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Was there anyone before Adam & Eve ?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
You should really read my posts again, you don't seem to understand them, it doesn't matter what we know, we are talking about a book witch claims such and such, if it is different from what we think we know it doesn't mean we have to change the meaning of that book.

Go ahead write a book and claim historical facts the way you see them but it doesn't mean if I view history different then your book then your book means something else. I have the right to challenge your book but I don't have the right to say you meant something else.

It is really not hard to understand what I'm trying to say.

As a Jew, why not explore some of the MANY Jewish texts discussing eden, and how your assertion is largely piffle.

:sarcastic I mean if your own fellow Jews say something contrary to your literalist interpretation.....well...



Active Member
Originally Posted by arimoff
Lets not talk about reality or how truthful someones believes are, you can open another thread for that, but what concerns Genesis there is no right or wrong here, the book is claiming to be stating a historical fact, you don't have to believe it if you don't want to but there is no way you can tell me that this book means something else, just like I have told you before.

The book clearly states that in the beginning of creation G-D created such and such, how can you tell me it can mean anything else?


Well I never..a literalist Jew

Adam and eve as historical fact....

talking serpents
women produced from rib cages aside

What a "great" history it is....


As has been rehashed many times at this forum..the story of Eden can be seen in many ways,

quick examples:

as symbolic of non duality and dualities' struggle, of a perfect state of being (that some forms of mystical endevor seeks to enter)

oh and some history....

All the kabbalah study and you still don't seem to understand ha?
ever herd of PaRdeS? Pardes (Jewish exegesis) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it could be all the meanings at the same time, literal metaphorical and so on, but they don't contradict each other.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Ever heard of DNA , bone-marrow....?
There is not a scientist ever lived to match the powers of God.

:facepalm: this is why this thread is puerile....

the difference between this question and others is that this particular question has a million answers...

depending on who you ask, their perspective and their agenda.

As such you could spend a thousand years waiting for an answer, and obtain no conclusion

As such then, this question is not alone....
however compared to far easier to answer questions this one is puerile and is an exercise in "WHAT IF"

contrast this with:

Are chips made of vegetables? yes

Is the sky Orange? no

Is fire hot? usually....

You see the difference?

We have seen already a plethora of people essentially reciting their dogma...

lets ask another one....

Does God have nipples?

To my mind, thats just as valid adn likely to be answered question as the one in the OP

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Ever heard of DNA , bone-marrow....?
There is not a scientist ever lived to match the powers of God.

unless I failed biology class, a zygote is not formed from dna or bone marrow

I thought, you can correct me if you like.... that it takes a sperm and an egg.

:sarcastic Oh I know, but God just "did it"

:facepalm: give me strength


Well-Known Member
unless I failed biology class, a zygote is not formed from dna or bone marrow

I thought, you can correct me if you like.... that it takes a sperm and an egg.

:sarcastic Oh I know, but God just "did it"

:facepalm: give me strength
Yes I do know what it takes for a human to produce a child.... I had a few myself. But obviously God was not using the human method to create a new person. There must have been a reason for him to use a bone.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Yes I do know what it takes for a human to produce a child.... I had a few myself. But obviously God was not using the human method to create a new person. There must have been a reason for him to use a bone.

Yes, maybe he used the special magic power of gnomes...

they like bones, the gnomes

and the special orange pixies from Australia...they helped too!


Not your average Mormon
LDS dogma.....

it really answers nothing
Uh, no it's not. It's my own interpretation and has nothing to do with LDS doctrine. Why do you constantly pretend to know anything about LDS doctrine?

(As if anything you've had to say on the subject has been any better. :sarcastic)
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E Pluribus Unum!!!
Yet homosapiens can pretty much all be traced back to less than 10 females....

accordign to science:facepalm:

The Eve Theory never stood up to peer review, and has since been File Thirteened with other YECer garbage.

Or perhaps your understanding is horribly limited, at best....

Or perhaps, considering that the entirety of book One and Two is easily disproved, I was indeed correct.


I heard there is a particular tribe in Africa where there blood line does not go back to Adam & Eve.....
It's a lucky person, indeed, who can trace their ancestry back to the middle ages. There is no one on Earth who can trace their ancestry back to Roman times, let alone to a date as early as would be required to reach the time of Adam and Eve. Any such claims are totally ludicrous.

However, I have heard of an African tribe that claims Jewish ancestry. Could this be what you have heard? (see: Lemba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )