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What church is the true church?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I do not gather together with those who belong to religions that teach lies. As to being alone, look up, we are never alone. Those who follow a religion, are following men, not Gods word. They are alone.
I suppose you trust some version of the Bible, which one? Where did you learn the proper interpretation of the Bible? From people or directly from God? Have you ever changed your opinion on a Christian doctrine? If so, which one and why?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I do not gather together with those who belong to religions that teach lies. As to being alone, look up, we are never alone. Those who follow a religion, are following men, not Gods word. They are alone.
It seems to me that Adam was alone -- even in his unfallen state, God decided that he needed a human partner.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I read your profile: You stated, Occupation clergy. This means you make money by selling Gods word. Have you never read Gods word? "You receive freely, give freely." You charge money for serving God? When Jesus comes, you will tell him, "Look at all the good things I have done in your name." You know what he will say. "You have your reward."
Gods word is not for sale.
You may believe whatever you wish about me, but until you come and participate in my church, you have no idea what I'm all about -- or what my church is all about. Blind accusations are a waste of everyone's time.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
No, they don't.

You really need to be careful about throwing stones, because "marriage for all eternity" was also not found at all in the church Christ founded.
Plus, using water instead of wine at the holy meal was not found at all in the church Christ founded. That being said, y'all can do whatever pleases you, but don't judge the rest of us for "departing from tradition."

Yeah and neither was the Book of Mormon, I am aware of that.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
No, they don't.

You really need to be careful about throwing stones, because "marriage for all eternity" was also not found at all in the church Christ founded.
Plus, using water instead of wine at the holy meal was not found at all in the church Christ founded. That being said, y'all can do whatever pleases you, but don't judge the rest of us for "departing from tradition."

You are saying the Catholics don't pray to the Virgin Mary?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Yeah and neither was the Book of Mormon, I am aware of that.
So, if you all can participate in these beliefs and activities and be on the safe side of authentic, why can't others participate in their beliefs and activities and still be on the safe side of authentic? Seems like a double standard to me.:shrug:


Admiral Obvious
I do not gather together with those who belong to religions that teach lies. As to being alone, look up, we are never alone. Those who follow a religion, are following men, not Gods word. They are alone.
Makes sense.
You want your lies to be your own.
I understand that.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
Correct. They ask Mary in intercede for them. But that's a different activity than "praying to" Mary.

in other words they are speaking to dead people and asking them to pray for them because God will listen to their prayers more than he will listen to theirs, am I correct?

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
So, if you all can participate in these beliefs and activities and be on the safe side of authentic, why can't others participate in their beliefs and activities and still be on the safe side of authentic? Seems like a double standard to me.:shrug:

I get what you are saying.
Because we believe in modern day revelation, and in many teachings not found anywhere in the New Testament (such as the word of wisdom), what do I have more than the Catholics who also believe in a great many things found no where in the New Testament (such as the rosary.)


Active Member
I suppose you trust some version of the Bible, which one? Where did you learn the proper interpretation of the Bible? From people or directly from God? Have you ever changed your opinion on a Christian doctrine? If so, which one and why?

I believe in the Bible, The first was the KJV. It was written from the Scrolls.The two should match. The sections of the Bible that have been changed, I put back to that of the Scrolls.
I have learned much from many Christian religions. They all have 60-50% truth. It is the parts that that have been changed that do the harm.

Man was designed to live forever, never die, and take care of the earth for God. Does your relegion teach that plan of Gods did not work, so now we go to heaven or hell?
When I was young I asked a priest, "if all the people are going to heaven, or hell, who are the meek that will live on the earth forever?"

I see you are a writer, and live in N, Ca. I am a writer, and live in N,Ca. Do you sail?
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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I believe in the Bible, The first was the KJV. It was written from the Scrolls.The two should match. The sections of the Bible that have been changed, I put back to that of the Scrolls.
I have learned much from many Christian religions. They all have 60-50% truth. It is the parts that that have been changed that do the harm.

Man was designed to live forever, never die, and take care of the earth for God. Does your relegion teach that plan of Gods did not work, so now we go to heaven or hell?
When I was young I asked a priest, "if all the people are going to heaven, or hell, who are the meek that will live on the earth forever?"

I see you are a writer, and live in N, Ca. I am a writer, and live in N,Ca. Do you sail?
In the 80's I lived in San Diego County. I did Scuba diving, surfing, beach volleyball and had a 16 ft catamaran. I loved it, but still had this spiritual void. Something drives me to search for "The" Truth. I have nothing. I quit trusting and believing in religions, yet I'm compelled to keep searching and questioning. You seem to have something that satisfies you. What exactly is it that you've found?


In the 80's I lived in San Diego County. I did Scuba diving, surfing, beach volleyball and had a 16 ft catamaran. I loved it, but still had this spiritual void. Something drives me to search for "The" Truth. I have nothing. I quit trusting and believing in religions, yet I'm compelled to keep searching and questioning. You seem to have something that satisfies you. What exactly is it that you've found?

If you are sincerely searching for the truth then I am confident that the true God will lead you to it.


I believe in the Bible, The first was the KJV. It was written from the Scrolls.The two should match. The sections of the Bible that have been changed, I put back to that of the Scrolls.
I have learned much from many Christian religions. They all have 60-50% truth. It is the parts that that have been changed that do the harm.

Man was designed to live forever, never die, and take care of the earth for God. Does your relegion teach that plan of Gods did not work, so now we go to heaven or hell?
When I was young I asked a priest, "if all the people are going to heaven, or hell, who are the meek that will live on the earth forever?"

I see you are a writer, and live in N, Ca. I am a writer, and live in N,Ca. Do you sail?

The first Bible was KJV and written from "The scrolls"? Where are you learning your facts? What happened to Tyndale and Wycliffe's version? Do you even know which "Scrolls" the KJV was based on? (I.e. manuscript versions)?

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
I get what you are saying.
Because we believe in modern day revelation, and in many teachings not found anywhere in the New Testament (such as the word of wisdom), what do I have more than the Catholics who also believe in a great many things found no where in the New Testament (such as the rosary.)

I would say the thing that the Latter Day Saints have more than the Catholics is the Book of Mormon and the Book of Mormon Challenge, to read the Book of Mormon with real intent having Faith in Christ and ponder its teachings in your heart and God will manifest the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost.


I would say the thing that the Latter Day Saints have more than the Catholics is the Book of Mormon and the Book of Mormon Challenge, to read the Book of Mormon with real intent having Faith in Christ and ponder its teachings in your heart and God will manifest the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Pagans and others in false religions have also experienced the burning feeling in their spiritual practices as validation for their beliefs, but I have never seen anywhere in the Bible that says we are to test whether something is spiritually true by having a feeling or sensation.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
Pagans and others in false religions have also experienced the burning feeling in their spiritual practices as validation for their beliefs, but I have never seen anywhere in the Bible that says we are to test whether something is spiritually true by having a feeling or sensation.

Did I ever say anything concerning a burning of the bosom? no I didn't I just said God would personally reveal the truth of it to you by the power of the Holy Ghost. Is that the only way the Holy Ghost works? No. How many different possible ways are there to receive divine revelation?


I do stuff
Man was designed to live forever, never die, and take care of the earth for God.

Let me get this straight. God's plan for mankind was for us to live for eternity and be some sort of janitor or house keeper for the world. I'm trying to picture in my mind cleaning up after elephants and rhinos for eternity. It doesn't paint a pretty picture in my head. If anything, I think Eve did us all a favor by eating the banana, pineapple or what ever. I'm curious, where are you getting this from? Please quote your sources. You seem to know something I don't. I'm always willing to learn more about the Bible. Personally, I prefer Adam's first wife Lilith. She was a feisty Jewish chick.


Active Member
Did I ever say anything concerning a burning of the bosom? no I didn't I just said God would personally reveal the truth of it to you by the power of the Holy Ghost. Is that the only way the Holy Ghost works? No. How many different possible ways are there to receive divine revelation?

God says, "Seek, and you will find."


Not your average Mormon
Pagans and others in false religions have also experienced the burning feeling in their spiritual practices as validation for their beliefs, but I have never seen anywhere in the Bible that says we are to test whether something is spiritually true by having a feeling or sensation.
Luke 24:30-32 describes the encounter between the resurrected Lord and the two men He walked with on the road to Emmaus. It says:

"And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them. And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight. And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?"

While this passage does not specifically instruct us to "test whether something is spirtually true by having a feeling or sensation," it clearly implies that knowledge of spiritual truths can sometimes be recognized in this way. The two men realized, after the fact, that the feeling they felt while in Christ's presence should have served to enlighten them as to who He was. I certainly wouldn't suggest that this is the only way the Holy Ghost can testify to the truthfulness or reality of something, but it is definitely one way.