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What Are You Like In Person?


Well-Known Member
......and to those who question the SoulTYPE, I will continue to float throughout the plains that are these boards, twirling my big sickle, regardless of who likes it or not.


Like Runt, I am much better expressing myself in writing than in speaking. Never been a big talker. In real life, I am kinda shy and quiet around people, until I know them better. When I feel comfortable with someone, I am goofy, a bit dramatic, and just all-around crazyish. :p Being an introvert, I bounce best off of extroverts.

I like what you brought up about how we 'talk' here on the forum, Lightkeeper. I am constantly impressed by the level of intelligence and eloquence of people on here! It's so refreshing, and I love it. I love language and words, and to see them used properly, and with flare and elegance, just makes me feel right at home. I especially like it when people use not-so-common words--words that you don't often use when speaking. I am one of those strange people that actually uses some of those big words when speaking, and others give me blank stares, and go, Huh? :D


Well-Known Member
Watcher said:
I think on forums I tend to let the real me come through more then in person. I find it so hard to find someone intelligent to carry on a conversation with. Their are few people that I can sit down with and have an intellectual conversation with. On forums though, all you are is a display name with an avatar. They can't see how old you are, or what you look like, all you can do is speculate. Talking in forums does remind me of the people I meet when I go scuba diving. They don't see you as a teenager, they see you as another diver, an equal. In person though, my sense of humor is either sarcastic, quick wit, or intellectual funny.
I agree with you. Nobody sees us here so there are no distractions, we are accepted for our brains. It IS very difficult to find people who want to have an intellectual conversation and I think that's why a forum like this is so popular. It allows us to explore our depth, which is where our true selves are.


Well-Known Member
Lightkeeper said:
It IS very difficult to find people who want to have an intellectual conversation and I think that's why a forum like this is so popular. It allows us to explore our depth, which is where our true selves are.
Let me lead the way to a forum of high intelligence...full of intellectual conversation..


Veteran Member
Runt said:
This is probably because I am far better at expressing myself through writing than I am through the spoken word,

I read your story "venture into the narrows" tonight. I really liked it. What I liked most was the character development/relationship of Djayha and Arden. I like the imagery of the tunnels and the vivid discription of their near drowings. I read the story in the computer room in the dark and the imagry of the forest seemed sorta real for a bit. I really really enjoyed it espcially the fruit part....will read the others on differnt days but thank you for sharing it. You have a great way of bringing imagry to life through your words.


Veteran Member
I read what people said they are like in real life and it really close to what I see them as in the forums.

For me real laid back. I debate a lot in person because of the enviroment that I live in and found that I learn a lot this way. The experience makes it really comfortable for me.

Outside of the internet I am an avid reader and have a personal library of about 300 or so books..90 % of which are non fiction. A lot of books on religion...i find relgious theory and history facsinating.

I have three hobbies martial arts writing prose and poetry and photography. I listed them because they are all hobbies you mostly do by yourself but still feel kinda extroverted in as far as I am a people person and like to have company during much of the day.

Here is my yahoo handle...with a pic...The pic is about one year old


Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
In our family it was always the quick and the dead, so you had to learn to be quick.I have a tendency to be sarcastic with people, but I also do it in a deadpan fashion, so if you don't know me you probably don't realise I'm having a go.I'm also rather opinionated (who'd have guessed?)
I like forums, but this is only the second one I've come across where you can actually have a reasonable conversation (probably haven't looked hard enough).There used to be a current affairs one at ninemsn that I frequented, but after 9/11 it just got too nasty so they closed it. Actually, I was online while the whole thing was going on and watching it on TV at the same time, and the uglyness started before the second plane hit.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people have mentioned sarcasm, so I feel I need to fess up. I can be bitingly sarcastic--its gotten me in trouble more often than not. Actually, that used to be one of my biggest challenges--to think about what people say and seriously consider them instead of just massacring them with words. I'm much, much better than I used to be though, so thats good.

Oh, and Spinkles isn't lying about his impressions--he really is a master. When he gets going he's like a little toy, "Hey, do this one!....Sweet! Ok, now this one!", and so one. It's great for parties. ;)


Vile Stove-Toucher
lady_lazarus said:
In our family it was always the quick and the dead, so you had to learn to be quick.I have a tendency to be sarcastic with people, but I also do it in a deadpan fashion, so if you don't know me you probably don't realise I'm having a go.I'm also rather opinionated (who'd have guessed?)
I like forums, but this is only the second one I've come across where you can actually have a reasonable conversation (probably haven't looked hard enough).There used to be a current affairs one at ninemsn that I frequented, but after 9/11 it just got too nasty so they closed it. Actually, I was online while the whole thing was going on and watching it on TV at the same time, and the uglyness started before the second plane hit.
You also turn into Jimeon when you're online...the queen of one-liners that makes others spray the pooter screen with whatever they happen to be drinking at the time. :D


Vile Stove-Toucher
The me you see on here, you probably wouldn't see in person. Well, unless I know you fairly well and I'm comfortable...that, or I've had a few bevvies of the alcoholic variety lol. So, I quite often come across as shy or cold to begin with...hence, not many friends in the real world. I'm also very sarcastic in person. Very. It's been said that sarcasm is the lowest form of humour...and it's also my favourite. :p Here's an example of how I come across to people who don't know me...
At my grandfather's wake, my mum's cousin (who hadn't seen me in well over 10 years), made a comment that I was the only one in the family (out of me and my siblings and cousins), who had grown up "a lady". Later on in the night, after I'd hit the vodka and started to speak my mind, she changed her opinion. :162:


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking, I curse a lot more in person. I mean, I'm not crude about it or anything, but sometimes I have to make a real conscious effort on the forums to keep it G-rated.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Bastet said:
The me you see on here, you probably wouldn't see in person. Well, unless I know you fairly well and I'm comfortable...that, or I've had a few bevvies of the alcoholic variety lol. So, I quite often come across as shy or cold to begin with...hence, not many friends in the real world. I'm also very sarcastic in person. Very. It's been said that sarcasm is the lowest form of humour...and it's also my favourite. :p Here's an example of how I come across to people who don't know me...
At my grandfather's wake, my mum's cousin (who hadn't seen me in well over 10 years), made a comment that I was the only one in the family (out of me and my siblings and cousins), who had grown up "a lady". Later on in the night, after I'd hit the vodka and started to speak my mind, she changed her opinion. :162:
Hardly an achievement when you consider that out of the cousins and siblings that have grown up you and I are the only females. I see she invested her usual amount of thought before she opened her mouth and began to dribble.


Vile Stove-Toucher
lady_lazarus said:
Hardly an achievement when you consider that out of the cousins and siblings that have grown up you and I are the only females. I see she invested her usual amount of thought before she opened her mouth and began to dribble.
I didn't think it was an achievement when she said it...I just wondered what the hell she was on lol.


Vile Stove-Toucher
Ceridwen018 said:
I was just thinking, I curse a lot more in person. I mean, I'm not crude about it or anything, but sometimes I have to make a real conscious effort on the forums to keep it G-rated.
LOL...know that feeling...


Returning Noob
I am more dirty minded and joke a lot offline. I love having a sense of humor. It is hard though because I am a pervert offline. (giggles)

I do post differently here than I talk because I have all my college courses online and here and in school I am with mature, intelligent, friendly, caring, supportive friends.

I also do my best to be as honest online as I am offline. I feel I have nothing to hide.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I'm normally pretty quiet in person. I like to keep to myself and prefer a quiet corner and a book to social gatherings. I like to observe what's going on around me, and usually don't comment on what I think unless asked. I generally like my surroundings clean and organized and can get very testy if they're not. But basically I'm pretty laid back and easy to get along with... really. :)