really affected the lives of millions of people because we have had vaccines for so long and we're not used to seeing the consequences and effects of the diseases we have vaccinated against because they no longer exist (for the most part). It's actually kind of ironic. We're so used to living free of the diseases we vaccinate for that some people now question the efficacy of the very vaccines that were used to eradicate the diseases in the first place.

Going outside and being hit by a bus is the same as getting vaccinations.... ignorance and not aware of surroundings by making poor choices. There is stupified risk taking and diligent risk taking. Destroyed for lack of unbiased knowledge.
Pursue the goal of better sanitation with the billions of dollars for third world countries.
You keep saying it's because we had vaccines for so long because that's what they tell you to believe. One can easily research their own unbiased side of history and conclude vaccinations aren't the reason and have caused more harm than good.
We aren't free of diseases, once again 1 in 4 children are diagnosed with a disease and many with cancers and all sorts of other diseases since vaccines. Gone are not the days of children dying. If you're an admirer of population control, and getting people sick to treat them with more medicine(evil cyclistic cycle of $ making) that is your choice.
How does this not make sense to you: If you're given a vaccine that is 80-90% effective, there is a 10-20% you're not immune to said disease without even knowing and spouting off how others are dangerous and irresponsible. If you are one of the 80-90%, you are good to go for a few years, with each year the immunity to said disease wearing off significantly. Here comes your teenage years and adult years, still spouting off how others are dangerous and irresponsible while just about all the vaccines pumped into you have completely worn off and you're just as dangerous and irresponsible and identify as part of some herd of cattle myth. Where is the logic and rational thinking behind that besides placebo?
Common sense you cannot seem to see once more: you earlier chose a child with live virus's being around kids in schools, daycare, perhaps anywhere as more safe than a healthy person.
Help me better understand your version of common sense without the mental indoctrination psychologically.


Veteran Member
From scientists and scientific organizations that carry out scientific research.
Yea, and who are paid to find just what they want then to find, that happens all the time, even the the tobacco industry got what information they wanted to keep their filthy industry clean, but we all now know the truth.


Well-Known Member
Yea, and who are paid to find just what they want then to find, that happens all the time, even the the tobacco industry got what information they wanted to keep their filthy industry clean, but we all now know the truth.

Indeed, the conflict of interest here alone negates this as even being close to sound scientific method leaving it as pseudoscience.

Touching further on the conflict of interest with this link:

Here is an educated non-biased link to how these studies are performed:

I honesty have no clue how one can claim this is settled science or even science. Not to mention, the many unknowns about genetics, immunology of the human body.

The conflict of interest alone is surreal. Also, no one else is allowed to test their products unless approved. Meaning any independent research, another government, prominent scientists from around the world can collaborate together...discover many clear or potential links from vaccinations to numerous diseases and it would all be null and thrown out. Any scientist who dares even speaks out or tries will have the forces ruin their lives, spread terrible reputation, strip them of everything swiftly and corruptly.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Enlighten me as to which you are reading from that are not government funded, government backed, or performed outside of ties with the pharms. Anyone can do that and see that there have been numerous peer reviewed research and published works with both links and non-links. Each their own to seek for themselves.
False, at best you can say that thimerosal likely doesn't cause autism. Not vaccines.
If you're sticking with the vaccines... enlighten me on where there has been the all-knowing conducted research on all of the substances, all of the substances in combination with one another, that all of the substances used in vaccines are 100% objectively identical, that every live virus entering a human body is killed and fully known to not be hiding anywhere else in the body, that human immunology, genes, and DNA are fully known.
Are you aware that we've been doing some forms of vaccination for two centuries? The only difference between now and the smallpox/cowpox vaccines is that we have far greater understanding of what's going on, why it works, so on. Your position is as baseless as the anti-GMO lot. Vaccines and genetic engineering aren't new. They're just far more refined than our ancestors could've dreamed.