There was evidence and people didn't see it yet. This isn't just about that lack of evidence that intelligent alien life but the ample evidence that intelligent alien life does not exist.
Would you care to delineate that evidence?
At this point, we have explored one planet in *our* solar system in detail: the Earth. We have explored another planets using mobile probes: Mars. We have sent a probes going past some other planets.
In *our* solar system, it is possible life existed on Mars at one point and even possible it is there now. It is possible life exists on the moons Titan and Europa. The conditions seem to be within the realm of possibility, but we have not explored enough to know one way or the other.
Once we get outside of our own solar system, we just became aware of other planets within the last couple of decades and just recently achieved the technology to find Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars. We already know of planets in the 'Goldilocks Zone' for other stars.
So, it looks like the conditions for life on other planets are pretty common in the universe. Whether that means life is similarly common, we don't know, but ti isn't unreasonable to think it might be. We simply don't have the necessary data as yet and we *know* we don't have that data.
Now, what we *do* know is that we have not detected any *signals* from other life. Whether that is because other intelligent life is rare, or only exists briefly, we don't know. But there may well be a lot of life that is pre-technical or that uses signals that we do not yet know how to detect (or are simply not directed at us).
So, precisely what is your evidence that we are alone?