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Wear Black Today - Support the Jena 6


Done here.
If we lived in bizzaro world where black administrators and law enforcements purposely silenced white kids' legitimate concerns about racial violence, slapped violent black teenagers on the wrist for hate crimes against whites while throwing "attempted murder" or "second degree robbery" charges towards any backlash...well, maybe it would be an issue then, and we would be rallying to support them. We don't live in that world though. :shrug:
No, we don't. We live in a world where principals and sheriffs have less regard for people's rights because they're black, and where people like you have less regard for people's rights because they're attacked by black people. Where otherwise sane people think intimidation is a "hate crime" but battering somebody unconscious is just understandable "backlash" -- as long as the victim is white and the assailants are black. I have no respect for either side, but I learned many years ago that you can't reason people out of irrational opinions, and I've learned to live with that.
where people like you have less regard for people's rights because they're attacked by black people.

yes! You finally get it!! All this talk about racism, but we are demanding that Barker get his rights taken away because he was attacked by black kids!! LOL! You caught us, you silly goose!!!

Oh wait, no...no you don't get it. :slap:

Where otherwise sane people think intimidation is a "hate crime" but battering somebody unconscious is just understandable "backlash" -- as long as the victim is white and the assailants are black.
Intimidation is a hate crime, and beating someone up for using racial slurs and bragging about hate crimes is backlash (and understandable if you know **** about being a kid and having your friend, a black victim of a hate crime mocked to your face and being called "******" repeatedly and while knowing damn well that the administration thinks racism and assault are nothing but harmless pranks.)

And trust me, there are victims in Jena--Barker may have been a victim for all of about the 10 minutes he was on the ground, but he wasn't a victim before that and he's not a victim now. The only "victims" now, happen to be black, and will continue to be black, and all this will only generate more backlash against your precious racist white people (truly the real victim here :sad4:), unless it stops here. The Jena Six deserve fair trials and fair charges, Barker needs to be suspended or expelled, the administrators and law enforcement officials need to be fired.

I simply don't see what the controversy is. Racism exists. Duh.
So does battery. Duh. :rolleyes: But it's nice to see you pov all out in the open. I mean, why bother protesting racism? Because...it exists...? And stuff that exists...can't be controversial...? Well, you might not see the controversy in the continued existence of racism, but understand that to all those kids who completely have their futures shaped by racist people, it means something.


Obstructor of justice
So does battery. Duh. :rolleyes: But it's nice to see you pov all out in the open. I mean, why bother protesting racism? Because...it exists...? And stuff that exists...can't be controversial...? Well, you might not see the controversy in the continued existence of racism, but understand that to all those kids who completely have their futures shaped by racist people, it means something.

It's still not an excuse, and neither side of this deserves to be defended. As I've been saying this whole time - they're both wrong. One side isn't more wrong than the other.
So, is violence a good way to stop racism? Is defending violence a good way to stop racism?


It isn't fair to paint just one side as the victim. They're both to blame. Frankly I'm amazed that people don't see that. :sarcastic
Everybody sees it. We just all get slapped (and get no other response) when we try to mention it so we've given up.


Obstructor of justice
Personally, I would go so far as to suggest it is an example of racism to treat one side as being more victimized than the other in this case. But, then I suppose one has to accept that it's possible to be racist against white people, and not many people are willing to do that.
<quote>It's still not an excuse, and neither side of this deserves to be defended. As I've been saying this whole time - they're both wrong. One side isn't more wrong than the other.
So, is violence a good way to stop racism? Is defending violence a good way to stop racism?</quote>
Ending racism is a good way to end racism and don't ever say a schoolyard fight is just as wrong as institutionalized racism. "Racism against whites" has nothing to do with this case. If they are both to blame, then why aren't you protesting--after all one side is getting punished while the other side didn't get anything.

<quote>Everybody sees it. We just all get slapped (and get no other response) when we try to mention it so we've given up.</quote>
You get smacked whenever you say "So assault is OK now!?!?!?!" like that is somehow at all relevant to what is going on. If that's the only strawman argument you have, I don't have the time. It's been addressed before, and you can go onto many Jena Six support blogs and read something.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Ending racism is a good way to end racism and don't ever say a schoolyard fight is just as wrong as institutionalized racism.
I find this statement to be myopic. The schollyard is the breeding ground for institutional racism. Giving either group special consideration to commit violence only ingrains the feelings of injustice by the other side.

So protest the fact that the whites got leniency.

Protest the fact that there was no justice for those who admitted to hanging the nooses.

But don't try to circumvent the judicial system just because they are one race or another. If you do the crime, you should do the time REGARDLESS of your ethnicity, sexuality or religion (or lack thereof).

There is no honor in crying out "Free the Jena 6". There is honor in demanding justice of the other kids. Don't support violence, even when it is socially stylish to do so.


Well-Known Member
you know, me neighbor called me a moron yesterday. just for that, i'm going to go over there with three of my friends and cave in his skull with my boot, yes yes yes, that is perfect justice! and NO there is not an ounce of effing sarcasm in the mother buffing post CAPICHE?! i'm STIL not being sarcastic! ...NOW I am! don't you see what this is? the students should have filed a complaint agains the nooses, protested it, maybe even started civil rallys if it got that far, not beating someone until they are knocked out, then continue to beat him after he is out cold. and people who say that that is justice... please, for the sake of humanity... just get help.
There is no honor in crying out "Free the Jena 6". There is honor in demanding justice of the other kids. Don't support violence, even when it is socially stylish to do so.
No one is supporting violence, and the Jena Six movement has nothing to do with the Jena Six being black, and has everything to do with this racist 1950s era justice, on both sides. I demand justice for everyone, because attempted second degree murder for a schoolyard fight isn't justice.

you know, me neighbor called me a moron yesterday. just for that, i'm going to go over there with three of my friends and cave in his skull with my boot, yes yes yes, that is perfect justice! and NO there is not an ounce of effing sarcasm in the mother buffing post CAPICHE?! i'm STIL not being sarcastic! ...NOW I am! don't you see what this is? the students should have filed a complaint agains the nooses, protested it, maybe even started civil rallys if it got that far, not beating someone until they are knocked out, then continue to beat him after he is out cold. and people who say that that is justice... please, for the sake of humanity... just get help.
Don't ever compare moron to ******, or compare moron to having your friend, a victim of a racial attack, being mocked. Just don't ever do it. Also, Barker insulted (understatement) all the black kids by his words, so it's not like he insulted an individual who happened to have a lot of friends. And also, Barker's head wasn't caved in...he was unconscious from either the first punch or from hitting the ground, and fully fine by that evening.

They did have rallies against the nooses, but the DA said it was a "harmless prank" and that if they continued to protest it, their lives would disappear with a stroke of his pen. So understand that maybe all these 14, 15, 16, 17 year old kids might not really feel like "filing a complaint" was an option. Understandable, but maybe you can't understand.

Them beating him wasn't justice, and no one ever said it was. :no: Again, no more strawmen.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
No one is supporting violence, and the Jena Six movement has nothing to do with the Jena Six being black, and has everything to do with this racist 1950s era justice, on both sides. I demand justice for everyone, because attempted second degree murder for a schoolyard fight isn't justice.
Then why all of the "Free the Jena 6" signs? This is disengenuous for you to expect me to see that this is not about approving violence. CHANGE YOUR CHANT! "Convict the Honkies" would be less offensive to me.
Then why all of the "Free the Jena 6" signs? This is disengenuous for you to expect me to see that this is not about approving violence. CHANGE YOUR CHANT! "Convict the Honkies" would be less offensive to me.
Because, tbh, right now they are being held for aggravated second-degree battery, and one was actually convicted. They are in the hands of some dangerous, nasty people. Much more dangerous than being knocked out for a few minutes.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Because, tbh, right now they are being held for aggravated second-degree battery, and one was actually convicted. They are in the hands of some dangerous, nasty people. Much more dangerous than being knocked out for a few minutes.
Ad hominems do not make your argument. There has been little evidence of mishandling by the Jena LEO or the courts. The one person who was convicted had his verdict overturned, so there seems to be some judicial oversight.

I would suggest that, in the future, should they wish to not be in the hands of these "dangerous nasty people", that they refrain from breaking the law with gratuitous acts of violence.

BTW, are they dangerous, nasty people merely because they are WHITE???

BTW#2, you may be surprised that I am arguably the most vociferous exposer of racism you may ever meet. I am known for pointing it out quite often and I often make people on this forum uncomfortable and upset by doing so. I absolutely hate and have done my share of protesting. There is never a need for violence and there is certainly no need to rally behind thuggish behavior.
Ad hominems do not make your argument. There has been little evidence of mishandling by the Jena LEO or the courts. The one person who was convicted had his verdict overturned, so there seems to be some judicial oversight.
The incredibly biased jury? Charging the kids who wrestled a gun out of the white kid's hands for stealing a firearm, second degree robbery, and disturbing the peace? Posting outrageous bail? Yes, the one kid had his conviction overturned--after all this controversy came up. Jena has some serious cleaning up to do before they try anyone.

I would suggest that, in the future, should they wish to not be in the hands of these "dangerous nasty people", that they refrain from breaking the law with gratuitous acts of violence.
Breaking the law doesn't mean you don't deserve fairness in the justice system, not that we even know that they did it, so this is all ********. You've already decided that they are guilty and deserve whatever racism or abuse they deserve? Every time some school age kids get into a fist fight, they should go to jail for 20+ years, because uh, why? Why is it ok for all those white kids to be violent, but not the black kids? I consider that to be quite dangerous, but huh. I can't even believe you said that. If one day, randomly, a white person was given the death penalty for speeding (and witnesses disagree) even though you know that black people were walking away with tickets and warnings, would you say something? Or would you moronically miss the point and say "well maybe he shouldn't speed"! "There is no excuse for dangerous driving, he could have killed someone!" Please. The <i>only</i> thugs here are the school and law enforcement officials.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
ou've already decided that they are guilty and deserve whatever racism or abuse they deserve?
This is an out and out lie. However, it appears you have acquitted them without hearing all of the facts. Somehow, I don't believe you would be able to render a judgement based only on the facts.

I am willing to let the people of Jena figure this out without condemning the entire white community. There will be congressional hearings and I am sure that the truth will come out in the end.

BTW, I find releasing these kids JUST because they are black to be just as racist as hanging the nooses from the tree. Not that I expect you to see the bigotry inherent in doing that.
This is an out and out lie. However, it appears you have acquitted them without hearing all of the facts.
It's a question, not a lie. Want to answer it, because you are talking like you've already decided that they are guilty, and so that they shouldn't have gotten into that fight if they didn't expect that level of abuse. I mean, what the hell? And yes, I am treating them like they are innocent, because, uh "innocent until proven guilty", anyone? "Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt", anyone? Defending the Jena Six has nothing to do with defending them for being violent, because we have no idea if they did anything violent. It's about making sure they are treated fairly, something which Jena hasn't done. Period.

I am willing to let the people of Jena figure this out without condemning the entire white community.
The people of Jena have asked for help. No one is condemning the entire "white community" (lol), so sit down.

BTW, I find releasing these kids JUST because they are black to be just as racist as hanging the nooses from the tree. Not that I expect you to see the bigotry inherent in doing that.
Again, no one is saying these kids should be released because they are black. That's the most ridiculous strawman and the saddest play of the race card I have seen yet. Why not just make it a "free all blacks from prison" crusade, the Jena 6 are hardly the first black people to go to court? Because it has nothing to do with their race.

Not to mention that even if that was the case, there is no way you can compare that to threatening teenaged black kids trying to get an education with lynching like this isn't the 21st century. Holy ****.


Moved on
Ok, so let me get this straight. Some white guy hung some ropes from a tree and in return some guy (same one who did the ropes or not?) gets the crap beaten out of him and now people are holding protests to free the attackers? What sort of rampant idiocy has come over this place?
Ok, so let me get this straight. Some white guy hung some ropes from a tree and in return some guy (same one who did the ropes or not?) gets the crap beaten out of him and now people are holding protests to free the attackers?
Uh, no. Go read a newspaper.
Ok, so let me get this straight. Some white guy hung some ropes from a tree and in return some guy (same one who did the ropes or not?) gets the crap beaten out of him and now people are holding protests to free the attackers? What sort of rampant idiocy has come over this place?

OK, I'm calm now and I'm going to TRY to give you the benefit of the doubt. It's ages old and there are resources all over the place.

1) No, Justin Barker didn't hang the nooses. The reason why the nooses are important is because the Jena Six were the same athletes who organized protests over the nooses (not "some ropes", if you pay attention to history, noose is sort of the international symbol for "prepare to be lynched", kk?), the main targets of the "make your lives disappear with a stroke of my pen" remark of the DA, who considered it a harmless prank. They became sort of enemies of the administration.

2) See the timeline I posted last page--Robert Bailey (one of the Jena Six) gets the **** kicked out of him at an all-white party, including with beer bottles. We know exactly who instigated it (22 years old and he given probation). Later he goes to Food Barn and gets a gun pulled on him. It was all extremely traumatic and frightening for a lot of black kids, and we know teachers recommended that the school not be opened the morning of the assault.

3) Justin Barker starts talking **** about the incident, saying "Robert Bailey got his *** kicked" and using the N word. Eyewitnesses claim they heard someone yell "This will teach you to run your mf mouth". That's what got him beat, not the nooses. We know who hung the nooses (one of them was the only witness claiming Bell kicked Barker when Barker was on the ground, actually)

Now we don't know who knocked out Justin. 3 stories:
Mychal Bell: According to a friend of Barker's, it was Bell. She couldn't pick Bell up out of a lineup, but later she said she thought about it, and it was Bell...it sounds really iffy. We know Bell was at least there,.
Malcolm Shaw (not Jena Six): According to the Coach, the only adult nonpartisan witness. He immediately was reported to have been looking around for Shaw, and claims that Barker was hit to the back of the head (which fits in with Barker himself not knowing who knocked him out)
A Kid in a Green Jacket: According to 2 girls, who say he slammed Barker into a bench.

4) Once Justin got knocked out, we know some kids were kicking him. We don't know what injuries were caused by kicks, and what injuries were caused by trampling--a lot of students came and crowded and were running around the entire area, as often happens in school fights. An ambulance was called, Justin was conscious by the time it got there and left the hospital by that evening.

5) Were the Jena Six among the attackers? Honestly, maybe a few were, and feel free to suspend them or give them simple battery (if they were there). Either way, the names of the kids notorious for protesting the noose were charged with second-degree murder as adults (up to 100 years in prison without parole) and given pretty extravagant bails. Later, after worldwide outcry, it was reduced to second-degree aggravated battery...you need a deadly weapon to be convicted of that, and their deadly weapon was uh, their shoes. :rolleyes: So then they faced 22 1/2 years in prison.

6) Bell was tried, and he is appointed an attorney by the court who calls no witnesses--not even the Coach who is the only nonpartisan adult witness and who claims it was Shaw who hit first. The jury is all white and includes friends of the Barker family. More outrage, and a judge overturns it and says Bell should've been tried as a juvenile. Bell still ain't out of jail because his 90k bail hasn't been adjusted...he had a bail hearing but the DA (yes, the "throw your lives away" guy) and judge never showed up.

And this is where we are. Several movements against this Jim Crow style justice system, trying to raise money for their defense, wearing black in a show of solidarity, trying to get Bell out of jail (he still hasn't raised the 90k needed for bail, these kids aren't exactly millionaires) etc. It's not about saying "it's ok to attack white people" or making "kids with records into heroes". It's about justice, and it's absolutely ridiculous how many people here have such a black-and-white "How dare you defend those ATTACKERS?!" view of the situation. It's shameful. :no:


Well-Known Member
lock everyone involved with the incident away for life. you know what? i dont even know why i'm posting here its not like i give a flying F. and just so you know, i'm a bit testy because i'm trying to quit smoking, I am VERY sensitive to idiocy and ignorance, so PLEASE if you're going to talk to me, try not to me incompetent? it will save everyone a lot of trouble...