Because in light of this.........................
It seems to me that western cultures are in fact the pioneers and defenders of things like humanism, human rights, etc, which would sit at the very heart of such moral philosophy.
On the other hand, it seems to be also the case that in cultures where importance of theology (=religiosity) is much higher, to the point of it even being intertwined with the authorities to the point of it being nothing short of theocracy, such humanism and moral philosophy is very much absent. To the point even where human rights are not just trampled, but even flat out rejected.
So how does such fit in your view of western cultures being far to much entrenched in "methodological naturalism"?
Something doesn't seem to add up here. Accepting that entrenchement at face value... doesn't it seem to lead to a morally superior society?
I am off course assuming that you agree that a culture that establishes, implements and defends things like human rights, is in fact morally superior to cultures that don't.
You seem to assume that 'moral philosophy' refers to a single philosophy. I don't know how educated you are on this subject but there are many moral philosophies, your Western one is just one of many. One facet of Western philosophy is that it believes it holds the keys to moral progress (Progressivism) and ties this to scientific 'advancement' (whatever this means) and believes that scientific advancement is in itself a moral good. It believes that we are on a mostly linear path from barbarism to civilisation. This is a product of the Enlightenment, which gave rise to such ideas as 'the Dark Ages' and the horribly backwards Middle Ages and leading forwards to an era of, well, Enlightenment. If at least some of this sounds familiar, congrats, you're a standard Westerner. You have taken in a largely Christian worldview mixed with some Mediaeval and Enlightenment philosophies, overlayed with a 19th. c. view of science = moral good.
I hope that makes sense.
It was the Victorians who really pushed scientific materialism and you thus exist in a Victorian tradition as do most Westerners.
None of this is a bad thing, but it is a series of philosophies from various eras which has given rise to both of us (I'm British) and we both cannot but help existing in this sphere. But because we exist in this sphere, and because of our training, we have been led to believe (because of Moral Progress) that things march on and become better, if only we keep up with scientific, medical and political Progress, and that this is somehow inherent in society and human belief.
The problem is that it's not, this is a Godless tradition based on Christian ideas of the coming eschaton where is the ultimate Paradise if only we do and believe the right things (here I suspect is your disagreement, but don't bother else
@Augustus will get on to you
I do not have such a worldview.
Nor do most people on the earth, nor are most people materialists in the sense of physicalism. Most cultures have ancestor worship, for instance, and believe their dead relatives can guide them. This is such a common belief it outweighs or co-exists with Christianity in many cultures. Many also practice some kind of magic/witchcraft and so on, or engage in cannibalism, etc. Alongside this, many cultures don't care for technological progress as much as we do and certainly don't see it as a moral good. Orthodox Jews, for instance, are strongly advised not to own TVs or smartphones. Many Pagans, like me, see technological progress as destructive and more harmful than helpful. Then there are those who want to practice different kinds of medicine, or may be averse to Western 'pill-culture' and so on.
What I'm describing are various non-Western medical, moral, technological and so-on philosophies, and that's without mentioning the cultures which still have slaves (the majority), unequal rights, animal abuse, etc. and see absolutely nothing wrong with these things. They do not believe in Western 'Moral Progress'. To many people, life if suffering and no amount of forward march will change that (Tragic View, pre-Christian). They believe Western society is naïve, stupid, and over-indulgent.
It may seem like your Western view is the best, more humanitarian, but the problem is you're largely yelling into a void, or preaching to the choir. Either other people don't care or they already agree with you.
In short, your idea that humans don't need ethical training is wrong. We all have some, regardless of whether you believe they're ethically good or not (as with the cannibalism). You've taken this to such a degree that you believe it is innate in humans to want to stop suffering, be humanistic and insist on equality for everyone, but historically that has not been the case.
What is even weirder, tho, is that philosophical naturalism, materialism, physicalism, exist on the polar opposite side to these beliefs. This is where Nietzsche was coming from. There is a highly uneasy balance between the two, because if materialism is true then none of your Western Progress is meaningful at all, because we're just fleshsuits in an uncaring universe. This should, if anything, lead to the Tragic View.
The Second World War basically forced us to evaluate this and we came out believing that what Nazi Germany did was so bad we should never let it happen again, without ever really quite explaining why (because to many it seemed so obvious). So now our whole view is based on a post-WWII consensus of 'not that again'.
The problem is the rest of the world (See: Putin, Xi Jinping, pretty much every Arab leader) disagrees.