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Weight Loss and Diet Support Group


Student Nurse
So far, my carbless diet isn't working. I started at 254lbs, dropped down to 247, and now I'm back up to 249 without cheating on my diet. I think most of my weight loss was just pooped out after eating so much fiber. I haven't tried the protien shakes yet, but most seem to be geared towards weight gain rather than weight loss. Another thing I haven't tried yet is excersizing, but why would I want to do something like that? :D Excersize is just tedious futile work that I don't get paid for, especially lifting weights and running a treadmill. If I had an opportunity to play sports that would be much better for me.

I'm working on a design for a special diet helmet. It's basically like a chastity belt for the mouth that will come with a key that I can give to my wife and I'll only be able to eat when she lets me.


Hey Kungfuzed...
Don't give up!

I've been down up down up for the past 3-4 months.
All kinds of set backs.
I would exercise and my lower back would hurt...
and I couldnt exercise again for a few days.
We got sick a couple of times...
I couldn't do proper food shopping...
so I ate junk. etc etc etc....
Parties in the summer....(temptation of the buffet)

But just last week I had a serious break through.
I have lost enough weight and built up enough stamina
that I can now exercise HARD on a daily basis...
and I LOVE IT!

I combine dance, (exercise)steps, spirituality,
powerful relevant music, symbolisms,
and even a model of who I am (becoming).
This is all about me dropping all the "weight" and "baggage" in my life...
embracing and working and stepping through and beyond my pain.

When I think I can't possibly work it out anymore...
I just take the center of that pain...
symbolic of all my pains and stomp them...
step it... cry it all out as one.
It's like I'm detoxifying...
years of stress and disapointments...
lesser choices and heavyness.
Working it all out!
I am only now becoming strong in my maturity!
In the uniqueness of myself.
And it feels soooo sooo good!

Also now I'm comfortable with my hunger(s)....
and the feeling of an empty stomach.
I settle into that emptyness now comfortably...
the groaning of my stomach...
for hours even...
is the groan of my becoming.
The groaning of my needing to let go.
It is the groan of my "fasting".
Holding "fast" to the inner vision of who I really am.
and how I want to embody that vision physically.

Everything in life is connected.
To "treat" weightloss as some clinical process (or "science")
makes it harder I think.
Create a TOTAL picture of who you want to be.
Then start going after it...
one step & one symbol at a time.


Well-Known Member
So far, my carbless diet isn't working. I started at 254lbs, dropped down to 247, and now I'm back up to 249 without cheating on my diet. I think most of my weight loss was just pooped out after eating so much fiber. I haven't tried the protien shakes yet, but most seem to be geared towards weight gain rather than weight loss. Another thing I haven't tried yet is excersizing, but why would I want to do something like that? :D Excersize is just tedious futile work that I don't get paid for, especially lifting weights and running a treadmill. If I had an opportunity to play sports that would be much better for me.

I'm working on a design for a special diet helmet. It's basically like a chastity belt for the mouth that will come with a key that I can give to my wife and I'll only be able to eat when she lets me.

Hate to be blunt, but if you don't want to exercize, then you obviously don't want to lose weight too badly. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is by changing to a healthy diet permenently (none of that gimmick "no carbs," etc. crap) and having an exercize routine (that is, regularly exercizing). You say playing sports is the way you'd prefer to exercize. Why not try to find a way to fit athletic activities into your schedule (to break up monotonous exercize like jogging), even if it's just, for example, playing a game of football with a few friends on a Saturday afternoon?


Student Nurse
Hate to be blunt, but if you don't want to exercize, then you obviously don't want to lose weight too badly. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is by changing to a healthy diet permenently (none of that gimmick "no carbs," etc. crap) and having an exercize routine (that is, regularly exercizing). You say playing sports is the way you'd prefer to exercize. Why not try to find a way to fit athletic activities into your schedule (to break up monotonous exercize like jogging), even if it's just, for example, playing a game of football with a few friends on a Saturday afternoon?
I believe I eat a healthy diet. I've almost completely eliminated sugar from my diet (just a little in my morning coffee sometimes to make it bearable), and I eat lots of green vegetables. What's missing is excersize.

There was one time a few years ago that I managed to loose weight. I ate less than 1000 calories a day and then burned at least 500 calories a day on the treadmill. I used to have an hour long lunch back then which gave me time to go exercise. I really dislike the treadmill. I feel like Conan the Barbarian pushing that mill around in circles. One problem is that I have a sedentary job. I sit at a desk all day as well as go to school and sit there all day too. Perhaps once I become a nurse I'll be on my feet alot more.

What would be really fun is to have one of those obstacle courses like on the new Ninja Warrior show. Those guys are awesome.


Just me
Premium Member
So far, my carbless diet isn't working. I started at 254lbs, dropped down to 247, and now I'm back up to 249 without cheating on my diet. I think most of my weight loss was just pooped out after eating so much fiber. I haven't tried the protien shakes yet, but most seem to be geared towards weight gain rather than weight loss. Another thing I haven't tried yet is excersizing, but why would I want to do something like that? :D Excersize is just tedious futile work that I don't get paid for, especially lifting weights and running a treadmill. If I had an opportunity to play sports that would be much better for me.
The protein shakes are for gain of muscle weight, and that's something you want. As the fat sheds it should be replaced with muscle, and protein builds muscle; but yeah, being more active is a part of the muscling-up plan, even if it's just walking. If you do want to try the shakes, just go for it.

My advice: don't worry about carbs, rather concentrate on eating whole foods. A shake with a handful of fruit for breakfast, lots of water during the day (8 cups at least), and a whole-food snack between breakfast and lunch (apple or something). Eat whole foods for lunch too (that is, foods that aren't processed before they are included in a recipe). Most chef-made meals use whole foods.

For instance soup is good, usually made with whole foods, but leave off the crackers (processed food). Whole gains, like barley in soup, are good (good=conducive to weight loss). Sandwich is not unhealthy but bread is a processed food, so having some other meal would be a better option for weight loss. Think of processed foods as "not conducive to weight loss," and then look for something whole to substitute. Make it not about quantity or calorie counting, but about quality.

Fibre very important. Don't worry about having too much. Don't worry about eating fats, either. If you're eating whole foods, the fat will take care of itself (except for meat, where you might want to make it a consideration).

Another shake with fruit for dinner. After-dinner snacking is the killer --I usually have something if I feel the need: a handful of nuts, a small carrot or a bite of lean meat. Just enough to send the message, "there, I've had something," to the brain. And a glass of water. I hate having water before bed, but so far waking up in the middle of the night to run to the bathroom hasn't been a problem. :rainbow1:

One thing more to advise: keep telling yourself that after your diet you can eat all the things you missed during it; but in fact if you do this right the cravings for other things will eventually fade and you'll be eating well for the rest of your life. Eventually, it'll be "after I'm dead I can eat all those things I missed."


A Coco-Nut
I never even ate the usual sugary American diet, but was astounded to find out how much sugar I was still eating. And you're so right -- even before I *really* cut out sugar I was unable to eat things like Prego spaghetti sauce. It tastes like a tomato Hershey bar! blech!

It only takes a couple of months for the taste buds to change. So for anyone making a change, hang in there.

I also cut out the "white foods": white sugar, white rice, white flour, and white potatoes. Wow -- what a difference that made.

I really hate white rice now. It tastes like so much lumpy wallpaper paste compared to the "real" thing. And I never imagined that sweet potatoes are a lower GI food than Irish potatoes. I always like sweet potatoes better anyway. Irish potatoes are, well...boring.

Check out the GI index of foods. High GI foods often have more to do with putting on weight than fat does.

And eat your non-starchy veggies. LOTS of veggies! :)

A regular feature article in our local paper comes from "Dr. Gott". He answers letters about health issues much like Dear Abby does on life issues. He often recommends his simple, yet effective "no flour/no sugar" diet. Your post reflects the same thing. Nothing fancy, just cut out those "white" foods. And yes, you might be amazed at the number of unhealthy foods that contain them!

Nessa Nenharma

Goddess of my Domain
I know there hasn't been any new posts here in almost 6 months, but I am trying a new "way of eating" that I have enjoyed and thought it would be nice to post it here. I haven't been on it long enough to lose any weight, but I do find myself leaving food on plate where I never would have before :) ( and that is always a plus for me). I don't count calories and I eat what I want to eat when I am hungry. I use Paul McKenna's technique "I can make you thin". His web site is Paul McKenna Paul McKenna Official US Site <<I hope I did that right :shrug:.

Just thought for anyone that might be in need to try something new, he seems to know what he is talking about. The site has testimonials and a forum where people who are trying out, or lost weight using his technique can ask questions and/or answer them. He also shows you all his techniques on the website, so there is no need to buy from him unless you would like his CD's. (I don't think it is available in the US in stores, so you would have to either buy from his site or Amazon UK)




Well-Known Member
I know there hasn't been any new posts here in almost 6 months, but I am trying a new "way of eating" that I have enjoyed and thought it would be nice to post it here. I haven't been on it long enough to lose any weight, but I do find myself leaving food on plate where I never would have before :) ( and that is always a plus for me). I don't count calories and I eat what I want to eat when I am hungry. I use Paul McKenna's technique "I can make you thin". His web site is Paul McKenna Paul McKenna Official US Site <<I hope I did that right :shrug:.

Just thought for anyone that might be in need to try something new, he seems to know what he is talking about. The site has testimonials and a forum where people who are trying out, or lost weight using his technique can ask questions and/or answer them. He also shows you all his techniques on the website, so there is no need to buy from him unless you would like his CD's. (I don't think it is available in the US in stores, so you would have to either buy from his site or Amazon UK)



I've been doing that for a few years now. Back in 2002 I lost about twenty pounds and since then my body has been taking in food differently and I can't eat as much generally as I used to. It has helped a lot. Even in restaurants I find myself not finishing meals and get it to take home. :) It makes you feel better about yourself too I think.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
I have a question...

Is it normal for my stomach to be getting these weird pangs of pain that last about 1-2 minutes as I've started eating REALLY healthy? They come, agonize me for about a minute then go. And they'll do that for a few hours a day. I stopped eating junk food cold turkey and started eating only veggies, fruits, chicken..and drinking only water. So just like if you went from healthy to junky, maybe going from junky to healthy also makes your body go "Uh..what is up with this?" It's like my stomach is cramping or something...it's really painful!
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stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
I think. I am going...to die! The lady on the DVD said I just completed a GREAT calorie-burning exercise, but I dunnooooo. Sure feels like torture to meeee. :D

Does it make any sense that I feel like working out is getting harder? Like when I first started it was tough but tolerable. Now it just sucks. I'm thinking my waning determination has something to do with it. I will without a doubt keep going. I exercise every night whether I effing like it or not! But I think it's my mind that's make it more complicated now..........

How is everyone else doing?
finding a system you can live with is the key. It has to be something you can do and are willing to keep doing, not something that feels like a big imposition on your life.

I'm thinking of getting on the wagon again.

I know what works for me...if I work at it.

depression got in the way for me...I said, what's it all matter...and so it didn't


New Member
This message is for everyone who wants to reduce weight.
Take cabbage regularly in your diet and if possible by 20 to 25% of your Lunch or dinner food.
Cabbage is rich with all the required nutrition and fills more space in your belly giving less place for your regular food.
By this your weight will be reduced considerably.


Liebe ist für alle da
I'm here to join you all. I need to lose weight and all(come on you've all seen me ^_^ )
But really, I'm no tin the best of health, it seem my down fall it junk food(any kind).
I've been workout at lot more, Man's Health has been a good help with the info they have in there, and I'm sure Woman's Health also has good info in there for are ladies here.
I plain on being in better shape by the time I go to visit friends in Texas with my sister for her birthday(about 6 months).


Mother Heathen
Count me in. I'd like to have another baby within the next year and half (ish) and so, I need to focus my efforts on getting healthy and smaller.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Baby steps..and easy as you go..

Here is an awesome tip..try and be mindful for one..to tighten your ab muscles for just 30 seconds..twice an hour..you can do this sitting down ..walking to the door..standing in line somewhere ..lying in bed even..contract your ab muscles for 30 seconds 2 times an hour and you have in a day given yoru self about 15 minutes of ab workout a day without having to lay down on the floor and sweat..if you cant do it for 30 seconds do it for 15 seconds..Just keep doing it..

You will feel it burning so you know its working..




Wonder Woman
Okay, it seems I started this thread just months before getting pregnant again with my daughter and, as some may know, that pregnancy wasn't kind to me either and landed me on bedrest for a while too. Needless to say, I didn't quite lose the weight I wanted to, and in fact, gained more. I must also admit my first attempt back them was half-hearted at best. So, now I'm serious. No real response to this post is expected from anyone. I just wanted to write this out here and put it somewhere permanent so I can go back to it if I feel I need to.

I started a diet and exercise regimen of my own design 3 weeks ago today. I have lost 8lbs so far and hope to continue that kind of loss for quite a while.

I invested in a couple notebooks. One spiral bound and one composition. In the spiral bound I am tracking absolutely everything I eat and total caloric intake and also any and all exercise that day. The composition book is what I consider my "weight loss journal". This is where I write out my highs and lows, my thoughts and ideas, and keep track of my weight and measurements as I go.

I have not had any coffee, soda, candy, sweets, or alcohol since I started. I plan out my meals like having a budget. I consider calories a "cost". If I want to have a particular snack like a yogurt or crackers or fruit, I just check my little book and see what I can "afford".

My energy is up, as well as my stamina. I'm already starting to lose inches. I'm feeling good and that's exactly what I need to keep this up.


Wonder Woman
9 1/2 weeks into my diet and I've now lost 20 lbs. Approximately 2lbs/week. Made allowance for coffee. Not many calories in it anyway and I kind of missed the caffeine every once and a while. :p Still no soda or alcohol so far though I did make exception for sweets on my son's birthday. Wasn't going to pass up the cupcakes. :p Have my daughter's birthday at end of this month and will be hitting up the cuppy cakes then too. I'm doing well and can afford it and deserve little rewards. ;)


Well-Known Member
Well done on the 20lbs! Are you feeling the difference in the way you move?

I am going to start a diet, or rather stop eating anything that is "bad" tomorrow. Your thread encourages me :)