Rogue Theologian
if your opponent was willing to black your eye the first time....What would be unfair would be to base one's future after death on their beliefs held before they died. We, as humans, have no way of knowing what happens after death (at least for the time being). So, it is completely reasonable to lack belief in an afterlife but still prefer that one actually existed. Imho, we can't choose what we believe. Either something seems plausible, reasonable or sufficiently evidenced or it doesn't to us subjectively. So, it seems cruel to deny anyone an afterlife simply because it might make others feel uncomfortable or "unhappy" (can't understand why that would be an issue). If there is an afterlife, it shouldn't be denied merely because someone didn't believe that there would be one during their life.
turn the other cheek
and be prepared to duck....
and if such practice of approach was yours.......
the angelic might well do so unto you.
I believe in cause and effect.