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Were there other people beside Adam?


Active Member
Adam (Constallation Bootes) has many other people(stars) beside him including Eve(virgo) and Taurus(cherubim)

Garden of Edan is a place in the Sky
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Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
JEREMY ~ According to the biblical story Adam and Eve were the first people to sin and therefore they died because of that sin. But you say the Neanderthals sinned over 100,000 years before Adan/Eve sinned and the Neanderthals all died off. How could Adan/Eve be the first sinners if the Neanderthals sined so many years before them? Arlan

The first chapter says that God made man and woman on the sixth day. The second chapter says Adam and Eve were created first. Obviously, the story of Adam and Eve is allegorical.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member

Genesis 4:25 seemed to indicate that they didn't have another son until Seth was born. For Eve said "hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew". And Adam (and Eve) was 130 at that time.

Genesis 5:3 indicated that there were other children, both sons and daughters.

The way it has been worded, I have interpreted that that there were no sons between Abel and Seth, until after Seth's birth. There might be daughters between Cain and Seth, and afterward.
I'll accept that. Cain would have then encountered offspring of the sons and daughters born afterwards. due to the lifespans of that era this is entirely concievable.


The Lost One
arlanbb said:
According to the biblical story Adam and Eve were the first people to sin and therefore they died because of that sin. But you say the Neanderthals sinned over 100,000 years before Adan/Eve sinned and the Neanderthals all died off. How could Adan/Eve be the first sinners if the Neanderthals sined so many years before them? Arlan

Even modern human lived long before Adam and Eve.

christineES said:
Arlanbb- How do you know that Adam and Eve were not Neanderthals?

Well, the Neanderthals died out 45000 years in Asia before Adam had existed. The Neanderthals survived a bit longer in Europe, but still died out long before the supposed Creation.


The Lost One
It really depends on how you calculate the biblical events.

The Young Earth Creationists, like FFH, say that the earth was created 13,000 years ago.

The Wikipedia gives us a little over 6000 years, meaning around about 4000 BCE.

The Jewish calendar make it precisely 5768 Jewish Era (JE), which I have been using.

I would say 5900 years give or take 100 years, though that make no difference, considering the earth is 4.7 billion years old, the dinosaurs died out at the end of Cretaceous period, 65 million year ago, and that there are evidences of modern human (homo sapiens sapiens) have existed at least 130,000 years ago, but can even be dated as far back as 200,000 years ago, the biblical theory barely scratches the surface of time.

Do I think the earth was created 6000 years ago? No.

Do I think there was earth was covered in water, including the highest mountains? No.

There are geological evidences that the earth is far older than what the bible say. There are fossil evidences of animals and humans that are older than the age of earth according the bible.

The Bible's Genesis is a myth, no different from other older myths. The records from Old Babylonian period, the Akkadian period and the Sumerian period, showed that the Bible is based on these myths.

But as I had pointed out to Jayhawker, this is not a topic about evolution or the age of the earth. It is about who were these people Cain was afraid? And if there were other people other than Adam and his family, who were they?
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Active Member
It really depends on how you calculate the biblical events.

The Young Earth Creationists, like FFH, say that the earth was created 13,000 years ago.

The Wikipedia gives us a little over 6000 years, meaning around about 4000 BCE.

The Jewish calendar make it precisely 5768 Jewish Era (JE), which I have been using.

I would say 5900 years give or take 100 years, though that make no difference, considering the earth is 4.7 billion years old, the dinosaurs died out at the end of Cretaceous period, 65 million year ago, and that there are evidences of modern human (homo sapiens sapiens) have existed at least 130,000 years ago, but can even be dated as far back as 200,000 years ago, the biblical theory barely scratches the surface of time.

Do I think the earth was created 6000 years ago? No.

Do I think there was earth was covered in water, including the highest mountains? No.

There are geological evidences that the earth is far older than what the bible say. There are fossil evidences of animals and humans that are older than the age of earth according the bible.

The Bible's Genesis is a myth, no different from other older myths. The records from Old Babylonian period, the Akkadian period and the Sumerian period, showed that the Bible is based on these myths.

But as I had pointed out to Jayhawker, this is not a topic about evolution or the age of the earth. It is about who were these people Cain was afraid? And if there were other people other than Adam and his family, who were they?

The Earth being 6000 years Old, is untrue, 6000 years ago is the age of Gemini.
Its 100% pure sun worship


I've heard it said that Cain feared the other children of Adam and/or Seth who hadn't been born yet. When I was younger, I remember thinking they were just some other primitive people, and Adam being the start of the people who would become the Israelites.


The Lost One
lucian said:
I've heard it said that Cain feared the other children of Adam and/or Seth who hadn't been born yet. When I was younger, I remember thinking they were just some other primitive people, and Adam being the start of the people who would become the Israelites.

Unless the others were children of Abel. That's another possibility.

Abel was possibly a father. They would be the most likely candidates for avenging Abel, by killing their uncle.

But this is speculation. No sources, from either canonical or non-canonical, have ever mention Abel had children.

There is a story that Abel had a twin sister who was or was to be his wife, but Cain was jealous, and that was another motive for Cain to murder his brother.

(See Legends of the Jews (also known as Haggada), volume 1, chapter 3, under the section FRATRICIDE.)


Jesus in me

13 Cain said to the LORD, "My punishment is more than I can bear. 14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me." 15 But the LORD said to him, "Not so ; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over." Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. 16 So Cain went out from the LORD's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

Adam and Eve had not had any other children at this point, therefore, God create other humans as well as Adam and Eve. This is my one reasoning's for evolution according to the Bible.

There is no indication that Adam and Eve were the first people ever created and there is certainly no indication that God evolved man from a lower primate.


Jesus in me
In the Genesis, we have indication that Adam and Eve were the first human beings (Genesis 2). Genesis 1 said that God created man and woman in his image (or their images, since it used plural as in "we" and "our").

In Genesis 4, we have the story of Cain and Abel. Cain was punished with a curse, for murdering his brother.

The "every one" implied that there were other people other than Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel, who could possibly exact revenge upon Cain.

Adam and Eve did have other children, other than Cain and Abel:

However, back in Genesis 4, which speak of the birth of Seth:

However, Seth wasn't born until he was 130 years old (Genesis 5:3) and if Seth was born to replace Abel, then there were no other children until after Seth's birth...or at least "no other son", until after Seth's birth.

Cain was left to wander, where place he is unable to grow food. He headed to the land of Nod, east of Eden.

Could Nod be Central Asia?

In many places in Central Asia, like Afghanistan, the lands are quite inhospitable. Soil are thin, and agriculture is not easy.

Who did he marry? Sister? Or some woman who don't belong to Adam's line?

And he was said to have build a city called Enoch, named after his son. Perhaps the first city ever built. If he was only one in the Land of Nod, with only just wife and son, how could he possibly build a city without more people?

Do you think there were already people other than Adam and his descendants (from Cain and Seth)?

It is my opinion that Enoch was in the Indus valley which is in Pakistan. I believe the mark of Cain is the Brahman mark that is used to distinguish Canaanites from the native population. The reason is obvious. Intermarriage with people who don't have eternal life means that the children wouldn't have eternal life. Although Cain still had the physical quality of eternal life, the knowledge of evil would eventually take its toll and Cain would die.

Yes. I believe that God has done this many times. In order to move man from the temporal to the eternal it takes an act of creation. I don't believe that Adam and Eve were the only ones to go through this only that they were the ones to return man to temporal life by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Incidently Christians believe that God will do this act of creation again and return man to a period of eternal life again. An Ancillary to that is that God also removes the knowledge of evil. This means that Earth becomes like Heaven with the difference that earthly life is physical and Heavenly life is not. As may have been the case in the past it appears that a remnant of temporal people may survive the fire and exist outside the environs of the eternal people.


Active Member
Genesis 1 said that God created man and woman in his image (or their images, since it used plural as in "we" and "our").

Everyone knows that the Offsprings bears resemblance to there Parents.
God Creates man in Our Image. think about.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
There is no indication that Adam and Eve were the first people ever created and there is certainly no indication that God evolved man from a lower primate.

I'll give you a clue. A day is like a 1000 years and a 1000 years is like a day.


The Lost One
Jeremy Mason said:
I'll give you a clue. A day is like a 1000 years and a 1000 years is like a day.

Are you a YEC too?

Genesis 1 says 1 morning and 1 evening, 1st day. 1 morning and 1 evening, a 2nd day, etc, right up to the 6th day.

Genesis 1:5 said:
And there was evening and there was morning, a first day.

And in that same verse, it is explain after light from darkness, God called light Day and darkness Night.

The same passage from the 1st day, is repeated 2nd day (Genesis 1:8), 3rd day (1:13), 4th day (1:19), 5th day (1:23) and 6th day (1:31).

How does 1 day becomes a thousand-year?
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The Lost One
Jeremy Mason said:
What do this stand for? Something-Evolution-Christian????
Young Earth Creationists.

If you're asking this sort of question, you're obviously not a YEC.

FFH believed that the earth is 13000 years old and that a single day equals a thousand year, during the 6-day creation.
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Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Young Earth Creationists.

If you're asking this sort of question, you're obviously not a YEC.

FFH believed that the earth is 13000 years old and that a single day equals a thousand year, during the 6-day creation.

Interesting, I'm a Christian who believes in evolution. Kinda hard to dismiss dinosaurs and geology. I do beleive God was/is the mastermind of the universe. Six days seems contrary to God's time scale as portrayed in the Bible. 70+ years turned into 490+ years.