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Weight Loss and Diet Support Group


Student Nurse
As I have had a hard time losing the weight I gained during pregnancy, which with my past ones I had no problem at all (it just slipped right off after pregnancy), I have started to make a more conscience effort to diet and exercise. I figured that I can't possibly be the only one here who has weight issues that would benefit from support and suggestions. I know this isn't "Weight Watchers" or "Jenny", but I figured that with the community we have here and the amount of caring and support seen here, that this might be a good idea for some. A place to share our low fat recipes, diet ideas, exercise suggestions, and weight loss triumphs.

If there is anyone out there who would find this helpful or interesting please speak up and let the support group begin.

Request: if there is adequate interest in this I would appreciate it being made a sticky for easy access and noticability.
I was just about to start a thread for the very same reason. I'm putting myself on a diet, effective immediately and could use a little peer pressure to help me stay on it. Looks like the thread has been dead for a while, but maybe if I hijack it we can all get our diets going again. I've got about 50 pounds to loose that I gained over the past four years. Before that I was physically active due to having a manual labor job, but now I sit at a desk all day and have easy access to vending machines and a Dunkin Donuts next door. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't have an official plan yet, just to eat as little as possible, drink lots of water, and take vitamins.


Hiya Kungfused!

Sounds like I'm kinda in the same boat as you.
50-60lbs overweight put on slowly over a number of stressful & sedentary years.

Now I'm gunna hit 40 next April,
and I have LOTS of things I want to do in this coming decade.
Sort of my "coming of age".
My decade of maturity manifest.
But I cannot do these things COMFORTABLY,
unless I lose these unwanted pounds.

So I have given myself the WHOLE year to lose the weight.
I am treating the whole thing "gently" but relentlessly.
Instead of fretting over minor setbacks,
(parties, illness etc... where I gain lbs. back)
I just step on back in with increased vigor and zeal.

First a treadmill manifest its way into my life...
a "VisionFitness" treadmill...
where I developed a VISION of who I see my most light and lovely self to be..
and then I began "walking" towards that vision.

I went from not really walking in years,
to being able to walk three hours in one night.

Then the treadmill became unusable.
Setback no. 1.
I gained LBs back.

Maybe 6 weeks later,
I don't know why,
but steps... taking steps...
this whole idea entered my physche,
so I bought myself a 30 dollar exercise step.

It's the best 30 dollars I've ever spent.
WAY more fun than the "treadmill",
much more vigorous workouts,
improving my dance skills at the same time,
walking fast tempos (should help my musicianship as well),
small, lightweight, can be brought anywhere,

I'm also allowing myself to get used to being hungry,
and letting it pass.
When I do this more frequently,
I see the results.
When I don't not so much.
Mostly eating salads, and yogurt.
An occasional "real" meal only.

Weigh myself only occasionally.

I figure I have over half a year left.
It took me 6 months ALONE just to change my habits,
and to FIND a way of exercising
and eating that works for me.
This next 6 months,
just reinforces the NEW way of living,
and becomes the "norm".
I have NO DOUBT that I will be looking and feeling good about myself
the way I need to by next April. no doubt.
(I think that active faith is a very important component to manifesting ANY change)

Hope my story inspires you in some way.
I say give yourself a year,
and instead of "beating yourself up" over setbacks...
just look at what went wrong objectively...
with a new vision of yourself,
and for your life.


Student Nurse
So far today I've had a bowl of chili and a glass of pure apple cider. I'll probably just have a bowl of Special K with red berries for dinner tonight. Years ago I tried Slim Fast but it just seems so wrong to drink a can full of sugar on a diet, and it gave me gas too.


Just me
Premium Member
There are much better meal-replacement alternatives out there, better than Slim Fast. If you do want to try shakes again, go to a health food store and look for a product with low sugar and high in protein.


Just me
Premium Member
What I love about the protein shakes is that you can make it a different meal everyday. You can add fruit, nuts, vegetables, spices, even unsweetened powdered chocolate. You can have raspberry one day and banana the next, carrot with allspice or apple with cinnemon, or one of my favourites, blueberry. If I could still enjoy melons, I would probably have a watermelon shake every other day. It never has to get boring or uninteresting.


Student Nurse
What I love about the protein shakes is that you can make it a different meal everyday. You can add fruit, nuts, vegetables, spices, even unsweetened powdered chocolate. You can have raspberry one day and banana the next, carrot with allspice or apple with cinnemon, or one of my favourites, blueberry. If I could still enjoy melons, I would probably have a watermelon shake every other day. It never has to get boring or uninteresting.
Most of the protein shakes I've had were disgusting. I'll look into it though. It might be easier to do that than count every little calorie I take in.


Well-Known Member
Most of the protein shakes I've had were disgusting. I'll look into it though. It might be easier to do that than count every little calorie I take in.

I lost over forty pounds in about seven months just by changing my diet and exercising (well, and I started taking a multi-vitamin, too--don't know if that counts as a diet change). I really don't think there is a need to switch to gimmicky shakes or other such products. Just switch your diet to healthier foods (which includes minding your portions), work-out, and cut down/out on unnecessary snacking. Hell, I didn't even switch to much healthier foods; I still eat quite a bit of frozen stuff, like frozen egg rolls (and I have the occassional steak with loads of BBQ sauce :D). The only thing about doing things like me is that if you want to keep your weight down, you have to be committed to changing your diet permenently. You can't go back to eating a bunch of junk and expect to stay slim, even if you are exercizing. I mean, you can treat yourself here and there, but not going overboard...


Just me
Premium Member
If you can't find shakes that satisfy, I can recommend a couple.

This is one that I've used successfully and it tastes great. I get it from a friend who has a home business selling the product. http://www.herbalifeshapeworks123.com/

This is another that I've heard good things about, and I can help you get it online (as a part of my sister's home business). Quixtar - A7451 - Protein Powder

They cost about $90-95 (Canadian) for a month's supply.


Student Nurse
Well, I've somehow managed to gain three pounds since my last post in this thread. I'm not sure how it happened. I wonder if my scale is broken, or maybe gravity is a little higher today than normal. It's probably due to the phase of the moon. If the moon can pull the tides than it can make me lighter on some days and heavier on others.


I lost over forty pounds in about seven months just by changing my diet and exercising (well, and I started taking a multi-vitamin, too--don't know if that counts as a diet change). I really don't think there is a need to switch to gimmicky shakes or other such products. Just switch your diet to healthier foods (which includes minding your portions), work-out, and cut down/out on unnecessary snacking. Hell, I didn't even switch to much healthier foods; I still eat quite a bit of frozen stuff, like frozen egg rolls (and I have the occassional steak with loads of BBQ sauce :D). The only thing about doing things like me is that if you want to keep your weight down, you have to be committed to changing your diet permenently. You can't go back to eating a bunch of junk and expect to stay slim, even if you are exercizing. I mean, you can treat yourself here and there, but not going overboard...

Have some frubals....
instead of those high fat chips!

Great advice.... very encouraging!


Well, I've somehow managed to gain three pounds since my last post in this thread. I'm not sure how it happened. I wonder if my scale is broken, or maybe gravity is a little higher today than normal. It's probably due to the phase of the moon. If the moon can pull the tides than it can make me lighter on some days and heavier on others.

It just doesn't make any sense sometimes.

I try not to get on it too often.
Sometimes the slow (or upward:149:) moving numbers
just serve as a discouragement.;)

Onward... and Downward.... Together!
Left, Right, Left, Right.....
move those bunns on out!!!
(yes.. and even the ones on your plate!:D)
Have a saltine baby! LOL!


My own little bit of recently unfolding diet Majick?!

Step... Step.... Step...
Step it up! Step it up!

has now become...

Step & Starve! Step & Starve!
Step it up! and Starve it out!

(I just looovvveeee... my $30 exercise step!)
I'll tell my step story another time,
when I have more time.

But In the mean time....
Step & Starve...... Step & Starve...... Step & Starve..... (& Sleep).....
Now AGAIN......:trampo::eat::tsk: :sleep:


Student Nurse
Does exersize really work? Check this out.

http://nymag.com/news/sports/38001/ said:
The problem, as he and his contemporaries saw it, is that light exercise burns an insignificant number of calories, amounts that are undone by comparatively effortless changes in diet. In 1942, Louis Newburgh of the University of Michigan calculated that a 250-pound man expends only three calories climbing a flight of stairs—the equivalent of depriving himself of a quarter-teaspoon of sugar or a hundredth of an ounce of butter. “He will have to climb twenty flights of stairs to rid himself of the energy contained in one slice of bread!” Newburgh observed. So why not skip the stairs, skip the bread, and call it a day?

More-strenuous exercise, these physicians further argued, doesn’t help matters—because it works up an appetite. “Vigorous muscle exercise usually results in immediate demand for a large meal,” noted Hugo Rony of Northwestern University in his 1940 textbook, Obesity and Leanness. “Consistently high or low energy expenditures result in consistently high or low levels of appetite. Thus men doing heavy physical work spontaneously eat more than men engaged in sedentary occupations. Statistics show that the average daily caloric intake of lumberjacks is more than 5,000 calories, while that of tailors is only about 2,500 calories. Persons who change their occupation from light to heavy work or vice versa soon develop corresponding changes in their appetite.” If a tailor becomes a lumberjack and, by doing so, takes to eating like one, why assume that the same won’t happen, albeit on a lesser scale, to an overweight tailor who decides to work out like a lumberjack for an hour a day?

Clinicians, researchers, exercise physiologists, even personal trainers at the local gym took to thinking and talking about hunger as though it were a phenomenon exclusive to the brain, a question of willpower (whatever that is), not the natural consequence of a body trying to replenish itself with energy. Ultimately, the relationship between physical activity and fatness comes down to the question of cause and effect. Is Lance Armstrong excessively lean because he burns off a few thousand calories a day cycling, or is he driven to expend that energy because his body is constitutionally set against storing calories as fat? If his fat tissue is resistant to accumulating calories, his body has little choice but to burn them as quickly as possible: what Rony and his contemporaries called the “activity impulse”—a physiological drive, not a conscious one. His body is telling him to get on his bike and ride, not his mind. Those of us who run to fat would have the opposite problem. Our fat tissue wants to store calories, leaving our muscles with a relative dearth of energy to burn. It’s not willpower we lack, but fuel.

It's a really long article in New York magazine arguing against exersize as a means to weight loss. According to them, exersize makes you hungrier and you eat more to compensate. Then if you stop exersizing you still want to eat as much as you used to.


Student Nurse
Have any of you tried any of the low carb diets like Adkins or whatever? According to the article I just posted, carbs increase insulin levels which in turn increase fat production. Any truth to it?


I guess I'm low carbs,
eating mostly nothing but salads
and yougurt with a bit of cerial in it.

Every three days or so I have an actual, but small, meal.

“He will have to climb twenty flights of stairs to rid himself of the energy contained in one slice of bread!” Newburgh observed. So why not skip the stairs, skip the bread, and call it a day?

Your article there just confirms to me that I have to be comfortable,
being HUNGRY, and just letting the hunger pangs,
pass, and pass, and pass,
many, many times over the next few months,
If I expect any results.

So I say "skip the bread and take the stairs!"

Step & Starve, Step & Starve.......


Student Nurse
What I love about the protein shakes is that you can make it a different meal everyday. You can add fruit, nuts, vegetables, spices, even unsweetened powdered chocolate. You can have raspberry one day and banana the next, carrot with allspice or apple with cinnemon, or one of my favourites, blueberry. If I could still enjoy melons, I would probably have a watermelon shake every other day. It never has to get boring or uninteresting.
Protien shakes are starting to sound like a good idea. I thought about getting one of those big tubs of protien powder with the muscle guy on the front from GNC. I've been eating nothing but protien and large quantities of green vegetables for about a week now and I'm really missing chocolate. I eat lots of peanut butter to help with the chocolate cravings. Peanut butter can be just as good as chocolate sometimes. I haven't lost any weight yet but I feel a little better than I did before, probably more from the veggies than from the protien.


Active Member
Does exersize really work? Check this out.

It's a really long article in New York magazine arguing against exersize as a means to weight loss. According to them, exersize makes you hungrier and you eat more to compensate. Then if you stop exersizing you still want to eat as much as you used to.

Well...it sounds good in theory, but it doesn't match my observations. I always gain weight when I'm not exercising regularly and lose it again when I start back. One thing they don't take into account is that regular cardio increases your metabolism, so that a person who gets regular cardio exercise burns more calories even when they're just bumming around the house.

(Speaking of bums, last week I finally fit into last winter's work pants again. Woot!)


Deviled Hen
Protien shakes are starting to sound like a good idea. I thought about getting one of those big tubs of protien powder with the muscle guy on the front from GNC. I've been eating nothing but protien and large quantities of green vegetables for about a week now and I'm really missing chocolate. I eat lots of peanut butter to help with the chocolate cravings. Peanut butter can be just as good as chocolate sometimes. I haven't lost any weight yet but I feel a little better than I did before, probably more from the veggies than from the protien.

Get some protein powder and make it with chocolate soy or almond milk. That'll satisfy your chocolate cravings. :D

When I was making protein shakes for breakfast I would put in the protein powder, some chocolate almond milk, and a few frozen raspberries. Ah! Chocolate raspberry! Nectar of the Gods!


Deviled Hen
Well...it sounds good in theory, but it doesn't match my observations. I always gain weight when I'm not exercising regularly and lose it again when I start back. One thing they don't take into account is that regular cardio increases your metabolism, so that a person who gets regular cardio exercise burns more calories even when they're just bumming around the house.

Actually if you do weights you'll build muscle mass a lot faster, and it takes more calories to support muscle cells than fat cells, so that's where the change comes from.

Which doesn't mean cardio is unimportant. But daily weights for "toning" (NOT for making the muscles bigger) is a great exercise, even for people like me who are forbidden to do cardio.

I do my dumbells while I'm watching the news or a movie. A light "stroll" is about all the cardio I'm allowed right now, though hopefully that'll change in a year's time.

The last time I tried cardio I put on weight. My cortisol levels were very high, and that's what happens.

People forget one of the best ways to keep weight off is to get enough good quality sleep. We're a nation of partially sleep-deprived people. That raises your cortisol, and that gives you weight.

So if you're in the Eastern time zone in the U.S. -- get off the computer and get some sleep! :D


Active Member
Actually if you do weights you'll build muscle mass a lot faster, and it takes more calories to support muscle cells than fat cells, so that's where the change comes from.

Which doesn't mean cardio is unimportant. But daily weights for "toning" (NOT for making the muscles bigger) is a great exercise, even for people like me who are forbidden to do cardio.

I do my dumbells while I'm watching the news or a movie. A light "stroll" is about all the cardio I'm allowed right now, though hopefully that'll change in a year's time.

The last time I tried cardio I put on weight. My cortisol levels were very high, and that's what happens.

People forget one of the best ways to keep weight off is to get enough good quality sleep. We're a nation of partially sleep-deprived people. That raises your cortisol, and that gives you weight.

So if you're in the Eastern time zone in the U.S. -- get off the computer and get some sleep! :D

Ahh thanks, I didn't know about the weights. I really ought to do that kind of exercise more regularly. Cardio does keep my weight down, but can't hurt to do both. And yeah, I've been working on getting to bed earlier, I got 8 hours of sleep last night and the night before and it feels great. :)