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War Crimes? Hatred of Light? The Story Behind the Story!


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member

Why all the protests all over the world? Why aren’t there protests against Russia for Chetnya? Where are the world-wide protests when thousands upon thousands were killed by Muslims against Muslims? Or when China occupied Tibet? Or why Syria killed millions?

Is it anti-Semitism? Or hatred of light in a world of darkness?

I think this Rabbi has the finger on the pulse of truth!


Veteran Member

Why all the protests all over the world? Why aren’t there protests against Russia for Chetnya? Where are the world-wide protests when thousands upon thousands were killed by Muslims against Muslims? Or when China occupied Tibet? Or why Syria killed millions?

Is it anti-Semitism? Or hatred of light in a world of darkness?

I think this Rabbi has the finger on the pulse of truth!
Some of us are disgusted that a nation we thought met civilised standards is prepared to mete out collective punishment and wreck a country, without any plan for the survival and care of its inhabitants.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member

Why all the protests all over the world? Why aren’t there protests against Russia for Chetnya? Where are the world-wide protests when thousands upon thousands were killed by Muslims against Muslims? Or when China occupied Tibet? Or why Syria killed millions?

Is it anti-Semitism? Or hatred of light in a world of darkness?

I think this Rabbi has the finger on the pulse of truth!
What a waste of time to watch even 10 seconds of that
bigoted screed.
Ugh....a Jewish religious leader who represents his faith
& his country....dismissing & insulting all who oppose
Israel's illegal slaughter of Palestinians, & destruction
of their homes.

The rabbi is a fundamentalist hypocrite, who doesn't
apply his keen insight to violent Israeli policies.
Protests aren't inspired by quantifying numbers of victims,
& then allocating objection based upon proportionality.
People don't focus their outrage that way. Even vaunted
Israelis don't....they're focused upon less than 2,000 Israelis,
not the greater number of victims around the world. They
are silent about 10,300+ Palestinians they just murdered.

Why does Israel get such attention, if not anti-semitism?
- Israel's brutal hypocrisy..."God's Chosen People" killing
Muslims with wild abandon is one reason.
- Israel's being propped up with USA's military, & taxpayer
money...committing crimes that we pay for.
- Censorship of criticizing Israel is beginning to fail in light
of Israel's war crimes that are so obvious. More than ever
before a willing to speak out against islamophobia.
- Human rights advocates react against the fundie Christian
USA politicians, who loudly & fervently justify murdering
thousands of Palestinians.
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Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member

Why all the protests all over the world? Why aren’t there protests against Russia for Chetnya? Where are the world-wide protests when thousands upon thousands were killed by Muslims against Muslims? Or when China occupied Tibet? Or why Syria killed millions?

Is it anti-Semitism? Or hatred of light in a world of darkness?

I think this Rabbi has the finger on the pulse of truth!
There won't be as much outrage if Israel has the same status as China, Russia, Syria, Mynmar in the Western countries ....pariah enemy nations. Fix that and we won't have that many protests.
Nonsensical video.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
What a waste of time to watch even 10 seconds of that
bigoted screed.
what a hateful statement...

I wonder if it is because light is being shined and it is too bright for you?

Reminds me of what Jesus said,

John 3:19
And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
There won't be as much outrage if Israel has the same status as China, Russia, Syria, Mynmar in the Western countries ....pariah enemy nations. Fix that and we won't have that many protests.
Nonsensical video.
I see it differently, as per the video.

Of all the atrocities that the world is committing that are worse that this war, but this one act by Israel an everyone is in the streets protesting.

Hatred, why? They are Jewish and they brought the light of God/s word. They are the ones that began the understanding that all men are created in God’s image and every life is important. Even the death of evil people should not be celebrated.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
what a hateful statement...
I do hate using propaganda to justify mass murder & destruction.
Odd that a professed Christian would justify such evil.
I wonder if it is because light is being shined and it is too bright for you?
It's because his "light" is specious justification
for murdering lesser humans.
Reminds me of what Jesus said,

John 3:19
And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.
Invoking Jesus to justify mass murder, torture, sexual abuse,
theft, group punishment, terrorism, home demolition, extermination
of a foe (no prisoners) & censorship is more evidence that this is a
religious conflict. Christians & Jews vs those despicable Muslims.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Some of us are disgusted that a nation we thought met civilised standards is prepared to mete out collective punishment and wreck a country, without any plan for the survival and care of its inhabitants.
That is where people misunderstand. They are, in essence, trying to have the Palestinians survive and desire to take care of the inhabitants.

Any person, Muslim, Jewish, female, male et al can vote, be a Supreme Court Justice or anything else.

It is the Hamas who are oppressing the people


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I do hate using propaganda to justify mass murder & destruction.
Odd that a professed Christian would justify such evil.

It's because his "light" is specious justification
for murdering lesser humans.

Invoking Jesus to justify mass murder, torture, sexual abuse,
theft, group punishment, terrorism, home demolition, &
censorship is more evidence that this is a religious conflict.
Christians & Jews vs those despicable Muslims.
Says one who can’t even listen to what was said and makes a judgmental call of “bigot”. A hateful statement.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Says one who can’t even listen to what was said and makes a judgmental call of “bigot”. A hateful statement.
I heard the video.
Your rabbi is a vile bigot who justifies mass murder of Muslims.
He excuses Israel's brutal violation of human rights.

Yes, I hate murder & specious justification for it.
But you....you defend it using Christian theology.

Christians & Jews desperately need some introspection
to align their professed values with their actions.
Shame on you.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I heard the video.
Your rabbi is a vile bigot who justifies mass murder of Muslims.
He excuses Israel's brutal violation of human rights.

Yes, I hate murder & specious justification for it.
But you....you defend it using Christian theology.

Christians & Jews desperately need some introspection
to align their professed values with their actions.
Shame on you.
No… he stipulated how peace is the ultimate objective and how unbalanced and different weights of judgements are. They are damned if the do and damned if they don’t… the rock and the hard spot.

In my view, you just need your light turned on like the Palestinian who was taught from age 5 to hate Israelis but got his light turned on and now loves


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
No… he stipulated how peace is the ultimate objective and how unbalanced and different weights of judgements are. The are damned if the do and damned if they don’t… the rock and the hard spot.
All to justify war crimes & oppression.

"Damned if they do, & damned if the don't" is just
whining about doing wrong, & being criticized for it.
"We might as well kill all the human shields & other
Palestinians in our way because they hate us."

Israel has no humanity for non-Jews.
USA has no humanity for Muslims.
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Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Some of us are disgusted that a nation we thought met civilised standards is prepared to mete out collective punishment and wreck a country, without any plan for the survival and care of its inhabitants.

- Israel's being propped up with USA's military, & taxpayer
money...committing crimes that we pay for.
- Censorship of criticizing Israel is beginning to fail in light
of Israel's war crimes that are so obvious. More than ever
before a willing to speak out against islamophobia.
- Human rights advocates react against the fundie Christian
USA politicians, who loudly & fervently justify murdering
thousands of Palestinians.

There won't be as much outrage if Israel has the same status as China, Russia, Syria, Mynmar in the Western countries ....pariah enemy nations. Fix that and we won't have that many protests.
Nonsensical video.

Thanks for dissecting that tribalistic diatribe in the video so that the rest of us who recognize Israel's flagrant excesses don't have to repeat the same points. The video strikes me as merely an attempt to vilify the numerous critics of Israel's policies by painting them with a broad brush and implying they all have the same motive—with a dash of whataboutism to top it all off.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
All to justify war crimes & oppression.

"Damned if they do, & damned if the don't" is just
whining about doing wrong, & being criticized for it.
"We might as well kill all the human shields & other
Palestinians in our way because they hate us."
Israel has no humanity for non-Jews.
USA has no humanity for Muslims.
Yes… we do hold different viewpoints… Reminds me of what Jesus said...

John 1:5
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Thanks for dissecting that tribalistic diatribe in the video so that the rest of us who recognize Israel's flagrant excesses don't have to repeat the same points. The video strikes me as merely an attempt to vilify the numerous critics of Israel's policies by painting them with a broad brush and implying they all have the same motive—with a dash of whataboutism to top it all off.
I found that it had a ring of truth :)

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I found that it had a ring of truth :)

It seems to me that anyone who desires to understand others and seek peace wouldn't generalize so broadly about millions of people's criticism. Are there antisemites who hate Israel? Undoubtedly. Is everyone who criticizes Israel's actions and policies driven by antisemitism? An absolute, emphatic no.

The fact is that Israel's military strikes, combined with its siege of Gaza, have killed over 10,000 Palestinians so far, almost half of whom are children, and produced a major humanitarian crisis. I think it is beyond simplistic and callously dismissive for anyone to assume that people who protest over this are all driven by antisemitism or "darkness."


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
"Owen's Law"
I name it after Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah), the
congressman who sponsored a resolution that
condemns anti-semitism....but not islamophobia.

Owen's law is similar to Godwin's Law.
Discussion dies when Israel's apologists label as
"anti-semitic" anyone who dares criticize Israel
for wrongdoing.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
What doesn't, eh.

I'll modify what Kurt Vonnegut said....

We are what we do, so we must consider what we pretend to be.”​

Reminds me of what God said,

"The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

I know that God will take care of everything in the life to come. Mercy will rejoice over judgment too.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Reminds me of what God said,

"The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

I know that God will take care of everything in the life to come. Mercy will rejoice over judgment too.
I notice that the more fervent the Christian, & the
stronger the belief in Jesus & God, the more likely
one is to support Trump.
His cult is one of hatred, vengeance, & hebetude,
yet this malefactor is anointed by their God.
So much for the "heart" of Christianity, eh.
And Jews aren't immune to Trump's 'charms'.

Morality is lived, not merely preached.