Actually the biblical method of water "Baptism" is to be immersed in Water, signifying our dying (under the water) representing our Death, then being brought back up, signifying our being made a New Creation. Water Baptism is an outward expression and confession to others that we are now Born Again! The act itself does not save us. This is the work of God to regenerate us, not ourselves.
What is required of us, is to believe ( Have Faith) in the redeeming power that is given as a result of the actual death and burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our sins.
The other important part to be Born again is to Repent! Many mis-understand this most beautiful part. It is the turning (in our minds, our hearts) from our selves, our life of self, and surrendering to the Will and the Life that God created us to live!
This too is from God in that he grants us the power to do so!
NOONE is truly Born Again,whom God did not first call, draw, and grant the understanding (Grace) to do so. Our part is to respond and believe and receive NEW LIFE in Christ Jesus!