You seem to be open to the idea of new knowledge of 'other' worlds out there, but are you open to another pathway to knowledge other than your current paradigm of Logic, Reason, and Analysis? Surely just the discovery of Quantum Mechanics is enough to demonstrate to you the inability of classical Logic and Science to address this new way of looking at Reality. From my point of view, your initial protest to the statement in question is triggered by your ingrained paradigm. The statement obviously does not conform to standard rational thought. As I stated, it is more of a mystical statement than one coming from Logic. This is a problem of consciousness; the statement is all about consciousness, and by that I mean an awakened, unconditioned consciousness. Conditioned states of consciousness, such as those brought about via Reason, Logic, and Analysis, are all focused on 'figuring things out', whereas awakened consciousness is focused on seeing into the nature of things as they are. Awakened consciousness is what is needed to see the veracity of the statement in question.
Let us use the word 'Absolute' instead of 'God', here, and think of The Absolute as The Universe itself, and you already know that what I mean by 'universe' is Everything that is a totality. That is none other than The Absolute, as there can be no 'other' to which it can be relatively compared.