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What came before the Big Bang?


Thou art That
Are you expecting to keep your memories?...or lose yourself to oblivion?

"I" itself is a collection of memories from the dead past. That is why "I" is a has-been, a corpse dragged around by the ego, always looking for someone to stroke it, to adulate it, to gratify it, to perpetuate itself into an afterlife so that it can go on and on and on in perpetuity ad nauseum. This is why Yeshu said: 'Before Abraham was, I Am', which you still fail to understand. Yeshu is saying he is not an artifact from the dead past as Abraham is, but a living presence alive in the here and now. But Christian orthodoxy clings to the traces of his having been here, rather than to go inside to experience the same essence as he that is 'I Am', the living; the real, which has no memory; no history, no trace.

Only memories can be subjected to oblivion. That which has no memory; no attachment to the dead past; to the dust, to suffering, is free.

mud is cool.

Thanks, mud.
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Just old
Premium Member
hey Thief,
Everyone and everything will eventually return to the oblivion of the cosmos.
Memories are not ours to keep, after death bestows us to visit it,
the memories belong to all the other's thoughts.
To keep if they want, and forget if they wish.
Once death comes, cognizance exits.
Tomorrow will be no more, and "now" will be gone also.
Yesterdays, as I said, will be someone else's memory.
The choice won't be mine to make. ;)


Bible Believer
Death cannot be destroyed because it is an illusion. God is not destroying death, he is destroying the illusion. Destroying the illusion is to realize that you are already in Paradise, that you were never born, and that you never died.

Dear godnotgod, God tells us that the last enemy to be destroyed is death. 1Co 15:26 Do you believe that you know more than God?

'In a single blow, I have crushed the cave of phantoms'
Zen source

Yeshu told you that you are in Paradise already:
'The kingdom of God is within you'.

The more you oppose evil, the stronger evil will become. Proof? Take a look at the current outcome of our intervention in Iraq.

The 'spiritual' and the 'physical' worlds are both just concepts superimposed over Reality. They are one and the same. The Ordinary and the Miraculous are One. Where do you see another world called 'Heaven'?

The first firmament was made the SECOND Day and God called it "heaven". Gen 1:6-8 The first firmament was placed in the middle or midst of the water, and water was above and below it. IF you know anything about water, you will realize that water completely surrounded the firmament or solid boundary which protected the inside of that enclosed Biosphere.

On the THIRD Day, God made other HeavenS or firmaments which were enclosed Biospheres or other "heavenS". Gen 2:4 IOW, God tells us we live in a Multiverse composed of a minimum of THREE heavens or enclosed Biospheres, which Science calls Universes. The Big Bang, or the beginning of the present Cosmos, was on the THIRD day in God's time, and some 13.7 Billion years ago, in man's time.

Physics equations agree and theorize that there are some 11 Universes within our Multiverse. Satellites are scheduled to be lauched this year which will confirm the gravitational pull from other Universes which can be measured from OUTSIDE our Universe. Parallel universes. [VIDEO]

As you should be able to see, I'm not giving you my personal opinion, but what can be supported by the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science, and History. Do you have any support for your views, or must we take you at your word that you know more than God, and the discoveries of Science, and History? God Bless you.

In Love,


Just old
Premium Member
As I've asked many, many times before, on a lot of other websites,
from where did the water come, it wasn't created with all of the other crap.
I guess the genisis is kind of imcomplete here.
I think Moses kind of messed up.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but I doubt it.


Thou art That
Dear godnotgod, God tells us that the last enemy to be destroyed is death. 1Co 15:26 Do you believe that you know more than God?

No, not more than God, but more than Paul, who was human, and wrote these lines out of ignorance as a man. As I said earlier, God is inside, and God tells me that there is no death to conquer. The key to understanding this is to realize the illusion of self. If there is no self, who is it that is born? Who is it that dies? If you are Unborn, you cannot die.

The teachings of Yeshu were mostly destroyed by Paul and Rome, and replaced with corrupted ideas, such as that death is to be conquered and destroyed. Any spiritually realized individual will tell you that both life and death are illusions. That realization occurs with the transformation of mind that all such people undergo. Yeshu was a mystic, though he understood the orthodoxy as well. AS for the primacy of scripture, it is not the origin of the teachings; it is the traces of the spiritual experience which always comes afterwards, and then formalized into orthodoxy. Without the first hand experience, such teachings are dead. Yeshu said: "You search the scriptures for eternal life, but the scriptures are about me"
The first firmament was made the SECOND Day and God called it "heaven". Gen 1:6-8 The first firmament was placed in the middle or midst of the water, and water was above and below it. IF you know anything about water, you will realize that water completely surrounded the firmament or solid boundary which protected the inside of that enclosed Biosphere.

On the THIRD Day, God made other HeavenS or firmaments which were enclosed Biospheres or other "heavenS". Gen 2:4 IOW, God tells us we live in a Multiverse composed of a minimum of THREE heavens or enclosed Biospheres, which Science calls Universes. The Big Bang, or the beginning of the present Cosmos, was on the THIRD day in God's time, and some 13.7 Billion years ago, in man's time.

Physics equations agree and theorize that there are some 11 Universes within our Multiverse. Satellites are scheduled to be lauched this year which will confirm the gravitational pull from other Universes which can be measured from OUTSIDE our Universe. Parallel universes. [VIDEO]

As you should be able to see, I'm not giving you my personal opinion, but what can be supported by the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science, and History. Do you have any support for your views, or must we take you at your word that you know more than God, and the discoveries of Science, and History? God Bless you.
There are no such things as 'multiverses'. That is just a concept. There can be only one Universe, which is absolute. IOW, uni = one, and if there is only one, there can be no other. What is called multiverses are merely a collection that belong to the one universe.

The Universe is all of spacetime and everything that exists therein, including all planets, stars, galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, the smallest subatomic particles, and all matter and energy. Similar terms include the cosmos, the world, reality, and nature.
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The Adept

Dear The Adept, There were several events which happened BEFORE the Big Bang or the beginning of our Cosmos.

God created matter in the form of air, dust, and water, but darkness and death contaminated it because it was made APART from God ...

According to the bronze-age legends in The Book of Genesis; Water is the one thing that pre-existed and was not made by the bearded wonder. He sort of...found it. Darkness is the other thing he didn't make. It is but an absence of light of-course.

The Multiverse is also a Reality as will be Scientifically confirmed this year.

That's nice.

God told us about it in Genesis, thousands of years ago. Gen 1:6-8 shows that the FIRST firmament, which God called "heaven", was made on the 2nd Day.

The writer means 'the sky'.

Gen 2:4 shows that other HeavenS (Plural) were made on the 3rd Day. That's a Multiverse, composed of at least 3 other Universes


Rogue Theologian
As I've asked many, many times before, on a lot of other websites,
from where did the water come, it wasn't created with all of the other crap.
I guess the genisis is kind of imcomplete here.
I think Moses kind of messed up.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but I doubt it.

Picture yourself as God.....yes you can.

You have found an old man climbing on what people say to be your mountain.
He is eighty years old.
He is climbing that mountain to meet.....YOU.
He is coming to meet his Maker....and then die.

All these years have gone by, and now some old guy is the only one to dare trespass and look at YOU.

The nerve!

Well, ok.....

So you have a conversation, an introduction of sorts.
He can't really see your Face....so the burning bush trip will have to do.

And the conversation is difficult.
You can't really tell him how fusion of hydrogen makes light.

water is as close as it gets.


Just old
Premium Member
hey Thief,
From where did the Hydrogen come,
from what creation ?
One...he died
Two...someone had a conservation, with a dead guy ?
Three...the bush is hot with intrepidation(sic)
Five...I'm only 75
Six...from where did the H2 come ?
oh well.....I tried


Bible Believer
As I've asked many, many times before, on a lot of other websites,
from where did the water come, it wasn't created with all of the other crap.
I guess the genisis is kind of imcomplete here.
I think Moses kind of messed up.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but I doubt it.

Dear mud, The first creation element listed is "heaven", which in Hebrew means air. From this Air came the hydrogen and oxygen necessary to make water. NO ancient goatherder could have possibly known this, since they didn't know that water is from the gases in the air. It's proof that God is the Author of Scripture.

IF ancient men had written Genesis, they would NOT have gotten this Scientific Truth correct, but God did. It's the SAME with ALL of God's Holy Word, IF you can understand Scripture. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
How many kilometres away is heaven?

Dear atanu, Physics equations show that it can be very close. Parallel universes. [VIDEO]

The first heaven, the Universe of Adam was "clean dissolved" in the Flood. Isaiah 24:19
The present heaven, our Cosmos, will be burned. ll Peter 3:10
The future heaven for all Christians, will be forever. ll Corinthians 12:2 speaks of this heaven and Revelation 21:1 calls it the New Heaven and Earth.

Physicists claim as many as eleven heavens, some coming from Black Holes. Scripture simply tells us of other HeavenS (plural) which were made the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4 God Bless you.

In Love,


Rogue Theologian
hey Thief,
From where did the Hydrogen come,
from what creation ?
One...he died
Two...someone had a conservation, with a dead guy ?
Three...the bush is hot with intrepidation(sic)
Five...I'm only 75
Six...from where did the H2 come ?
oh well.....I tried

well ok....
But if you sit still....and at 75 that might be easy.....
think about the beginning.

Let it lapse into a very quiet state of mind.


Thou art That
The first heaven, the Universe of Adam was "clean dissolved" in the Flood. Isaiah 24:19
The present heaven, our Cosmos, will be burned. ll Peter 3:10

The future heaven for all Christians, will be forever. ll Corinthians 12:2 speaks of this heaven and Revelation 21:1 calls it the New Heaven and Earth.

Scripture simply tells us of other HeavenS (plural) which were made the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4 God Bless you.

This kind of childish thinking is the same kind that is reflected in Judaism in the doctrine of animal sacrifice, where human sin and guilt are somehow magically transferred to an animal host, which is killed and then carries the sin and guilt away. It is the notion of the scapegoat, carrying man's guilt away with it into the wilderness, a prefigurement for Jesus, the 'Lamb of God' who is slaughtered and also acts as scapegoat for man. It comes about because of man's ignorance. It is a childish view of reality. Because Christians see the world as corrupt with sin, it cannot be salvaged. So it must be completely erased and a 'new' world put in its place, all magic in the eyes of a child. The view that there is heaven and earth, spirit and material world, is just another reflection of the dualistic, illusory view of unrealized man, which fails to see that the 'two' are in reality, one, that:

'The universe is the Absolute, as seen through the glass of Time, Space, and Causation"

The scientific study of our world, including our own bodies, shows us that it is in a state of continual self-renewal. That is the real magic. If we want a new 'heaven and earth', we need to open our eyes to see it right inside us and before us, and let go of our old views of reality. Yeshu told us as much:

'Unless you turn, and become as little children, you shall not enter into Paradise',

which, as he also told us, is inside, which is where you turn to.
IOW because of our social indoctrination, we create morality and judgments, and therefore condemnations, of others. We then create a heaven and a hell to relegate the appropriate 'deserving' or 'undeserving' to. But to turn and become as children means to see things as they are, not via our social indoctrination. When that occurs, the mind is transformed and we see that we are already in Paradise. The blue-green pearl of Paradise Earth is already magically afloat in the celestial heavens.
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Thou art That
Dear mud, The first creation element listed is "heaven", which in Hebrew means air. From this Air came the hydrogen and oxygen necessary to make water. NO ancient goatherder could have possibly known this, since they didn't know that water is from the gases in the air. It's proof that God is the Author of Scripture.

IF ancient men had written Genesis, they would NOT have gotten this Scientific Truth correct, but God did. It's the SAME with ALL of God's Holy Word, IF you can understand Scripture. God Bless you.

Heh, heh, heh....this is becoming more interesteder and interesteder, LOL..

Mystical traditions, Zen, Yoga, Essenes, Sufism, Kabballah, Taoism, etc., all see the breath as the pathway to higher consciousness, which essentially, is spiritual realization, or divine union. Divine union is the realization of the Paradise within, via the breath.

The ancient Greeks, in fact, saw 'air' as 'spirit'. They called it 'pneuma', which, interestingly enough, is the root word for such modern words as 'pneumonia' and 'pneumatic', to name a couple. It appears that modern science has eviscerated the word of its original meaning, rendering it dead and lifeless.

Before scripture became corrupted with the teachings of blood sacrifice, there are references to the power of the divine breath as the creative force. It is partly for this reason that I strongly suspect the origin of such teachings to have come from the East, India in particular.

Ancients did not know about gas, liquid, and solid interchange? When they boiled water, they saw that it became vapor; they saw that melting snow became liquid; they saw that liquid water became ice.


Bible Believer
Dear The Adept, There were several events which happened BEFORE the Big Bang or the beginning of our Cosmos.

God created matter in the form of air, dust, and water, but darkness and death contaminated it because it was made APART from God ...

Adept:>>According to the bronze-age legends in The Book of Genesis; Water is the one thing that pre-existed and was not made by the bearded wonder. He sort of...found it. Darkness is the other thing he didn't make. It is but an absence of light of-course.

Dear Adept, Those are the ideas of men who lived thousands of years BEFORE Isaac Newton. The reason water wasn't shown as being "created" is that God KNEW that water is a combination of two gases in the air, so the first thing God made was Heaven or Air, with the oxygen and hydrogen necessary to make water.

The Multiverse is also a Reality as will be Scientifically confirmed this year.

That's nice.

God told us about it in Genesis, thousands of years ago. Gen 1:6-8 shows that the FIRST firmament, which God called "heaven", was made on the 2nd Day.

The writer means 'the sky'.

Really? Since the first heaven, Adam's world, the world that THEN WAS was totally destroyed in the Flood, ll Peter 3:3-7 and since the heavens and earth, WHICH ARE NOW, are scheduled to be burned, and then ALL Christians will be taken to the THIRD Heaven, ll Corin. 12:2 where is this "sky" you are falsely supposing. Heavens are the boundaries of the separate Universes or Biospheres, within our Multiverse. Gen 1:6-8

Gen 2:4 shows that other HeavenS (Plural) were made on the 3rd Day. That's a Multiverse, composed of at least 3 other Universes

No reply? Can you tell us HOW ancient men could have possibly known this and written of it in Genesis, thousands of years ago? or do you suppose that ONLY God knew these scientific Truths, and since these Truths are STILL being discovered TODAY, are we reading the writings of a Supreme Being Who has exposed His Supreme Intelligence in His writing? just as all of us do daily on these boards? God Bless you.

In Love,