Pedophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Misuse of medical terminology
The words "pedophile" and "pedophilia" are sometimes used informally to describe an adult's sexual interest or attraction to pubescent or post-pubescent teenagers and to other situations that do not fit within the clinical definitions. The terms "
hebephilia" or "
ephebophilia" may be more accurate in these cases.
[2][33] This was especially seen in the case of
Mark Foley during the
congressional page incident. Most of the media labeled Foley a pedophile, which led David Tuller of
Slate magazine to state that Foley was not a pedophile but rather an ephebophile.
Another erroneous but unfortunately common usage of "pedophilia" is to refer to the actus reus itself (that is, interchangeably with "sexual abuse")[2][8][9][10] rather than the medical meaning, which is a preference for that age group on the part of the older individual.
[11][12] Even more problematic are situations where the terms are misused to refer to relationships where the younger person is an adult of legal age, but is either perceived socially as being too young in comparison to their older partner, or the older partner occupies a position of authority over them.
[114][115] Researchers recommend that these imprecise uses be avoided.