Baha'is also say that some of the teachings in the other religions are wrong. And yes other Faiths do read from other Scriptures. Christians read from the Hebrew Bible and they reinterpret it to mean what they want it to mean. And they disregard all other books the Jews believe in. But, just like Baha'is probably don't read a book from Scientology, Christians don't read the books of religions they believe to be false. But it is easy to read from the parts of the books from the past religions, the parts you like, and say you believe in those words. But, then like the Christians, Baha'i reinterpret the meaning of those Scriptures to mean what Baha'is want them to mean.
And I'm perfectly fine with doing that, if I were a Baha'i. Because I would have the belief that my religion, the Baha'i Faith, is telling me the truth about the true meaning from the Scriptures of those other Holy books. But, if I wasn't a Baha'i, I wouldn't want them telling me how to interpret verses in my own religion's Scriptures. And, because Baha'i do that, it would be difficult for me to "consort" with them with amity. Knowing they really don't believe what I believe about my own religion. And knowing the many Baha'is, maybe not you, will try and show me how I'm wrong and how the Baha'i Faith is right. Like, let's say a Hindu that believes in reincarnation. You're telling me the Baha'i would never challenge that belief and try and "correct" that belief with what the Baha'i writing say?
The problem I believe is when you say ‘my own religion’. I believe No religion belongs to or is ‘ owned by any one group’. No one group it is my belief has a monopoly or trademark on any Prophet or Holy Book or more importantly on it’s meaning and interpretation.
All the Prophets and Holy Books I believe were sent by God for all humanity. So we all have the God given right to hold a viewpoint or interpretation of any Holy Book as it belongs to us humanity.