Shi'ah Ali
Great post.
Especially that last paragraph. I've had a co worker say some thinking derogatory about Muslims, not knowing I am one.
Funny really.
Especially that last paragraph. I've had a co worker say some thinking derogatory about Muslims, not knowing I am one.
Funny really.
I really don't know how do Muslims in the West behave but speaking for myself living in the middle east, we are just normal people. An American Muslim is just another American. A Brazilian Muslim is just ... another Brazilian. I really don't like it when people think we came from a different planet and that we are weird.
We love and value:
- Honor
- Freedom
- Arts
- Knowledge
- Friendship
- Logic
- Compassion
I think it's not fair to judge Islam by the circumstances of the Muslims of today. If you look back in the past you will see that Muslims were the enlightened of that day while Europe was still in it's dark age. Life goes on and everything changed, and we are back to square one, but Muslims want to get up again and contribute to the world as they were doing in the past. Currently we have many political challenges with dictators running the show and using religion for their own means, but everything is changing and Muslims are wiser now. extremism shocked us Muslims as it shocked the rest of the world. It's scary but again, they are a very small percentage compared to more than 1 billion Muslims around the world. They are less than 1% of Muslims.
I think the one who find it really challenging is not me, the one living in the middle east, but it's more difficult for those living for example in America. They see hate and suspicion in people's eyes no matter what they do so they either isolate themselves in small communities to make their life easier, or they hate others back, or fight back peacefully in patience the misconceptions around them and don't stop mixing with non-Muslims despite how they view them. Most of people just want to go to their work everyday, go back home and watch their favorite show, visit friends, etc.
What you see as alien is not something related to Islam, but something related to culture. Some Muslims mix Islam with culture, that's true, but many others don't. I'm sure that there are ALOT of Muslims whom you didn't caught by your radar simply because they talk the way you do, wear the way you do, work the way you do, think the way you do, so they go unnoticed, and you will only recognize as Muslims those who like to be vocal about it or those who wear in a special way. So you will all miss a great deal of what is a Muslim like because you are looking and noticing those who don't look like you. you are not looking to the Muslim working next to your desk, you are looking down out of your window to the one who *look* like a Muslim in your perception. Think about it.