Yep. That is actually another meaning. Ummal Kura does mean mother of towns but i am not 100% sure if that definitely refers to Mecca or if its a generic statement. Nevertheless, yes thats another possibility but dont you think for that meaning the word Umm should have a qualifying genitive noun to turn it into mean that type of meaning? An Ismu Majrooran is need to make it a mother of something.
I am also curious to know where its written that Muhammed was commanded not to read and write prior to the revelation of the Quran. Who commanded him and why must he obey someone?
Because as far as tradition goes, the first instance he was given revelation it was with the Quran (Not that i particularly believe it). Unless you believe another tradition and i am all ears.
Elyas (as) ordered him who was the Guide and leader during time between Isa (as) and Mohammad (pbuh&hf). He is the witness from Bani-Israel that also testified to Mohammad (pbuh&hf).
What Jesus (as) meant by Yahya/John being like or same as Elyas (as) is that John/Yahya (as) takes the place of the holy spirit from God by which God draws believers to Him through and the power by which God pushes people to goodness, the star, the light from the family of David/Aaron/Moses. So how did Elyas (as) come back and what is the proof? Well, because Jesus is leaving them until Mohammad (pbuh&hf) and so this was the purpose of why Elijah (as) was still alive and brought up by a whirl wind.
And this hinted in two places in Quran. One with the verse "And Zakariya, and Yahya and Isa and Elyas….", here these four are mentioned while it's obvious Yahya (as) succeeded Zakariya (as) in being the leader, and so did Jesus (as) succeed John (as), what is not obvious is why Elyas (as) has been mentioned here.
Many verses also say if Mohammad (pbuh&hf) was in doubt, he should ask or seek knowledge from those given the book before him, and given the book has three meanings in Quran, one as a people revealed the text to from a Prophet, or it has the meaning believers have the book as they been given insights from it and believe in it's miracle nature, or it has a meaning that the book is coupled with them as it gives them authority, the latter is true of the Messengers.
The family of the reminder before was the family of Moses/Aaron, and the most emphasized example of a family of reminder because of how Torah emphasizes on Abraham and his family, is the family of Abraham.
If you understand this, you see what is meant by Jesus sending an instance of the holy spirit other then himself (Elijah) while also talking about the Messenger to come later which is Mohammad clearly.
This is how Gospels talks about the divine guides like Moses, Aaron, all the way to Jesus, and Gospels through praising Jesus, was in fact, praising every other start of guidance from the family of David and every star of guidance starting from Adam.
And the chosen ones were chosen before Abraham was a human person on earth, so it's not about his bloodline. Rather, the bloodline has a purpose, to make it harder for liars to deceive they are chosen Prophets or leaders.
This is why Zakariya (as) prayed for Yahya (as) and didn't want it to be that Jesus (as) succeeds him directly, because he fear the rest of the inheritors (mawali) would claim more right then Jesus, but he wanted a son, that would prepare the way for Jesus (as) instead.
The Gospels are amazing and what Quran meant by Jesus (as) didn't die, is that, it appeared like he died and was crucified, but really, Jesus (as) was alive, maybe nailed, may his body by all natural rules should've died, but God did this miracle and we similarly Abraham (as) was put into fire, but didn't burn.
So same with Jesus (as), he was put on a cross and meant to be crucified and killed, but God never allowed him to leave this world, and he raised him instead like Idris (as) and Elyas (as), and Elyas (as). If you really really reflect on the words of the gospels, you will see, this exactly what the gospels are saying.
Anyways, I digress too much.
But the two places Elyas (as) mentioned and what sequence, speaks a lot, even though not much is said about Elyas (as) in the Quran!