The quote states that the God's circumference is endless, not infinite.
No, there is no absolute center to the Universe; the Absolute.
The center is everywhere not because of the circumference, but because consciousness is omnipresent. You are a center of consciousness; I am; and all points are, all of which expanded from a single point, the singularity.
Edit: The original quote comes from the philosopher Voltaire, which reads:
“God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.”
..but it seems others have variations of it as well:
Hermes Trismegistus, “thrice-great Hermes” “God is an infinite sphere, the center of which is everywhere, the circumference nowhere.” Book of the 24 Philosophers.
(The source I originally took it from stated that the circumference is endless.)
Giordano Bruno... searched for the words that would explain Copernican space to mankind, and on one famous page he wrote: “We can state with certainty that the universe is all center, or that the center of the universe is everywhere and the circumference nowhere” ( De la causa, principio e uno, V)
Timaeus of Locris describes [God] under the image of “
A circle whose centre is everywhere and circumference nowhere.” Plato adopted this emblem, and Pascal inserted it among his materials for future use, which he entitled his “Thoughts.”
Timaeus of Locris (circa 400 B.C.)
as quoted by
Voltaire (21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778)
from Voltaire’s
Philosophical Dictionary
A similar quote is even attributed to St. Augustine. Some attribute the original quote to Empedocles, Greek, 5th cent.
Helena Blavatsky:
“Man is the microcosm of the macrocosm; the god on earth is built on the pattern of the god in nature. But the universal consciousness of the real Ego transcends a millionfold the self-consciousness of the personal or false Ego.”
The zero point condition is the centre out of which a higher dimensional
holographic physics produces the manifestations of life. Modern scientists regard all of the causes of life phenomena as resulting from random and fortuitous concurrence of matter and energy. They never entertain the possibility that life is the product of higher intelligences informing material creation within-without through zero point dynamics.
... space-time is created by being squeezed out of a point. ... a space-time structure (is created) out of a single point! With this interpretation of space-time, certain paradoxes of nonlocality which require super-luminal speeds are no longer paradoxes.
The reason is that everything is always connected because everything is really part of the same point. ...