I know. I said satan's was way more hard core than romney's. I was basically just trying to think of a way where the thread title would be true, but it fell through.
And I am disagreeing with you. I see no connection between Lucifer's plan and "legislated morality". "More hardcore" would actually result in more sin, not less.
Also, I wanted to help dispell an error that many LDS people make: Many people believe that Christ and Lucifer each presented plans - Christ's was chosen and Lucifer got mad. That is not the case. The Father presented the only plan that was ever going to be "implemented" (for lack of a better word). Lucifer didn't like the plan, so he tried to figure out his own way - which never would have worked anyway, and got mad when the Father didn't give in.
And, my version of "Lucifer's plan" (no rules = no sin) would destroy agency. Without conseqences there can be no agency. Also, I need to make a distinction between "having" no law and "knowing" no law. You can be under the law and not know it, in which case you are still "sinning", but are in a position for mercy to fully take over. If there is no law there is no sin at all, so there is no need for mercy.
Anyway, that's enough for this tangent