Skanky Old Mongrel!
The use of parables also may have been a survival method.
While the OT uses many and it was quite normal to use parables.
Its possible he used them to hel conceal his true message. If so, and we have no idea im just fishing here. But if that is the case who knows how much was lost in interpretation.
Remember we only have the victors scripture, not a Jewish one, but one written to and for and redacted by what amounts to Jesus enemies.
In case you dont know, we only have a small fraction of the scriptures that did exist, and are lost.
Ah ha! That's what I was thinking a couple of posts back. Parables in OT.... I think that there can be a difference between between simile, metaphor, parable etc.....>>>>>>>
>>>>>Jesus's parables were blooming oblique, if his explanations are taken 'as is'. Your point about translation is smack-on, and leaves me stranded, due to my lack of language knowledge.
I still don't 'feel' that Jesus was quite so poor as suggested. Well..... not 'in need'.
I think he was political. With that in mind, it 'splashes' out of the book as each passage is read. And if he was political, he would (might) have received more assistance......