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We are all guilty for our governments crimes against God and mankind.


Veteran Member
I lay blame at the feet of voters who elect these malefactors.
If they say they don't approve of policies enacted by politicians they re-elect, then I find their protest hollow.
But what about the millions like you are me who just cannot control the outcome of elections on our own?


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
I really wonder about people who can't do a simple two second search...

Ok, so there are two sides... There is ALWAYS two sides. When you see someone standing over a dead person, with a smoking gun in his hand, and he says he didn't kill that person, do you automatically assume that person is innocent? So why do you automatically believe it when WHO says they are innocent?

One side, which seems to have absolutely not reason to lie, and seems to be acting in the best interest of the people, says that WHO is sterilizing women, and even gives details about how it is done.

The other side, has access to billions of dollars and lots and lots of people who keep complaining that the world is over populated, many of those people ready and willing to sterilize people. Lots and lots of people promoting sterilization all over the World. Very likely has full control of the press, and is able to force cover up stories at will.

I'm not saying you have to automatically believe in the first side, but you really should be demanding a proper and trustworthy examination, not by some government official, which nobody in their right mind trusts, but rather by thousands of local, close friend, chemists, all over the world.

You want some foil for a hat?

Whatever, believe what you want. Did Christ not tell you to keep your eyes open? There is always a justification for doing nothing.
Your nailed-god is not mine.

There are two really useful things you can learn from this.

One is that the people with tremendous power, who are doing tremendous evil, want to do good. This means that with education, they could start to do good, and that means that our world can be saved.
The only thing this world needs saving from is people like you.

Two is that whether you consider yourself guilty or not, you will eventually be held accountable for your lack of action. Whatever we don't deal with now, will eventually come back to bite you.

Collective & inherited responsibility is bull****. It serves only to beat people down & rob them of their dignity & pride so that cowards can control them.

I honestly can't decide which is more appalling in the OP: the misinformed paranoia or the theology attached to it.
I'd say neither, and that rather the most utterly disgusting thing is his apparent love of wallowing in his own self-pity & weakness, and that he thinks we should join him.


Active Member
God says, "Be in the world, but not a part of it." Man can't make this world a better place. The only one who can change it is God.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
I understand that you feel upset, and naturally feeling upset with government is normal (especially government that is obese with power, unaccountable, liars, selfish and frankly often stupid and full of the same human frailty in the same percentage as in any business, corporation, charity, organized religion or for that matter homeless wandering bands of former lawyers and unelected judges who eventually get dragged out of their homes, beaten and thrown into the street with other homeless by gangs of angry peasants after they are told they cannot hunt deer on the King's land anymore) ..

The level just below that is to blame Big Tobacco, then Big Pharma, then Big Agra, then Big Oil, then Big Corporations, then Big Banks, and next level up after Big Government, and then the Big Secret Society, and after that, is typical to blame Big God ... all the while blaming stupid people (the others) while in the guise of blaming "we" or "us" or "we all" and such.

Basically most of these problems are driven by the idea that there is some human gerry wired "utopia" possible or something easy and "free" (free bread and stuff), something obvious and simple, a "solution".

My observation is, people who think they can have a "solution" are either trying to sell something or grab power for their own "security" or selfishness. Also, while you can think about others doing good or creating and such, there is a certain percentage of humans (33.3%) who are too lazy to ever do anything or even think, and there is the corruption factor (16.6%)...

So you cannot be a robot of God, that would mean you are just a slime, you are relatively free and thinking and doing your own thing. But good luck on the "solution". Why do people think there is a "solution"? For many if not most things, there is no "solution". In fact thinking this makes you a sucker for the con jobs. Just try and be good. Good is hard to define. Don't give government power, limit the power. Eat fruits.


Active Member
"The Christian resolution to find the world Ugly & Bad has made the world Ugly & Bad."

Those in the world believe: Sickness, war, murder, and death make for a better world, and those who try to follow Gods laws are the problem. Soon those in the world will destroy all religion, and the concept of God, take the mark of the beast, and turn on Gods people. Those in the world blame all that is bad, and ugly on Gods people, and yes, they also blame God.
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Coincidentia oppositorum
Those in the world believe: Sickness, war, murder, and death make for a better world,
That's just stupid. People in the world don't believe sickness, war, murder, and death make a better world. They believe the opposite. People in the world believe health, peace, safety, and long life make a better world.

and those who try to follow Gods laws are the problem.
Only if those "laws" are anti-human and anti-life and anti-health.

Consider this. This thread is about how WHO supposedly is sterilizing women. The truth is, WHO is vaccinating children against a disease to save them from sickness and death. And the ones protesting it is people from the catholic church. So what you're seeing here is opposite to what you're saying. What you see here is people of God believing that sickness and death would make a better world, fighting against an organization (WHO) who's trying to save people and make them better.

Soon those in the world will destroy all religion, and the concept of God,
There are thousands of concepts of God. I have one, which is different from yours. And it's not opposed by the world.

The God concepts that the world dislike is usually the fundamentalist and extremist ones. The kind that is hurting and harming people.

take the mark of the beast, and turn on Gods people.
You already have the mark of the beast. You're online, using Internet. That is the beast. You already gave your soul to it.

Those in the world blame all that is bad, and ugly on Gods people, and yes, the also blame God.
Nope. I blame it on certain people, some of the people of God, some of them unbelievers. I blame stupidity on stupid people. Not people of God, but people of stupidity, ignorance, fundamentalism, extremism, and hate.


An Págánach
Those in the world believe: Sickness, war, murder, and death make for a better world

How can you possibly believe that? How many people "in the world" do you know?
Can you honestly say that you think that they all want more sickness, war, murder and death in the world?

Those in the world blame all that is bad, and ugly on Gods people, and yes, the also blame God.

If "they" believe that "sickness, war, murder, and death make for a better world" then what are "they" blaming on "God's people" or "God"?

Please, look honestly at what you've said. Look at the people around you. Look within yourself. Pray. You will see the truth of the matter.


Active Member
Some seem to have a hard time understanding. My comment means..."People say they want to do good things, but the truth is they don't know how, can't, and seem to believe man can solve these problems." Man never has, he can't, and refuses to believe the only one who can is God. At no time in mans history, has God given man the right to rule the human race. We are not designed to do it, and every nation that has ruled has fallen. In all of mans history of doing things without God, we have had sickness, hunger war, and death. Please do not misunderstand me when I say, "All Religions are false, and not from God. Christians do not follow religions, but follow the Bible.


Veteran Member
Some seem to have a hard time understanding. My comment means..."People say they want to do good things, but the truth is they don't know how, can't, and seem to believe man can solve these problems." Man never has, he can't, and refuses to believe the only one who can is God. At no time in mans history, has God given man the right to rule the human race. We are not designed to do it, and every nation that has ruled has fallen. In all of mans history of doing things without God, we have had sickness, hunger war, and death. Please do not misunderstand me when I say, "All Religions are false, and not from God. Christians do not follow religions, but follow the Bible.
Man has solved a ton of problems in the world. What about things like slavery, seggregation, apparteid, the plague (and other now curable diseases), desalinization plants, the Nazis, etc.? There are tons of problems that man has come to solve in a large way. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, but it seems crazy to me to claim that Man has not accomplished anything.


Active Member
So what the OP is suggesting is that if I abstain from voting in public ballots I'm off the hook? Awesome. I'm good. You guys?

In seriousness, you need to read Romans 13 again. Maybe Mark 12:13-17.

If you're going to call yourself a Christian or talk about Christ, please at least know Him before you stamp His name on your mumbo-jumbo.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I really wonder about people who can't do a simple two second search...

I use Startpage Web Search, myself, and do so all the time, thank you very much.

How reliable are the sources it brings back? Remember that Google itself returns results based on what it perceives your interests to be are, so if that's largely unreputable sources, you're going to get more and more unreputable sources.

Ok, so there are two sides... There is ALWAYS two sides.

More like two hundred.

When you see someone standing over a dead person, with a smoking gun in his hand, and he says he didn't kill that person, do you automatically assume that person is innocent? So why do you automatically believe it when WHO says they are innocent?

Wasn't that the plot to A Shot in the Dark? The smoking gun was in her hand rather than his, though.

One side, which seems to have absolutely not reason to lie, and seems to be acting in the best interest of the people, says that WHO is sterilizing women, and even gives details about how it is done.

The other side, has access to billions of dollars and lots and lots of people who keep complaining that the world is over populated, many of those people ready and willing to sterilize people. Lots and lots of people promoting sterilization all over the World. Very likely has full control of the press, and is able to force cover up stories at will.

I'm not saying you have to automatically believe in the first side, but you really should be demanding a proper and trustworthy examination, not by some government official, which nobody in their right mind trusts, but rather by thousands of local, close friend, chemists, all over the world.

Why would they know any better than anyone else about what's going on?

Whatever, believe what you want. Did Christ not tell you to keep your eyes open? There is always a justification for doing nothing.

Good thing Christ never told me anything, and that I certainly don't do nothing.

Are you familiar with something called Fabian Tactics?

There are two really useful things you can learn from this.

One is that the people with tremendous power, who are doing tremendous evil, want to do good. This means that with education, they could start to do good, and that means that our world can be saved.

Two is that whether you consider yourself guilty or not, you will eventually be held accountable for your lack of action. Whatever we don't deal with now, will eventually come back to bite you.


Not all the bad things that happen to us are the result of something wrong that we did.

Sometimes the Gods just get bored and decide to make our lives miserable for teh lulz.


Active Member
Man has solved a ton of problems in the world. What about things like slavery, seggregation, apparteid, the plague (and other now curable diseases), desalinization plants, the Nazis, etc.? There are tons of problems that man has come to solve in a large way. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, but it seems crazy to me to claim that Man has not accomplished anything.

Well, lets look at some of your facts;

. There are more slaves in Africa today (2015) then were sold , or were born in America.
Segregation has gone away? Tell that to any black American.
Plagues: They died out...they did not go away do to mans efforts.
diseases. Every time one is cured, others seem to pop right up.
Hitler. There are always more waiting in the wings.
War. We have had a war ever since WW1
Doing a lot of good things. For every one of these, I can name ten bad one's.


Active Member
So what the OP is suggesting is that if I abstain from voting in public ballots I'm off the hook? Awesome. I'm good. You guys?

In seriousness, you need to read Romans 13 again. Maybe Mark 12:13-17.

If you're going to call yourself a Christian or talk about Christ, please at least know Him before you stamp His name on your mumbo-jumbo.

And what mumbo-jumbo would that be?

Mat: 12:17 "Pay back Caesar"s things to Caesar's, and Gods things to God." If you do not understand that scripture, let me help you. We must obey mans laws. But if mans laws goes against God's laws...we must follow Gods laws. It makes it real easy for a Christian to know what to do.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Whether or not the example the OP gives is legitimate, IMO the principle still applies.

All of us in the first world are, to one extent or another, living off the exploitation of people who were unfortunate enough to have been born elsewhere:

Slavery Footprint - Made In A Free World


Active Member
Whether or not the example the OP gives is legitimate, IMO the principle still applies.

All of us in the first world are, to one extent or another, living off the exploitation of people who were unfortunate enough to have been born elsewhere:

Slavery Footprint - Made In A Free World

That is a good point. I'm sure all native Americans would agree with you. They were not made slaves, they were murdered for their land by peoples from other lands. Are you native American?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
That is a good point. I'm sure all native Americans would agree with you. They were not made slaves, they were murdered for their land by peoples from other lands. Are you native American?

Nope, not in this life anyway. :p

What I try to keep in mind is that even though (as far as I can determine) by the time most of my ancestors got to America the deed was done, the Native Americans had already had their land stolen and their way of life pretty much destroyed, the fact remains that I'm still benefiting from all of that having happened.


Active Member
None today have made the history of slaves, and all that other stuff. So I don't feel we have to pay for it, nor should any body hold us responsible. As a Christian I understand what Jesus was saying about the wheat, and the tares. I for one will not join with the tares, and rebel against God. This is a bad world. If it was not, God would not say he was going to destroy it.