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Was there anyone before Adam & Eve ?


Well-Known Member
Were there any people before Adam & Eve ?

Biff and Julie

The story is pretty much the same up until Genesis 2:25.

2:25 The man and his wife were both naked, and they whooped it up.

Genesis 3

1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" 2 The woman said to the serpent, "Uh....what?"
4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman.
5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
6 The woman said to the serpent, "Uh....what?" "Hey, Biff. This serpent is talking."

7 Then Biff kicked on the snakes head for Biff was almighty confused and thus became angry. After a thorough thrashing the serpent slunk away muttering to himself about ********** craftsmanship. Then the serpent spoke to God saying "I know we're already over budget but this things never going to get off the ground with those two. You need to make new ones. And give them bigger brains this time." Thus God made Adam and Eve. But he forgot to scrap Biff and Julie who 'boot scooted' their way out of the garden and bred like rabbits.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Uh, no it's not. It's my own interpretation and has nothing to do with LDS doctrine. Why do you constantly pretend to know anything about LDS doctrine?

(As if anything you've had to say on the subject has been any better. :sarcastic)


my bad

different species....

what on earth do you mean by this?


Not your average Mormon

my bad

different species....

what on earth do you mean by this?
What a mean by this is that I believe human beings are in the image of God. We are not a separate "species" (for lack of a better word -- please accept my humble apology) from God. I believe that the man Adam was the first human being infused with the spirit that ties humanity to deity. I believe that there were other man-like beings prior to Adam, including Homo Sapiens, but that no one prior to Adam was a part of God's "family." As you may or may not know, we believe that we all existed as spirit beings prior to our births and lived in God's presence. We believe we had a choice as to whether to take upon ourselves a body of flesh and bones and experience mortality. We are all God's spirit offspring, His spirit sons and daughters. This "family of God" comprised all of mankind starting with Adam. God created these humanlike men (Cro-magnon, Neaderthal, Homo Sapien, etc.) that preceded Adam, but they were not a part of the pre-mortal family the LDS believe in. The Church has no official doctrine concerning prehistoric man. I have explained my personal interpretation and belief about their place in creation.