Keep in mind you have to have drivers license/ID to drive. Or even a non-drivers ID to do most anything. If you don't have it on you, guess what,,,
you will get a ticket.
you can't buy alcohol
you can't buy cigarettes
yiu can't get insurance
yiu can't buy fuel injector cleaner
you can't buy many medications
you can't get into a bar
you can't buy certain glue's
you can't visit a prisoner
you can't get a fishing license
you can' get a trout tag
you can't get a hunting license
you can't get a deer tag
you can't get a turkey tag
you can't buy a firearm
you can't buy ammuntion
you can't open a checking account
you can't enter a federal building
you can't fly
you can't get a post office box
you can't be an organ donor
you can't get credit
you can't pick your kids up from school
you can't register your kids in school
you can't get a primary Dr
you can't get your kids a Dr or dentist
you can't do many many other things.